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A skeleton code for the Motion Primitives-based planner.

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Motion Primitives-based Planner Node (ROS, C++)


Autonomous driving via motion primitives-based planner.


After building this ROS package using 'catkin_make' in your catkin workspace, launch the motion primitives-based planner node:

roslaunch motion_primitives_planner run.launch


  1. Utility functions

    a. Collision Checking

    bool MotionPlanner::CheckCollision(Node currentNodeMap, nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid localMap)
    TODO: check collision of the current node
    - the position x of the node should be in a range of [0, map width]
    - the position y of the node should be in a range of [0, map height]
    - check all map values within the inflation area of the current node
    for loop i in range(0, inflation_size)
    for loop j in range(0, inflation_size)
    tmp_x := currentNodeMap.x + i - 0.5*inflation_size <- you need to check whether this tmp_x is in [0, map width]
    tmp_y := currentNodeMap.y + j - 0.5*inflation_size <- you need to check whether this tmp_x is in [0, map height]
    map_index := "index of the grid at the position (tmp_x, tmp_y)" <-- map_index should be int, not double!
    map_value = static_cast<int16_t>([map_index])
    if (map_value > map_value_threshold) OR (map_value < 0)
    return true
    return false
    - use params in header file: INFLATION_SIZE, OCCUPANCY_THRES
    return false;

    b. Local to Map Coordinate

    Node MotionPlanner::LocalToMapCorrdinate(Node nodeLocal)
    TODO: Transform from local to occupancy grid map coordinate
    - local coordinate ([m]): x [map min x, map max x], y [map min y, map max y]
    - map coordinate ([cell]): x [0, map width], y [map height]
    - convert [m] to [cell] using map resolution ([m]/[cell])
    // Copy data nodeLocal to nodeMap
    Node nodeMap;
    memcpy(&nodeMap, &nodeLocal, sizeof(struct Node));
    // Transform from local (min x, max x) [m] to map (0, map width) [grid] coordinate
    nodeMap.x = 0;
    // Transform from local (min y, max y) [m] to map (0, map height) [grid] coordinate
    nodeMap.y = 0;
    return nodeMap;

  2. Main algorithms

    a. Generate motion primitives

    std::vector<std::vector<Node>> MotionPlanner::GenerateMotionPrimitives(nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid localMap)
    TODO: Generate motion primitives
    - you can change the below process if you need.
    - you can calculate cost of each motion if you need.
    // initialize motion primitives
    std::vector<std::vector<Node>> motionPrimitives;
    // number of candidates
    int num_candidates = this->MAX_DELTA*2 / this->DELTA_RESOL; // *2 for considering both left/right direction
    // max progress of each motion
    double maxProgress = this->MAX_PROGRESS;
    for (int i=0; i<num_candidates+1; i++) {
    // current steering delta
    double angle_delta = this->MAX_DELTA - i * this->DELTA_RESOL;
    // init start node
    Node startNode(0, 0, 0, angle_delta, 0, 0, 0, -1, false);
    // rollout to generate motion
    std::vector<Node> motionPrimitive = RolloutMotion(startNode, maxProgress, localMap);
    // add current motionPrimitive
    return motionPrimitives;

    b. Compute rollout of a motion primitive

    std::vector<Node> MotionPlanner::RolloutMotion(Node startNode,
    double maxProgress,
    nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid localMap)
    TODO: rollout to generate a motion primitive based on the current steering angle
    - calculate cost terms here if you need
    - check collision / sensor range if you need
    1. Update motion node using current steering angle delta based on the vehicle kinematics equation.
    2. collision checking
    3. range checking
    // Initialize motionPrimitive
    std::vector<Node> motionPrimitive;
    // Init current motion node
    Node currMotionNode(startNode.x, startNode.y, 0,, 0, 0, 0, -1, false);
    // Start from small progress value
    double progress = this->DIST_RESOL;
    // 1. Update motion node using current steering angle delta based on the vehicle kinematics equation
    // - while loop until maximum progress of a motion
    while (progress < maxProgress) {
    // - you can use params in header file (MOTION_VEL, WHEELBASE, TIME_RESOL)
    // - steering angle value is '' or ''
    // x_t+1 := x_t + x_dot * dt
    // y_t+1 := y_t + y_dot * dt
    // yaw_t+1 := yaw_t + yaw_dot * dt
    currMotionNode.x += 0.0;
    currMotionNode.y += 0.0;
    currMotionNode.yaw += 0.0;
    // 2. collision checking
    // - local to map coordinate transform
    Node collisionPointNode(currMotionNode.x, currMotionNode.y, currMotionNode.yaw,, 0, 0, 0, -1, false);
    Node collisionPointNodeMap = LocalToMapCorrdinate(collisionPointNode);
    if (CheckCollision(collisionPointNodeMap, localMap)) {
    // - do some process when collision occurs.
    // - you can save collision information & calculate collision cost here.
    // - you can break and return current motion primitive or keep generate rollout.
    // 3. range checking
    // - if you want to filter out motion points out of the sensor range, calculate the line-of-sight (LOS) distance & yaw angle of the node
    // - LOS distance := sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
    // - LOS yaw := atan2(y, x)
    // - if LOS distance > MAX_SENSOR_RANGE or abs(LOS_yaw) > FOV*0.5 <-- outside of sensor range
    // - if LOS distance <= MAX_SENSOR_RANGE and abs(LOS_yaw) <= FOV*0.5 <-- inside of sensor range
    // - use params in header file (MAX_SENSOR_RANGE, FOV)
    double LOS_DIST = 0.0;
    double LOS_YAW = 0.0;
    if (LOS_DIST > this->MAX_SENSOR_RANGE || abs(LOS_YAW) > this->FOV*0.5) {
    // -- do some process when out-of-range occurs.
    // -- you can break and return current motion primitive or keep generate rollout.
    // append collision-free motion in the current motionPrimitive
    // update progress of motion
    progress += this->DIST_RESOL;
    // return current motion
    return motionPrimitive;

    c. Calculate the cost of motion primitives and select cost-minimum motion

    std::vector<Node> MotionPlanner::SelectMotion(std::vector<std::vector<Node>> motionPrimitives)
    TODO: select the minimum cost motion primitive
    1. Calculate cost terms
    2. Calculate total cost (weighted sum of all cost terms)
    3. Compare & Find minimum cost (double minCost) & minimum cost motion (std::vector<Node> motionMinCost)
    4. Return minimum cost motion
    // Initialization
    double minCost = 9999999;
    std::vector<Node> motionMinCost; // initialize as odom
    // check size of motion primitives
    if (motionPrimitives.size() != 0) {
    // Iterate all motion primitive (motionPrimitive) in motionPrimitives
    for (auto& motionPrimitive : motionPrimitives) {
    // 1. Calculate cost terms
    // 2. Calculate total cost
    double cost_total = 0.0;
    // 3. Compare & Find minimum cost & minimum cost motion
    if (cost_total < minCost) {
    motionMinCost = motionPrimitive;
    minCost = cost_total;
    // 4. Return minimum cost motion
    return motionMinCost;

    d. Publish control commands

    void MotionPlanner::PublishCommand(std::vector<Node> motionMinCost)
    TODO: Publish control commands
    - Two components in the AckermannDrive message is used: steering_angle and speed.
    - Compute steering angle using your controller or other method.
    - Calculate proper speed command
    - Publish data
    ackermann_msgs::AckermannDrive command;
    command.steering_angle = 0.0;
    command.speed = 0.0;
    std::cout << "command steer/speed : " << command.steering_angle*180/M_PI << " " << command.speed << std::endl;

Class & Parameters (in motion_primitives_planner_node.hpp)

  • Use the class "Node" to manage the position, cost, and collision status of nodes in motion primitives

    class Node
    // The default constructor for 3D array initialization
    Node(): Node(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, false) {}
    // Constructor for a node with the given arguments
    Node(double x, double y, double yaw, double delta,
    double cost_dir, double cost_colli, double cost_total,
    int idx, bool collision) {
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    this->yaw = yaw;
    this->delta = delta;
    this->cost_dir = cost_dir;
    this->cost_colli = cost_colli;
    this->cost_total = cost_total;
    this->idx = idx;
    this->collision = collision;
    // the x position
    double x;
    // the y position
    double y;
    // the heading yaw
    double yaw;
    // the steering angle delta
    double delta;
    // the direction cost
    double cost_dir;
    // the collision cost
    double cost_colli;
    // the total cost
    double cost_total;
    // the index on path
    int idx;
    // flag for collision
    bool collision;

  • Change (tune) parameters if you need

    // Parameters
    double FOV = 85.2 * (M_PI / 180.0); // [rad] FOV of point cloud (realsense)
    double MAX_SENSOR_RANGE = 10.0; // [m] maximum sensor range (realsense)
    double WHEELBASE = 0.27; // [m] wheelbase of the vehicle (our RC vehicle is near 0.26 m)
    // TODO: Change (tune) below parameters if you need
    double DIST_RESOL = 0.2; // [m] distance resolution for rollout
    double TIME_RESOL = 0.05; // [sec] time resolution between each motion (for rollout)
    double MOTION_VEL = DIST_RESOL / TIME_RESOL; // [m/s] velocity between each motion (for rollout)
    double DELTA_RESOL = 0.5 * (M_PI / 180.0); // [rad] angle resolution for steering angle sampling
    double MAX_DELTA = 10.0 * (M_PI / 180.0); // [rad] maximum angle for steering angle sampling
    double MAX_PROGRESS = 5.0; // [m] max progress of motion
    double INFLATION_SIZE = 0.5 / DIST_RESOL; // [grid] inflation size [m] / grid_res [m/grid]
    // Map info
    // TODO: Match below parameters with your cost map
    double mapMinX = -5; // [m] minimum x position of the map
    double mapMaxX = 15; // [m] maximum x position of the map
    double mapMinY = -10; // [m] minimum y position of the map
    double mapMaxY = 10; // [m] maximum y position of the map
    double mapResol = 0.1; // [m/cell] The map resolution
    double origin_x = 0.0; // [m] x position of the map origin
    double origin_y = 0.0; // [m] y position of the map origin
    std::string frame_id = "base_link"; // frame id of the map
    int OCCUPANCY_THRES = 50; // occupancy value threshold

Topics to Subscribe

  • /map/local_map/obstacle <-- local cost map

Topics to Publish

  • /points/selected_motion <-- selected motion primitive for visualization
  • /points/motion_primitives <-- motion primitives for visualization
  • /car_1/command <-- control command


A skeleton code for the Motion Primitives-based planner.






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