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Android Networking Example (WIP)

This is an example of basic data fetching from network done in many ways on Android.

All example will fetch Users data from, and display it on a list. There will be a loading indicator while fetching the data, and it'll shows a toast if an error happens.

Each example has it's own activity, under certain package name reflecting its category.

Package Structure

  • Common
  • Simple
    • asynchttp
    • url
    • retrofit
      • callback
      • coroutine
      • rxjava
  • Standard
    • mvp
      • coroutine
      • rxjava
    • mvvm
      • coroutine
      • rxjava
  • Advanced
    • coroutine
    • pepe


Common code for all example, contains :


The aim here is just to straightforwardly fetch a remote data on various networking library that are available and various async work method (asynctask, callback, rx, coroutine), using the minimum amount of effort to setup the networking code.


This category follows basic separation of concerns with presentational pattern, in this case MVP and MVVM. It uses Retrofit as networking library and Rxjava or Coroutine for async work.


This category took the standard to the next level. It applies architectural pattern which separate each responsibility into its own layer. Currently this contains two sub-category:

  1. Advanced Coroutine (without DI), which follows Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture along with MVVM pattern, Retrofit for networking & Coroutine to do async work.
  2. Pepe Arch, a homebrew architecture used by one of the leading online travel agent company in Indonesia


More Network Client

  • Fast Android Networking
  • Fuel
  • more...

More Case

  • Consecutive / chained network calls
  • Proper REST Api HTTP code handling
  • Syntactic Sugar with extensions for some featured example
  • Offline-first app (Single Source of Truth data)


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