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Borislav Iordanov edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

Installing Protege HyperGraphDB Extensions

The currently supported version of Protege is 4.3 which can be downloaded from here:

To install Protege, follow their installation instructions and make sure you can start it. I tend to use the .zip distribution and then or run.cmd. Note that it comes with the Fact++ which may fail to work on some older Linux system due to a native dependency. If you get a startup error related to Fact++, simply delete PROTEGE_HOME/plugins/ and use the HermitT reasoner instead.

Note that HyperGraphDB-Protege plugin needs Java 7 to run. The plugin itself can be download from here:

Installing the plugin is as simple as unpacking the distribution inside your PROTEGE_HOME directory. It will just copy several .jar files, OSGI modules, inside the PROTEGE_HOME/plugins directory. You then need to restart protege.

What happens when you restart Protege with the HyperGraphDB plugin:

  1. A new HyperGraphDB database instance is automatically created in your home directory under .protegehgdb. This is a default location and you can change it in your preferences after you restart Protege.
  2. A few extra menus will be added: HyperGraphDB, Versioning and Team. Those will be pretty self-explanatory, but we've outlined some use case scenarios that walk you through importing ontologies, the version control functions, connecting with team members etc.
  3. A preferences tab called Hypergraph under the main Protege preferences dialog (under the File->Preferences menu). This is where you can change the database location (normally there is no need for that) and more importantly this where you configure your P2P (peer-to-peer) network so you can communicate with your team members and whatever standalone ontology repositories you have setup. See the configuring the peer-to-peer network page for more information on that.
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