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UpVote in Hypha DAO

Nikolaus Heger edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 1 revision

UpVote in Hypha DAO

Hypha DAO implements upvote by running an upvote election, at the end of which the chief delegates receive a badge and extra voice power.

Technical Considerations

The idea was to keep the Eden process as close to Edenia implementation as possible

Rounds and sizes

Depending on the number of participants, an Eden election has a certain number of expected rounds and expected group sizes per round.

We use Edenia code to calculate both - at the start of each round, we calculate the minimum group size, and number of groups.

We then spread the members evenly amongst the groups - some if the groups will end up with 1 more member than others.

Random Seed

We use the same code as Edenia for setting a random seed to the election based on Bitcoin block hash at a certain point in time. This is the source of randomness throughout the election.