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Releases: hypertrace/javaagent

Release 1.2.4

06 Jun 16:36
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ENG-16503   Show request body for x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP requests…

… (#363)

* ENG-16503   Show request body for x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP requests

* Fix snyk-scan issues

* Switch to version 2.13.3 of jackson.dataformat

* Use Jackson to convert object into JSON

* Fix formatting of ContentTypeUtils

Release 1.2.3

22 Feb 17:15
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:arrow_up: upgrade otel java instrumentation (#362)

Release 1.2.2

02 Feb 17:47
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:arrow_up: upgrade otel and slf4j (#358)

Release 1.2.1

24 Jan 16:55
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Upgrade otel 1 10 (#357)

* :arrow_up: upgrade otel

* :recycle: update servlet-common packaging

* :recycle: update HttpStatusConverter package location'

* :recycle: update TestOpenTelemetryInstaller to be an AgentListener

* :heavy_plus_sign: add new deps to the testing bootstrap

* :heavy_plus_sign: add logging exporter to classpath explicitly for tests

* :recycle: fix initialization in instrumentation tests

* :heavy_plus_sign: add servlet-common bootstrap to test runtime for servlet projects

* :recycle: refactor MuzzlePlugin to handle refactor of MuzzleGradlePluginUtil to kotlin companion object'

* :bug: fix muzzle check for instrumentation modules that need the servlet-common bootstrap

* :arrow_up: upgrade byte buddy

* :bug: fix expected metric name for otlp exporter exported'

* :bug: disable assertions failing due to upstream bug

Release 1.2.0

11 Jan 17:16
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:arrow_up: upgrade otel 1.6 (#347)

* :arrow_up: upgrade to 1.6.0 snapshot release

* :heavy_plus_sign: add grpc to smoke tests

* :arrow_up: upgrade sdk to 1.6.0

* :heavy_plus_sign: add missing otel sdk dependency

* :recycle: update for breaking API changes

* :arrow_up: upgrade to non snapshot release

* :arrow_up: upgrade otel patch version

* :heavy_plus_sign: add grpc runtime dependencies for smoke test app

* :bug: save context in property for access/removal in entity interceptor

* :alembic: disable client pipeline replacement'

* :bug: fix bug with incorrect tracing handler name in replacement

* :arrow_up: upgrade dependencies

Release 1.1.10

23 Jul 20:11
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🐛 Fix spring boot smoke test taking a long time, set more sensible de…

…fault for OPA endpoint  (#343)

* :sparkles: set default OPA endpoint to localhost

* :zap: set timeoout on waitForTraces

Release 1.1.9

23 Jul 17:39
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:bug: build/smoke test  checkout action usage now checks out head of …

…main branch (#342)

Release 1.1.8

21 Jul 18:52
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🐛 gRPC header capture with shaded netty module and body capture witho…

…ut (#339)

* :white_check_mark: add test tasks for gRPC 1.30.0

* :recycle: move GrpcSemanticAttributes to common library for access across grpc instrumentation modules

* :sparkles: add instrumentation for grpc-shaded-netty-1.9

* :art: format grpc-1.6 build

* :bug: fix classpath for versioned test source set

* :white_check_mark: add muzzle check for module

* :art: format shaded netty module

* :recycle: move usages of grpc-common to util class

* :bug: add names to instrumentation module

* :art: format utils

* :truck: rename NettyUtils

* :truck: move around classes

* :truck: move instrumentation classes to separate file

* :bug: copy-paste build script bug

* :fire: remove unneeded helper class method

* :white_check_mark: update muzzle policy to be more restrictive, we need to work without JsonFormat available on the application class loader

* :sparkles: add shaded project for protobuf-java-util

* :recycle: use shaded protobuf java util in grpc instrumentation

* :fire: remove unneeded relocations

Release 1.1.7

15 Jul 13:13
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⬆️ Upgrade min gRPC version to 1.6 (#338)

* :arrow_up: update GRPC version

* :truck: rename grpc package to end in v1_6

* :truck: rename grpc-1.5 directory to grpc-1.6

* :pencil: update docs to reflect gRPC min version

Release 1.1.6

13 Jul 14:10
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:bug: set Java 8 release compiler option (#334)