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Releases: hyriver/py3dep


12 Jun 04:49
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Release Notes

New Features

  • In deg2mpm function look for _FillValue and nodatavals in the attributes and if not found, fall back to numpy.nan.

Internal Changes

  • Ensure that the deg2mpm function uses dask if the input is dask-enabled.
  • In the elevation_profile function use a bounding box to get DEM and a linear interpolation to get the elevation along the profile.


03 Apr 22:19
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new function called query_3dep_sources for querying bounds of 3DEP's data sources within a bounding box. It returns a geo-dataframe that contains the bounding box of each data source and a column dem_res identifying the resolution of the raw topographic data within each geometry.
  • Add a new function called elevation_profile for getting elevation profile along a line at a given spacing. This function converts the line to a B-spline and then calculates the elevation along the spline at a given uniform spacing.

Breaking Changes

  • Remove caching-related arguments from all functions since now they can be set globally via three environmental variables:

    • HYRIVER_CACHE_NAME: Path to the caching SQLite database.
    • HYRIVER_CACHE_EXPIRE: Expiration time for cached requests in seconds.
    • HYRIVER_CACHE_DISABLE: Disable reading/writing from/to the cache file.

    You can do this like so:

import os

os.environ["HYRIVER_CACHE_NAME"] = "path/to/file.sqlite"
os.environ["HYRIVER_CACHE_EXPIRE"] = "3600"
os.environ["HYRIVER_CACHE_DISABLE"] = "true"


15 Jan 17:56
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new DEM source to elevation_bycoords to get elevation from the National Map's 3DEP WMS service. This can replace the tnm source since tnm is not stable.
  • Add a new function called check_3dep_availability to check the availability of 3DEP's native resolutions within an area of interest. It returns a dict with keys corresponding to the available resolutions and its values are boolean values indicating whether the resolution is available or not.
  • Replace no data values of slope in deg2mm with np.nan, so they do not get converted to another values. The output of this function has np.float64 type.

Internal Changes

  • Refactor ElevationByCoords by using __post_init__ for validating the input parameters rather than pydantic's validators.
  • Refactor elevation_bygrid by using get_map to get DEM and rioxarray for re-projection.
  • Add type checking with typeguard and fixed typing issues raised by typeguard.
  • Refactor show_versions to ensure getting correct versions of all dependencies.


31 Dec 07:47
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • Use the three new ar.retrieve_* functions instead of the old ar.retrieve function to improve type hinting and to make the API more consistent.


28 Dec 03:10
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • Set the request caching's expiration time to never expire. Add two flags to all functions to control the caching: expire_after and disable_caching.

Internal Changes

  • Add all the missing types so mypy --strict passes.
  • Improve performance of elevation_bygrid by ignoring unnecessary validation.


12 Nov 22:02
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • Use rioxarray for dealing with GeoTIFF binaries since xarray deprecated the xarray.open_rasterio function, as it's discussed in this PR.
  • Use importlib-metadata for getting the version insead of pkg_resources to decrease import time as discussed in this issue.


04 Oct 03:53
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • Rewrite the command-line interface using to improve UX. The command is now py3dep [command] [args] [options]. The two supported commands are coords for getting elevations of a dataframe of coordinates in EPSG:4326 CRS and geometry for getting the elevation of a geo-dataframe of geometries. Each sub-command now has a separate help message. The format of the input file for the coords command is now csv and for the geometry command is .shp or .gpkg and must have a crs attribute. Also, the geometry command now accepts multiple layers via the --layers (-l) option. More information and examples can be in the README.rst file.

New Features

Internal Changes

  • The get_map function now checks for validation of the input layers argument before sending the actual request with a more helpful message.
  • Improve docstrings.
  • Move deg2mpm, fill_depressions, and reproject_gtiff functions to a new file called utils. Both deg2mpm and fill_depressions functions are still accessible from py3dep directly.
  • Increase the test coverage.


17 Sep 06:35
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Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug related to elevation_bycoords where crs validation fails if its type is pyrpoj.CRS by converting inputs with CRS types to string.

Internal Changes

  • Fix a couple of typing issues and update the get_transform API based on the recent changes in pygeoutils v0.11.5.


31 Jul 06:09
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Release Notes

The first highlight of this release is a major refactor of
elevation_bycoords by adding support for the Bulk Point Query Service
and improving overall performance of the function. Another highlight is
support for performing depression filling in elevation_bygrid prior to
sampling the underlying DEM.

New Features

  • Refactor elevation_bycoords function to add support for getting elevations of a list of coordinates via The National Map's Point Query Service. This service is more accurate than Airmap but it's limited to the US only. You can select the source via a new argument called source. You can set it to source=tnm to use the TNM service. The default is tnm.
  • Refactor elevation_bygrid function to add a new capability via
    fill_depressions argument for filling depressions in the obtained DEM before extracting elevation data for the input grid points.. This is achieved via RichDEM that needs to be installed if this functionality is desired. You can install it via pip or conda (mamba).

Internal Changes

  • Migrate to using AsyncRetriever for handling communications with web services.
  • Handle the interpolation step in elevation_bygrid function more
    efficiently using xarray.


19 Jun 07:47
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Added command-line interface (:issue_3dep:[10]{.title-ref}).
  • All feature query functions use persistent caching that can
    significantly improve the performance.

Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Python 3.6 since many of the dependencies such as xarray and pandas have done so.
  • The returned xarray objects are in parallel mode, i.e., in some
    cases compute method should be used to get the results.
  • Save the output as a netcdf instead of raster since conversion
    from nc to tiff can be easily done with rioxarray.