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Setting up a sync server

hynner edited this page May 18, 2013 · 1 revision


GLOTR itself is not likely to work on any free webhosting service and if it does, you´ll probably be banned soon. That´s the reason I´ve created glotr-sync. It should work on most of the free webhosting services (you can be banned though, so you should regulary visit it yourself in order to display the ads!). However you should understand that using central GLOTR on paid webhosting is and always will be much better.


Consult glotr-sync readme for installation - here
Also don´t forget to set enableSync option in /config/ServerConf.neon to true!


Go to Sychronization page on your GLOTR. Fill in the add the form:

  • Server name - just a label for you
  • username - server username for glotr-sync
  • password - password to your server account on glotr-sync
  • Account is already created on sync server - when you check this option, registration data will not be send to glotr-sync server. Check it for example when you already have an account there. Then you must wait till glotr-sync admin activates your account, when it is activated hit the verify button and that´s it.


  • Don´t use same account for multiple servers, you won´t recieve updates.
  • If you use multiple sync servers make sure that there are no users (GLOTR servers) that have two common sync servers set. This would cause an update loop which would effectively destroy the entire network. So I recommend not using two public sync servers. If you want to have backup, create another server but don´t give anyone else access to it.