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Releases: hydrusnetwork/hydrus

Version 160

10 Jun 20:27
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  • added options for http, socks4, socks5 proxying
  • improved some network-related errors
  • ratings services can have custom border and fill colours for their various states
  • ratings services can now also be squares or stars instead of circles
  • numerical ratings services can disallow zero ratings
  • fixed the JSON parsing error that broke the thread checker
  • shrank the width of the thread checker to make it a little less ugly
  • the autocomplete tag search dropdowns will now accept and search with quickly entered text
  • this new system will substitute siblings in the manage tags dialog
  • fixed rows/s average calculation
  • rows/s is more accurate
  • content update popup string update is less laggy
  • content update popup now shows content rows, rather than content parts
  • removed update 'taking a break' component, as it was not doing the job I wanted it to
  • db debug profile mode can now be turned off lol
  • fixed an error from middle-clicking greyspace in the linux notebook tab area
  • general code cleanup
  • some string conversion code cleanup
  • fixed a missing canvas bmp error with flash/flv embed buttons

Version 159

03 Jun 22:07
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  • split previously monolithic repository updates into smaller pieces
  • added service_update server calls
  • extended content_update server calls to support sub-indices
  • sped up some content update preprocessing code
  • improved some content update preprocessing code
  • radically reduced serverside memory usage while generating updates
  • added iterator splitters to make sure any single update row cannot be too large
  • thanks to iterator splitter, updates should process through the client more smoothly
  • added timespan splitter to make sure any single server update query cannot be too large
  • content updates are resumable if broken part way through downloading the list of them
  • the update popup will state how fast it is currently working in rows per second committed
  • cleanup of a lot of update related code
  • more cleanup of update related code
  • improved serialisable protocol so it'll work better over a network
  • made serialisable protocol much simpler
  • fixed numerical rating system predicate dialog slider range
  • fixed numerical rating system predicate dialog OK for valued predicates
  • fixed numerical rating custom filter action dialog
  • improved some network yaml error handling
  • replaced 'export tags' thumbnail menu entry with a tag archives system
  • replaced 'import metadata' file menu entry with a tag archives system
  • disabled thread dumper and manage imageboards and manage 4chan pass dialogs for now, because dumping code is out of date and completely screwed up
  • client will now not start in idle mode
  • help debug menu has new 'force idle mode' entry
  • idle mode is displayed on status bar
  • simplified client main gui status bar display and code
  • the flash and flv files' embed button now has a little border to delineate it from the canvas background
  • fixed some clientside bandwidth tracking code
  • removed some old networking code
  • made some custom objects draw themselves more efficiently
  • for now, manage tag parents and siblings dialogs will not show deleted rows. I will eventually add a 'show deleted' checkbox, like the manage tags dialog has
  • some static image rendering is slightly less laggy, particularly when browsing large images
  • fixed initial height of manage tags dialog launched from preview window
  • changed the 'search area' vs 'preview' sash gravity so the preview area won't expand or shrink on resize--see if you like it
  • autocomplete dropdown should now hide itself when focus goes to other programs
  • autocomplete dropdown should now hide itself when focus goes to other hydrus frames in os x
  • fleshed out new URLCache object to handle better gallery download url management
  • refactored some file status tracking stuff to a better system
  • refactored gallery page fetching to a better system
  • refactored gallery url handling to a better system
  • some redundant import checking should be much faster
  • improved error handling when booru image page parsing fails to find image url
  • refactored how tags are fetched for DA, tumblr, and giphy as part of the above overhaul
  • misc code cleanup

Version 158

20 May 21:39
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  • subscriptions now have a 'get tags even if file already in db' checkbox, defaulting to false, which will significantly speed up subs with redundant files
  • subscriptions will now more accurately obey initial limit
  • gallery downloaders will now more accurately obey file limit
  • merged some hentai foundry code into the general downloader
  • cleaned and refactored a lot of import page initialisation code
  • cleaned and refactored of lot of import management panel code
  • cleaned and refactored of lot of import code
  • created numerical rating control
  • added numerical rating control to rating dialog
  • added numerical rating control to rating hover window
  • updated like and numerical rating service info for future support of custom colours and shapes
  • fixed listbooks page deletion display
  • fixed manage boorus saving changes to existing panels
  • fixed manage imageboards saving changes to existing panels
  • fixed manage imageboards saving remove imageboard
  • improved and refactored listbook code, further separating active and proto pages
  • improved some listbook name conflict error handling
  • misc cleaning
  • export folders and the export dialog will also export file attributes like access and modification time
  • export folders will now overwrite destination files if they are a different size to the exportee
  • export folders can now be set to 'synchronise', and so will delete any other files in the directory. existing export folders will behave exactly as before
  • improved misc export and import folder code
  • moved folder type tooltip to an explicit bit of text on export and import folder edit dialogs
  • thumbnails can now display multiple hydrus file repository icons (current, pending, and petitioned) if multiple states apply
  • hydrus file repository icons are gone from media viewer--now there is a text list
  • hydrus file repository text list is added to hover window as well.
  • exclude_deleted option will no longer hide files from file repository search results--it was more confusing than helpful
  • improved some error-prone logic in how advanced_import_options were being stored
  • ratings hover window icon background colour is fixed
  • imported bmps should now be converted to pngs with 1:1 colour (before, they were being collapsed to a 256-colour palette, which was showing ugly dither on complicated images).
  • fixed a sometimes segfault crash on search refresh on OS X
  • the preview window now supports a simple right-click menu
  • added 'open installation folder' to file menu
  • improved some media viewer precaching code, which should speed up some scrolling, particularly on the first scroll
  • improved some layout code
  • improved some file permissions code
  • cleaned some canvas code

Version 157

13 May 20:34
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  • fixed a bug in listbook page initialisation and retrieval that was affecting many dialogs on OK
  • some general dialog OK code cleanup
  • fixed a media-navigation bug in managetags dialog
  • fixed a serious OK bug in imageboards dialog
  • created a new 'periodic' object to manage future subscriptions timing improvements
  • started subscription YAML->JSON conversion
  • stopped compressing json in the client db so it is human readable and thus easily editable
  • subscriptions are no longer renamable, as this code was super buggy and could delete other subs
  • tidied up the database menu
  • a bit of misc cleanup
  • in many cases where it was once pseudorandom, services are now reported in alphabetical order
  • prototyped 'like' ratings control
  • added new like ratings control to the background bmp of the media viewer
  • added new like ratings control to the manage ratings dialog
  • added new like ratings control to a new hover window in the top-right
  • added basic additional icon support to new hover window
  • fixed some misc new alignment bugs related to new ratings stuff
  • like ratings controls on the hover window have tooltips
  • fixed up some icon/rating display logic in the background bmp of the media viewer
  • updated ratings dialog error handling

Version 156

06 May 20:29
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  • improved my build workflow in several ways, which should result in fewer orphan files and other build weirdnesses
  • some bad path usage in initialisation icon resizing has been moved to better temp paths
  • hitting page up or down on a manage tags dialog launched from the thumbnail grid no longer clears the current media
  • improved file permissions code across the program
  • fixed import folders daemon's test code for non-windows
  • fixed up some temporary file code that wasn't cleaning up those files when the application was about to close
  • fixed a newline parsing problem in copy/paste tags in the manage tags dialog
  • added tag cleaning to pasting in the manage tags dialog
  • added newline removal into standard tag cleaning process
  • fixed a server db bug that was stopping some accounts from being created
  • fixed some network session exception creation and catching
  • new popup messages should no longer steal focus in most circumstances
  • client should recover from serious popup message manager errors better
  • hover windows will now only pop up if their media viewer is the currently focused frame
  • hover windows will not hide until the mouse moves off them when flash or webm are underneath them
  • os x will no longer vanish media in the media viewer on an action like archive or inbox
  • fixed juddery media mouse dragging in linux
  • improved the way listbooks work to avoid a problem with clientdata in wx linux
  • export folder is gone as the default export location--now it is 'hydrus_export' under the current user's home dir
  • updated windows ffmpeg to latest version
  • fixed an important opencv dll conflict that was causing some gifs to render wrong in windows
  • shift focus media logic improved--shift initial thumbnail is now last image selected
  • shift selection will no longer deselect anything

Version 155

29 Apr 19:33
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  • fixed a frame seek error when looping long and/or large gifs with unusual palettes
  • improved recovery when fps reads as 0 on videos
  • added error detection and graceful recovery and reporting for missing ActiveX flash control
  • removed a lot of old imported messaging code that was slowing down boot
  • removed some other old library imports that are no longer needed
  • gracefully silenced 'application shutdown' daemon errors (they were previously spamming to console)
  • fixed a hover window display check that was sometimes spamming linux with edge-case errors
  • slideshows will now pause while the right-click menu is open, stopping bizarre full program crashes occuring on many menu items while slideshow was in progress
  • fixed a thread_id-sqlite-cache_initialisation problem that was breaking tag archive sync
  • harmonised copy/paste tag protocol in manage tags dialog with 'copy all tags' of the tags list
  • removed some old messaging code in client db creation

Version 154a

25 Apr 22:41
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  • fixed a bug in v154 update code when there was more than one set of shortcuts to convert
  • fixed a faulty default value for num_pixels system predicate that was stopping options from opening
  • fixed an error when video fps is 0

Version 154

23 Apr 00:22
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  • managed to completely break my linux and os x dev environments trying to update python--their release will come soon, once I've cleaned them up
  • removed some old cv code
  • updated to opencv 2.4.11 on windows
  • fixed a bug in trying to upload a small number of tag petitions
  • hover command buttons are now shrunk to exact fit size
  • added zoom buttons to command button hover window
  • added navigation buttons to command button hover window
  • added fullscreen switch button to command button hover window
  • added archive/inbox button to command button hover window
  • added delete button to command button hover window
  • added generic close window button to command button hover window
  • added tooltips to all the command buttons
  • cleaned some misc canvas code
  • hover windows now fit better, without overlap
  • moved media info strings to top of media canvas, so they hide behind hover header
  • hover windows will now not cover webms or gifs when the mouse is over the media container
  • hover command buttons now work for inbox filter, including back/skip buttons
  • inbox/archive button feels and works correctly for the inbox filter
  • updated manage options dialog's 'default file system predicates' mess to use the new cleaner predicate panels
  • all file system predicate defaults have been reset to default
  • added system:num_pixels to file system predicates default panel
  • fixed the system:num_pixels predicate being broken on options save
  • removed the ratings system predicates from file system predicates default panel
  • fixed misc system predicate bugs
  • moved yaml->json conversion forward:
  • settled on object code
  • added built-in compression to serialisation
  • added db tables and access code to support it
  • fixed a little layout mess in the edit custom filter action dialog
  • created a rich 'shortcuts' class for storing shortcut->action information that can be easily expanded to handle mouse events as well
  • new shortcuts class works on new json storage rather than yaml
  • moved custom filter shortcut action storage and general handling to new shortcuts object
  • moved old favourite_shortcuts tests to new code
  • cleaned a lot of the custom filter dialog code
  • rewrote the custom filter setup dialog to work more like other dialogs--now all changes are saved on ok, and save/save as/delete is replaced with add/delete
  • auto-creation of 'previous' shortcuts is removed, as all changes are saved to shortcut sets anyway
  • removed the ratings filters--the numerical filter may make a return in another form, your thoughts would be appreciated
  • fixed a cache counting bug when archiving redundant files during import
  • sped up file deletion a little bit
  • added an inbox cache to reduce laggy inbox checking, particularly search result fetching on dbs with large inboxes
  • fixed subscriptions that have no initial file limit, please reset your sub url caches to fix in these cases
  • did a lot of server/client database merging and refactoring
  • improved some database error handling
  • fixed an error in file repository superbans
  • optimised some critical db code
  • sped up tag censorship filtering
  • added a db profiling mode, accessed from the help menu, that will dump copious db profiling info to the log
  • misc code cleaning
  • improved some popup mesage print sync timing
  • rewrote some server auto-setup code to deal with slowly-starting server

Version 153

08 Apr 18:46
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  • cut out some out of date stuff from help
  • put a nice big red warning at the top of the 'running your own server' page
  • added system:num_pixels for megapixel searching
  • system predicates height, width, ratio, and the new num_pixels are now collapsed to a super-predicate, system:dimensions
  • system:rating will now only show if you have some ratings services
  • the system:rating dialog will now hide like or numerical ratings if you have no services of that kind
  • complete refactorisation of system predicate dialog
  • some misc system predicate bugs and bad panel event precedence fixed
  • shortened all predicate spinctrls
  • improved how system predicates are stored and used for a search
  • moved some view menu items to the download menu and the new search menu
  • all of the download gallery pages are added to the download menu
  • added some explanatory text to the pixiv dialog
  • the tag uploading process will more carefully prepare its subupdates so that mass allocations of the same tag to many files will be split into smaller chunks, avoiding connection timeouts in these cases
  • hover windows will no longer hover over flash files
  • tag hover frame will resize a little based on the canvas width
  • the twenty pixel mouse warping when the mouse starts dragging close to the edge of the media viewer will no longer occur on flash files
  • the canvas buffer for flash files is expanded to five pixels either side
  • the hover tags window will now update itself when the media's tags change
  • new hover window for details and commands, up top of the media viewer
  • moved the old popout windows' buttons to the new hover window
  • added hover window commands for the normal browser
  • cleaned up some general canvas code
  • index string will now display with a slash in all cases (it was a backslash for windows, for accidental reasons)
  • file limit for subscriptions and download pages now has minimum value 1
  • searching for number of tags while tag censorship has some namespaces will no longer throw an error
  • moved boot and exit code responsibility from the splash frame to the controller
  • improved the boot and exit code generally, including dragging feedback lag and error handling
  • improved some thread error handling
  • fattening service info won't trigger on client shutdown quite so much, which should speed up shutdown a little

Version 152

01 Apr 20:52
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  • added prototype hover frame for tags in media view
  • hover frame shouldn't show when a dialog is open
  • manage tags dialog launched from media viewer now has a delete button
  • subscriptions now have an 'initial limit' variable, defaulting to 500, that limits the total number of files the subscription daemon will look for on the initial sync
  • added a similar file limit spinctrl to gallery download pages
  • updated layout of import files dialog
  • cleaned up some ugly global variable scope stuff
  • fixed initialisation of advanced import options in file import dialog
  • made a good start to better object serialisation
  • subscription and repository sync daemon jobs that stop due to a dialog-driven change during processing will now cancel themselves after five seconds
  • fixed namespace (e.g. 'series:') tag censorship
  • fixed the fullscreen switch bug that was breaking an (initially fullscreen)->(non fullscreen) media viewer
  • fixed some search logic (some system predicates were not firing when there were no regular tags present)
  • removed some artificial delays on daemon db access, let's see if it chokes anything
  • harmonised a bunch of client and server controller code
  • created a common controller class and merged a lot of the client and server controller code into it
  • general code cleanup
  • more general code cleanup