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Merge pull request #2059 from JonathanLevi/caTCAPrefactoring
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2037: separate the TCAP functionality from the TCA (tca.go -> tcap.go)
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srderson committed Jun 29, 2016
2 parents d171cc4 + a48c78a commit f519d0a
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Showing 2 changed files with 360 additions and 332 deletions.
332 changes: 0 additions & 332 deletions membersrvc/ca/tca.go
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Expand Up @@ -17,31 +17,18 @@ limitations under the License.
package ca

import (

pb ""


var (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,11 +57,6 @@ type TCA struct {
preKeys map[string][]byte

// TCAP serves the public GRPC interface of the TCA.
type TCAP struct {
tca *TCA

// TCertSet contains relevant information of a set of tcerts
type TCertSet struct {
Ts int64
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,222 +220,6 @@ func (tca *TCA) startTCAA(srv *grpc.Server) {
pb.RegisterTCAAServer(srv, &TCAA{tca})

// ReadCACertificate reads the certificate of the TCA.
func (tcap *TCAP) ReadCACertificate(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Empty) (*pb.Cert, error) {
Trace.Println("grpc TCAP:ReadCACertificate")

return &pb.Cert{Cert: tcap.tca.raw}, nil

func (tcap *TCAP) selectValidAttributes(certRaw []byte) ([]*pb.ACAAttribute, error) {
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certRaw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var ans []*pb.ACAAttribute

if cert.Extensions == nil {
return ans, nil
currentTime := time.Now()
for _, extension := range cert.Extensions {
acaAtt := &pb.ACAAttribute{AttributeName: "", AttributeValue: nil, ValidFrom: &google_protobuf.Timestamp{Seconds: 0, Nanos: 0}, ValidTo: &google_protobuf.Timestamp{Seconds: 0, Nanos: 0}}

if IsAttributeOID(extension.Id) {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(extension.Value, acaAtt); err != nil {

if acaAtt.AttributeName == "" {
var from, to time.Time
if acaAtt.ValidFrom != nil {
from = time.Unix(acaAtt.ValidFrom.Seconds, int64(acaAtt.ValidFrom.Nanos))
if acaAtt.ValidTo != nil {
to = time.Unix(acaAtt.ValidTo.Seconds, int64(acaAtt.ValidTo.Nanos))

//Check if the attribute still being valid.
if (from.Before(currentTime) || from.Equal(currentTime)) && (to.IsZero() || to.After(currentTime)) {
ans = append(ans, acaAtt)
return ans, nil

func (tcap *TCAP) requestAttributes(id string, ecert []byte, attrs []*pb.TCertAttribute) ([]*pb.ACAAttribute, error) {
//TODO we are creation a new client connection per each ecer request. We should be implement a connections pool.
sock, acaP, err := GetACAClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer sock.Close()
var attrNames []*pb.TCertAttribute

for _, att := range attrs {
attrName := pb.TCertAttribute{AttributeName: att.AttributeName}
attrNames = append(attrNames, &attrName)

req := &pb.ACAAttrReq{
Ts: &google_protobuf.Timestamp{Seconds: time.Now().Unix(), Nanos: 0},
Id: &pb.Identity{Id: id},
ECert: &pb.Cert{Cert: ecert},
Attributes: attrNames,
Signature: nil}

var rawReq []byte
rawReq, err = proto.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var r, s *big.Int

r, s, err = primitives.ECDSASignDirect(tcap.tca.priv, rawReq)

if err != nil {
return nil, err

R, _ := r.MarshalText()
S, _ := s.MarshalText()

req.Signature = &pb.Signature{Type: pb.CryptoType_ECDSA, R: R, S: S}

resp, err := acaP.RequestAttributes(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

if resp.Status >= pb.ACAAttrResp_FAILURE_MINVAL && resp.Status <= pb.ACAAttrResp_FAILURE_MAXVAL {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Error fetching attributes = ", resp.Status))

return tcap.selectValidAttributes(resp.Cert.Cert)

// CreateCertificateSet requests the creation of a new transaction certificate set by the TCA.
func (tcap *TCAP) CreateCertificateSet(ctx context.Context, in *pb.TCertCreateSetReq) (*pb.TCertCreateSetResp, error) {
Trace.Println("grpc TCAP:CreateCertificateSet")

id := in.Id.Id
raw, err := tcap.tca.eca.readCertificateByKeyUsage(id, x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return tcap.createCertificateSet(ctx, raw, in)

func (tcap *TCAP) createCertificateSet(ctx context.Context, raw []byte, in *pb.TCertCreateSetReq) (*pb.TCertCreateSetResp, error) {
var attrs = []*pb.ACAAttribute{}
var err error
var id = in.Id.Id
var timestamp = in.Ts.Seconds
const TCERT_SUBJECT_COMMON_NAME_VALUE string = "Transaction Certificate"

if in.Attributes != nil && viper.GetBool("aca.enabled") {
attrs, err = tcap.requestAttributes(id, raw, in.Attributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

pub := cert.PublicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)

r, s := big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0)

//sig := in.Sig
in.Sig = nil

hash := primitives.NewHash()
raw, _ = proto.Marshal(in)
if ecdsa.Verify(pub, hash.Sum(nil), r, s) == false {
return nil, errors.New("signature does not verify")

// Generate nonce for TCertIndex
nonce := make([]byte, 16) // 8 bytes rand, 8 bytes timestamp

mac := hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), tcap.tca.hmacKey)
raw, _ = x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub)
kdfKey := mac.Sum(nil)

num := int(in.Num)
if num == 0 {
num = 1

// the batch of TCerts
var set []*pb.TCert

for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
tcertid := util.GenerateIntUUID()

// Compute TCertIndex
tidx := []byte(strconv.Itoa(2*i + 1))
tidx = append(tidx[:], nonce[:]...)
tidx = append(tidx[:], Padding...)

mac := hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), kdfKey)
extKey := mac.Sum(nil)[:32]

mac = hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), kdfKey)
mac = hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), mac.Sum(nil))

one := new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
k := new(big.Int).SetBytes(mac.Sum(nil))
k.Mod(k, new(big.Int).Sub(pub.Curve.Params().N, one))
k.Add(k, one)

tmpX, tmpY := pub.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
txX, txY := pub.Curve.Add(pub.X, pub.Y, tmpX, tmpY)
txPub := ecdsa.PublicKey{Curve: pub.Curve, X: txX, Y: txY}

// Compute encrypted TCertIndex
encryptedTidx, err := primitives.CBCPKCS7Encrypt(extKey, tidx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

extensions, preK0, err := tcap.generateExtensions(tcertid, encryptedTidx, cert, attrs)

if err != nil {
return nil, err

spec := NewDefaultPeriodCertificateSpecWithCommonName(id, TCERT_SUBJECT_COMMON_NAME_VALUE, tcertid, &txPub, x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature, extensions...)
if raw, err = tcap.tca.createCertificateFromSpec(spec, timestamp, kdfKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err

set = append(set, &pb.TCert{Cert: raw, Prek0: preK0})

tcap.tca.persistCertificateSet(id, timestamp, nonce, kdfKey)

return &pb.TCertCreateSetResp{Certs: &pb.CertSet{Ts: in.Ts, Id: in.Id, Key: kdfKey, Certs: set}}, nil

func (tca *TCA) getCertificateSets(enrollmentID string) ([]*TCertSet, error) {
var sets = []*TCertSet{}
var err error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,101 +261,3 @@ func (tca *TCA) persistCertificateSet(enrollmentID string, timestamp int64, nonc
func (tca *TCA) retrieveCertificateSets(enrollmentID string) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return tca.db.Query("SELECT enrollmentID, timestamp, nonce, kdfkey FROM TCertificateSets WHERE enrollmentID=?", enrollmentID)

// Generate encrypted extensions to be included into the TCert (TCertIndex, EnrollmentID and attributes).
func (tcap *TCAP) generateExtensions(tcertid *big.Int, tidx []byte, enrollmentCert *x509.Certificate, attrs []*pb.ACAAttribute) ([]pkix.Extension, []byte, error) {
// For each TCert we need to store and retrieve to the user the list of Ks used to encrypt the EnrollmentID and the attributes.
extensions := make([]pkix.Extension, len(attrs))

// Compute preK_1 to encrypt attributes and enrollment ID
preK1, err := tcap.tca.getPreKFrom(enrollmentCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

mac := hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), preK1)
preK0 := mac.Sum(nil)

// Compute encrypted EnrollmentID
mac = hmac.New(primitives.GetDefaultHash(), preK0)
enrollmentIDKey := mac.Sum(nil)[:32]

enrollmentID := []byte(enrollmentCert.Subject.CommonName)
enrollmentID = append(enrollmentID, Padding...)

encEnrollmentID, err := primitives.CBCPKCS7Encrypt(enrollmentIDKey, enrollmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

attributeIdentifierIndex := 9
count := 0
attrsHeader := make(map[string]int)
// Encrypt and append attrs to the extensions slice
for _, a := range attrs {

value := []byte(a.AttributeValue)

//Save the position of the attribute extension on the header.
attrsHeader[a.AttributeName] = count

if isEnabledAttributesEncryption() {
value, err = attributes.EncryptAttributeValuePK0(preK0, a.AttributeName, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

// Generate an ObjectIdentifier for the extension holding the attribute
TCertEncAttributes := asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, attributeIdentifierIndex + count}

// Add the attribute extension to the extensions array
extensions[count-1] = pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncAttributes, Critical: false, Value: value}

// Append the TCertIndex to the extensions
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncTCertIndex, Critical: true, Value: tidx})

// Append the encrypted EnrollmentID to the extensions
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncEnrollmentID, Critical: false, Value: encEnrollmentID})

// Append the attributes header if there was attributes to include in the TCert
if len(attrs) > 0 {
headerValue, err := attributes.BuildAttributesHeader(attrsHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if isEnabledAttributesEncryption() {
headerValue, err = attributes.EncryptAttributeValuePK0(preK0, attributes.HeaderAttributeName, headerValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertAttributesHeaders, Critical: false, Value: headerValue})

return extensions, preK0, nil

// RevokeCertificate revokes a certificate from the TCA. Not yet implemented.
func (tcap *TCAP) RevokeCertificate(context.Context, *pb.TCertRevokeReq) (*pb.CAStatus, error) {
Trace.Println("grpc TCAP:RevokeCertificate")

return nil, errors.New("not yet implemented")

// RevokeCertificateSet revokes a certificate set from the TCA. Not yet implemented.
func (tcap *TCAP) RevokeCertificateSet(context.Context, *pb.TCertRevokeSetReq) (*pb.CAStatus, error) {
Trace.Println("grpc TCAP:RevokeCertificateSet")

return nil, errors.New("not yet implemented")

func isEnabledAttributesEncryption() bool {
//TODO this code is commented because attributes encryption is not yet implemented.
//return viper.GetBool("tca.attribute-encryption.enabled")
return false

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