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A PyTorch Implementation of YOLOv3


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PyTorch YOLOv3


This is a yet another PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3.

With this repository, you can

  • run inference with darknet pretrained models
  • train with multiple GPUs
  • train with COCO-style datasets
  • easily change backbone architecture
  • reproduce training results

Training Results on COCO

Model Train Test AP@416 AP@608 AP50@416 AP50@608
Paper train+val test-dev 31.0 33.0 55.3 57.9
Converted pretrained model train2014 test-dev 30.5 31.9 54.4 56.5
This repository train2017 test-dev 31.8 33.3 53.5 55.8
This repository (cosine annealing) train2017 test-dev 32.0 33.7 53.7 56.2

For more detailed experiments, see this section.



Option 1: Step-by-step installation

git clone
cd pytorch_yolov3
pip install cython numpy
python install

Option 2: Using Docker

You need nvidia-docker2 for this.


docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t yolov3


docker run --runtime nvidia --ipc host -it yolov3

Inference with pretrained models

Download darknet pretrained models

Following command downloads pretrained model from darknet site, and convert them to PyTorch model files this repository uses.

bash scripts/tools/ darknet_weights

In this repository, images are considered to have BGR channel order, so we swap channels of the first convolutional layer in darknet pretrained models, which are trained with images with RGB channel order.

Run demo

scripts/ supports an image input, a video input, and a camera input. To stop demo, press q or Esc key on the shown image.

On an image

python scripts/ --ckpt darknet_weights/yolov3.weights.pth --image /path/to/image.jpg

On an image directory

python scripts/ --ckpt darknet_weights/yolov3.weights.pth --image_dir /path/to/image/directory

To process next image, press any key other than q or Esc.

On a video

python scripts/ --ckpt darknet_weights/yolov3.weights.pth --video /path/to/video.mp4

On a webcam

python scripts/ --ckpt darknet_weights/yolov3.weights.pth --camera


This repository supports training with COCO-style dataset.

Download COCO 2017 dataset

bash scripts/tools/ ~/datasets/coco2017

Download pretrained backbone model (optional)

You can train YOLOv3 from scratch, but using pretrained backbone weights makes training faster (arXiv:1811.08883). If you haven't run the script in this section, run it.

Write your configuration file

This repository uses YACS for configuration. Default parameters are specified in yolov3/config/ (which is not supposed to be modified directly) and you can override them using a YAML file. All the configurable parameters are listed in configs/yolov3_default.yaml.

You need to create YAML file like that, but you only have to add parameters you want to override. For example, if you want to change learning rate,

  base_lr: 0.002

is enough.

Training with a single GPU machine

python scripts/ --config /path/to/config/file

Note: This repository makes it clear not to overwrite output directory because training object detection model takes so long time that accidentally corrupting past experiment results is really terrible. You might find this feature bothersome when you're first trying to run training, but it's not that bad after all.

Distributed training with multiple GPUs

This repository supports multi-GPU training with torch.distributed package. PyTorch provides torch.distributed.launch utility to start multi-GPU training, and following command is an example to launch training using 8 GPUs.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 scripts/ --config /path/to/config/file

Here, you need to set train.distributed in configuration file as follows.

  distributed: True

Note: You could also use torch.nn.DataParallel instead of torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel in this repository, but there's no reason to use it, as the latter is a lot faster most of the time.

Note: Because default parameters specified in yolov3/config/ are for single-GPU training, you need to change them in case of multi-GPU training. If you keep the batch size, you need to raise the learning rate and reduce the number of iterations. In this case, multiplying learning rate by the number of GPUs following linear scaling rule (arXiv:1706.02677, arXiv:1711.07240) would be a good idea. Or, you could divide the batch size by the number of GPUs and reduce subdivision so that batch_size / subdivision (number of images processed by each GPU at a time) stays the same.

Performance of multi-GPU training

As you can see in the figure above, multi-GPU training brings decent speed-up. Training YOLOv3 takes quite a long time, but with 8 GPUs (Tesla V100), training would finish in a few days.

Resume training

You only need to specify the checkpoint directory with --resume option. Configuration file from checkpoint directory is automatically used and even if you specify configuration file with --config option, it's ignored.

In case of single GPU training

python scripts/ --resume /path/to/checkpoint/directory

In case of multi-GPU training

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 scripts/ --resume /path/to/checkpoint/directory

Restart training from a checkpoint, with different configuration

For this, you just need to specify train.ckpt_path in a configuration file, and run as normal.

  ckpt_path: /path/to/checkpoint


No validation is run while training in this repository, so you need to validate separately. Validation takes following 2 steps.

Run prediction on validation dataset

This command runs the model on validation dataset, and saves the detection results to predictions.json in the format that can be fed to COCO API.

python -u scripts/ --config /path/to/config/file \
                             --ckpt_path /path/to/checkpoint \
                             --outdir /path/to/output/directory

Evaluate detection results using COCO API

This command runs evaluation, saves the results to stats.json, and also reports the results to TensorBoard with a step number specified by --step option.

python -u ./scripts/ \
    --gt ~/datasets/coco2017/annotations/instances_val2017.json \
    --pred /path/to/predictions.json \
    --step STEP \
    --outdir /path/to/output/directory


Comparison with converted pretrained model on test-dev

Note that following comparison is not perfectly fair because training data and hyperparameters are not the same.

  • Darknet pretrained model uses their own split of COCO, while we use COCO 2017 official train/val split.
  • Hyperparameters used for darknet pretrained model is unknown.
model base_lr schedule iter size train AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
Paper step 416 train+val 31.0 55.3
pretrained model step 416 train2014 30.5 54.4 31.1 13.6 32.3 42.8 26.2 39.1 40.8 21.6 43.4 55.6
this repository 0.005 step 460000 416 train2017 31.8 53.5 33.7 13.6 33.8 44.6 27.1 40.5 42.2 22.2 44.5 57.2
this repository 0.005 constant+cosine 450000 416 train2017 32.0 53.7 33.8 13.5 33.9 44.8 27.1 40.6 42.3 22.1 44.7 57.0
model base_lr schedule iter size train AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
Paper step 608 train+val 33.0 57.9 34.4 18.3 35.4 41.9
pretrained model step 608 train2014 31.9 56.5 33.1 17.5 34.4 40.6 27.2 41.2 43.0 26.3 45.4 54.1
this repository 0.005 step 460000 608 train2017 33.3 55.8 35.4 18.4 36.2 40.9 27.8 42.9 44.9 28.7 46.9 54.6
this repository 0.005 constant+cosine 450000 608 train2017 33.7 56.2 35.8 18.6 36.6 41.1 28.0 43.1 45.2 29.1 47.5 54.9

Changing learning rate scheduling

Cosine annealing (arXiv:1608.03983) is effective for object detection too (arXiv:1809.00778, arXiv:1902.04103).

It takes so long to train YOLOv3, so here we train a model using cosine annealing for 50k iterations from the checkpoint trained for 400k iterations with base learning rate.

base_lr schedule iter size val AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
0.005 step 460000 416 val2017 31.9 53.5 33.5 14.1 34.9 46.6 27.1 40.5 42.4 22.6 45.8 57.5
0.005 constant+cosine 450000 416 val2017 32.1 54.0 33.8 14.3 35.5 46.5 27.2 40.8 42.6 22.8 46.1 57.2
base_lr schedule iter size val AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
0.005 step 460000 608 val2017 33.3 55.6 35.5 19.1 37.4 42.6 27.6 42.8 45.1 29.9 48.0 54.9
0.005 constant+cosine 450000 608 val2017 34.0 56.5 36.2 20.4 37.7 43.7 28.2 43.5 45.7 31.4 48.2 56.1

Changing learning rate

base_lr schedule iter size val AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
0.002 step 440000 416 val2017 30.4 52.4 31.6 13.2 33.3 43.5 25.8 38.5 40.3 20.6 43.8 54.3
0.005 step 460000 416 val2017 31.9 53.5 33.5 14.1 34.9 46.6 27.1 40.5 42.4 22.6 45.8 57.5
0.01 step 500000 416 val2017 32.1 53.9 33.7 14.5 34.7 46.7 27.2 41.0 42.9 22.8 46.1 57.6
base_lr schedule iter size val AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
0.002 step 440000 608 val2017 31.4 53.6 33.2 17.8 35.1 39.6 26.2 40.3 42.5 27.5 45.3 51.2
0.005 step 460000 608 val2017 33.3 55.6 35.5 19.1 37.4 42.6 27.6 42.8 45.1 29.9 48.0 54.9
0.01 step 500000 608 val2017 33.0 55.7 34.7 19.9 37.4 41.9 27.6 42.9 45.3 30.8 48.4 54.9

Changing when to decrease learning rate

base_lr schedule iter_to_start_decay iter size val AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl AR1 AR10 AR100 ARs ARm ARl
0.005 constant+cosine 100000 150000 416 val2017 30.3 52.3 31.4 13.0 32.9 44.5 25.9 39.0 40.9 21.8 44.1 55.6
0.005 constant+cosine 200000 250000 416 val2017 31.6 53.5 32.9 13.8 34.9 46.0 26.6 40.1 42.1 22.4 46.0 57.2
0.005 constant+cosine 300000 350000 416 val2017 31.7 53.6 33.4 14.4 34.9 45.4 26.8 40.4 42.3 22.5 46.2 56.2
0.005 constant+cosine 400000 450000 416 val2017 32.1 54.0 33.8 14.3 35.5 46.5 27.2 40.8 42.6 22.8 46.1 57.2
0.005 constant+cosine 500000 550000 416 val2017 32.2 53.9 33.8 15.0 35.5 46.5 27.0 40.5 42.4 23.3 45.9 57.1


  • Redmon, Joseph, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, and Ali Farhadi. "You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection." The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016. link, arXiv:1506.02640, Project website, GitHub

  • Redmon, Joseph, and Ali Farhadi. "YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger." The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. link, arXiv:1612.08242, Project website, GitHub

  • Redmon, Joseph, and Ali Farhadi. "YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement." arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.02767 (2018). arXiv:1804.02767, Project website, GitHub

  • Loshchilov, Ilya, and Frank Hutter. "SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts." In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2017. link, arXiv:1608.03983, GitHub

  • Goyal, Priya, Piotr Dollár, Ross Girshick, Pieter Noordhuis, Lukasz Wesolowski, Aapo Kyrola, Andrew Tulloch, Yangqing Jia, and Kaiming He, "Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour." arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.02677 (2017). arXiv:1706.02677

  • Peng, Chao, Tete Xiao, Zeming Li, Yuning Jiang, Xiangyu Zhang, Kai Jia, Gang Yu, and Jian Sun, "MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector." arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.07240 (2017). arXiv:1711.07240

  • Akiba, Takuya, Tommi Kerola, Yusuke Niitani, Toru Ogawa, Shotaro Sano, and Shuji Suzuki, "PFDet: 2nd Place Solution to Open Images Challenge 2018 Object Detection Track." arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00778 (2018). arXiv:1809.00778

  • He, Kaiming, Ross Girshick, and Piotr Dollár, "Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training." arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08883 (2018). arXiv:1811.08883

  • Zhang, Zhi, Tong He, Hang Zhang, Zhongyuan Zhang, Junyuan Xie, and Mu Li, "Bag of Freebies for Training Object Detection Neural Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.04103 (2019). arXiv:1902.04103