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Updates helm charts #98

Updates helm charts

Updates helm charts #98

name: hypertrace release workflow
# The existing workflow of updating helm charts, creates PR with branch - update-helm-chart
# Once the PR is ready, the below workflow is used to validated HT deployment by running GraphQL
# and e2e tests. So, if you want to verify the release PR, run the below steps
# locally or on your hosted m/c using -
# We have planned in the future to automate using the `pull_request` trigger with a hosted runner.
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - update-helm-charts
runs-on: self-hosted
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: update-helm-charts
- name: Start minikube
run: minikube start --driver=none
- name: Install Hypertrace
working-directory: kubernetes
run: |
kubectl create ns hypertrace
./ install --clean
- name: Cluster Info
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: |
df -h
minikube logs
minikube status
- name: Show Hypertrace deployment data
run: |
kubectl get pods -n hypertrace
kubectl get services -n hypertrace
- name: Set up Minikube tunnel
run: |
minikube tunnel > /tmp/minikube-tunnel/a.log &
- name: Waits for some stability
run: |
sleep 40 # you can decrease it but never increase it
kubectl get services -n hypertrace
- name: Ingest traces
working-directory: ./.github/graphql-e2e-tests/
run: |
- name: Waits for some stability
run: |
sleep 40 # you can decrease it but never increase it
kubectl get services -n hypertrace
- name: run GraphQL tests
working-directory: ./.github/graphql-e2e-tests/
run: |
export HTUI_IP=$(kubectl get service hypertrace-ui -n hypertrace -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
./gradlew run
- name: run UI tests
working-directory: ./.github/ui-e2e-tests/
run: |
npm install
npm audit fix
CHROMEDRIVER_RELEASE="$(google-chrome --product-version)" && npm run install-web-driver --${CHROMEDRIVER_RELEASE}
export HTUI_IP=$(kubectl get service hypertrace-ui -n hypertrace -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
npx protractor protractor.conf.js --suite smoke --baseUrl "http://${HTUI_IP}:2020"
- name: Uninstall Hypertrace
if: ${{ always() }}
working-directory: kubernetes
run: ./ uninstall
- name: Clean up minikube
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
minikube stop
minikube delete --all
- name: Clean up
if: ${{ always() }}
run: rm -r -f hypertrace