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HyperTrace SDK


This repository contains the iOS SDK for the BlueTrace protocol.


Using Swift Package Manager is the easiest way to install the SDK.

  1. Go to Package Dependencies in your Xcode project.
  2. Enter the URL of this repository:

App Requirements

Your app needs to have Background Modes Capability enabled for the following modes:

  1. Uses Bluetooth LE accessories.
  2. Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory.
  3. Remote notification.

Please also add Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description and Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description in the Info.plist.

You also need to have a Hypertrace server running.



Before the tracing started, you need to initialize the SDK and call the start function.

import HyperTraceSDK

  .start(baseUrl: "hypertrace-server-url-here",
         uid: UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "userId")!)

Setting configuration

Interval of the scanning

By default, the SDK will scan nearby devices every 60 seconds. You can change this value by calling the following function.

HyperTrace.setScanningInterval(10) // set the interval every 10 seconds.

Duration of the scanning

By default, the SDK will scan nearby devices for 10 seconds each time. You can change this value by calling the following function.

HyperTrace.setScanningDuration(5) // set the duration to 5 seconds.

Service ID

To set the service ID, add a key in Info.plist called TRACER_SVC_ID.

Characteristic ID

To set the characteristic ID, add a key in Info.plist called V2_CHARACTERISTIC_ID.


To set the organization ID, add a key in Info.plist called TRACER_ORG.

Data Upload

To upload the encounters data, call the upload function.

import HyperTraceSDK

// code is a security string given by authority
HyperTrace.shared().upload(code: code) { [weak self] error in
    guard error == nil else {
        // show error alert or something

    // at this point, you can show success message or something

Upload Timeout

Under the hood, the SDK uses URLSession with the default configuration, which sets the request timeout to 60 seconds. To change this value, you need to pass your custom session configuration when calling the start function as follows.

import HyperTraceSDK

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 1000 // in seconds

  .start(baseUrl: "hypertrace-server-url-here",
         uid: UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "userId")!,
         sessionConfiguration: configuration)

Stop Tracing

To stop the tracing, call the stop function.


Data Clean Up

To prevent excessive amount of encounter data stored in the device, your app needs to call removeData function from time to time. It's better to call this function when your app enters foreground.


By default, that function will delete all encounters which are older than 21 days. You can change the cut off time as follows

HyperTrace.removeData(olderThan: 10, unit: .day) // Remove all encounters which are older than 10 days ago

Number of Encounters Data

You can get the number of encounters saved in the device as follows

let encountersCount = HyperTrace.countEncounters() // The default. Get the number of all encounters which are older than 21 days ago
let encountersCount2 = HyperTrace.countEncounters(olderThan: 1, unit: .minute) // Get the number of all encounters which are older than 1 minute ago
let encountersCount3 = HyperTrace.countEncounters(inTheLast: 1, unit: .minute) // Get the number of all encounters in the last 1 minute


For debugging purpose, you can observe the encounter logs by getting the NSFetchedResultsController instance.

import HyperTraceSDK
import CoreData

class LogViewController: UITableViewController {
  var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController<Encounter>?

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Upload", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(addTapped))

    // get the NSFetchedResultsController instance from HyperTrace SDK
    fetchedResultsController = HyperTrace.shared().getFetchedResultsController(delegate: self)

  override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    do {
      // start fetching and listening to the encounters
      try fetchedResultsController?.performFetch()
    } catch let error as NSError {
      print("Could not perform fetch. \(error), \(error.userInfo)")

For a working example, see the HyperTrace Sample app.


This project uses SwiftFormat to format and lint the swift files. The GitHub Actions workflow will lint the swift files before running the tests. To lint the swift files locally, run the following command.

swiftformat --lint Sources

To format your swift files, run the following command.

swiftformat Sources


The tests can be run either from the Xcode, or from the Terminal using the following command

# Run the tests and generate coverage
xcodebuild -scheme HyperTraceSDK -enableCodeCoverage YES -derivedDataPath build/ clean build test -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 Pro'
# Show the compact coverage result in the terminal
xcrun xccov view --report --only-targets ./build/Logs/Test/*.xcresult


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