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A ruby gem for aries-sdk.

Migration notice

Aries Code Repositories are in the process of being migrated from various other locations, including Hyperledger Indy repositories where the Aries work was incubated. Some of the code requires refactoring work to split it from unrelated assets prior to migration.

The status of these code migrations is under regular discussion on the #aries channel on and in the Aries Working Group weekly call. Please join us there to understand migration status and help identify places where help is needed.

When the appropriate code is migrated to this repoisitory, this README file will be updated.


Create a new rails application:

$ rails new aries-sdk-ruby-rails --skip-active-record
$ cd aries-sdk-ruby-rails

Then, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aries-sdk-ruby'

You must have rust installed and set LIBRARY_PATH:

$ export LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/to/indy-sdk/libindy/target/debug/

See these instructions to install or build the Indy SDK. Then, execute:

$ bundle

WARNING: You may have to wait a bit for the native extension to build the aries-sdk-ruby gem.


To try out the gem, execute:

$ bundle exec rails c
> wallet ="mywallet")
> wallet.create
> pool ="mypool")
> pool.create

If you check ~/.indy_client/pool and ~/.indy_client/wallet directories, you should see the pool and wallet you created.


First, you must have rust installed and set LIBRARY_PATH:

$ export LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/to/indy-sdk/libindy/target/debug/

See these instructions to install or build the Indy SDK. Then, clone the repo and execute:

$ rake
$ rspec

Gem Building

Bump the gem version number up in the gemspec file, then:

$ bundle
$ gem build aries-sdk-ruby.gemspec
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: aries-sdk-ruby
Version: 0.0.x
File: aries-sdk-ruby-0.0.x.gem
$ gem push aries-sdk-ruby-0.0.x.gem


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


A sample rails app is available here


  • 0.0.8 ** Support for AriesPool::sign_and_submit


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.