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A module for collecting errors, stack traces and other information globally from within your Angular app e.g. for saving to a remote service or for displaying

Build Status Bower version  NPM devDependency Status

Reasons to use

It's anyoing to handle all errors in controller and service and also very defective. So instead of surfacing the log it would be cool to manage them at a central place and maybe store them via on a backend service


Install this module:

bower install angular-errorhandler --save

Add the dependencies

/*global app: true*/
var app = angular.module('resourcesApp', [
    'ngErrorHandler.ui' // optional

If you like to display the error message within your app, also include the ui module.

Configure the service to be handled:

app.config(function ($provide, errorHandlerServiceProvider, errorHandlerConfig) {
    'use strict';

    // enable UI feedback attach
    errorHandlerConfig.feedbackAttach = true;
    errorHandlerConfig.customErrorHandler = 'errorHandlingService';
    // decorate the mentioned [services] with automatic error handling.
    errorHandlerServiceProvider.decorate($provide, ['eventService']);


This module instruments Angular's interceptors to invoke a configurable set for the error handling.