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All details can be found in the NEWS file.

  • repository management moved from SVN to GIT, including rforge.

  • ToDo citation with DOI is now possible (and new CITATION file).

  • broken links in documentation and DESCRIPTION were removed.

  • 'subdaily2daily' : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis B…

All details can be found in the NEWS file.

  • repository management moved from SVN to GIT, including rforge.

  • ToDo citation with DOI is now possible (and new CITATION file).

  • broken links in documentation and DESCRIPTION were removed.

  • 'subdaily2daily' : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis Bruening !))

  • 'monthlyfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.

  • 'seasonalfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.

  • 'annualfunction' : argument '...' is now taken into account.

  • 'hydrokrige' :

    • 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'
    • calls to 'overlay' were replaced by calls to 'over' because 'overaly' was deprecated in 'sp' 1.1-0.
    • new examples about how to get the interpolated values in each cell and polygon when 'type="both"' is used (thanks to Jochen Scholtes !)
  • 'mspplot ' : 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'

  • 'hypsometric' : fixed (very unusual) error: "Error en integrate(f = f, lower = 0, upper = 1) : maximum number of subdivisions reached" (thanks to Jose Martinez Batlle !)

  • 'extract' : 'trgt' argument allows multiple months or years to be selected (when 'class(trgt) %in% c("integer", "numeric")')

  • 'fdc'

    • 'cex.lab' argument is working now (thanks to Elcin Tan !).
    • new example about computing streamflow values corresponding to a given percentage of time equalled or exceeded (thanks to Prajjwal Panday !)
  • 'daily2annual.zoo' : fixed bug appeared in R 3.2.x (or 3.1.2) which raised an error for data.frames when 'out.fmt="%Y"': Error in format.default(structure(as.character(x), names = names(x), dim = dim(x),

  • NAMESPACE file:

  • several functions explicitly imported from the c(stats, utils, methods, graphics, grDevices) to be compatible with R 3.3.0.
  • 'plot.xts' imported from 'xts' package.
  • 'index' and 'time<-' imported from 'zoo' package.
  • 'over', 'coordinates<-', 'proj4string<-' imported from 'sp' package.
  • 'readShapePoly' imported from 'maptools' package.
  • 'start', 'end' and 'window', 'aggregate' are now explicitly imported from the 'stats' package (affects 'dwi', 'izoo2rzoo' and 'monthlyfunction')
  • Fifty three (53) S3 methods are now registered.
    • 'sp' now requires version >= 1.1-0, because 'overlay' was deprecated in that version of 'sp'
    • ToDo: -) 'xts' now requires version >= 0.9-8, because the new plot.xts is based on quantmod::chart_Series graphics engine.
  • 'lattice' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'levelplot' function in 'matrixplot').
  • 'maptools' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'readShapePoly' function in 'hydrokrige')
  • Packages 'stats', 'utils', 'methods', 'graphics', 'grDevices' are now added in the Imports section.
  • CRAN website removed from URL field in DESCRIPTION file (requested by CRAN).