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=== Show UserAgent ===
Contributors: hzlzh, HieuDT
Donate link:
Tags: user agent, web browser, ip, country, web browser, flags
Requires at least: 2.6
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: 1.0.9

Show visitors' IP to Country Flag, Web Browser, Operating System icons on WordPreess comment list.

== Description ==

A plugin to Show UserAgent information in comments list.

In this plugin, more browsers and OSs will be distinguish like IE10/Chrome OS/New iPad/Kindle Fire ect.
Also the IP database will always be the newest one.

Release Page: [WordPress Plugin Page]( "Show UserAgent") and [hzlzh 's Blog]( "hzlzh 's Blog")

== Installation ==

1. Download the plugin or search "Show UserAgent" at WordPress dashboard.
2. Make sure that the whole directory package to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
3. Activate the plugin at [wp-admin]->[Plugins].
4. Config it at [wp-admin]->[Settings]->[Show UserAgent].

== Frequently Asked Questions ==


== Screenshots ==

1. Display on comment list.
2. Configure on /wp-admin/

== Changelog ==

= V 1.0.9 =
Change IP database from Software77( to
IP database version 2012.12.10
New icon for Windows 8

= V 1.0.8 =
IP database version 2012.08.25
New icon for Localhost flag
New support to:
- Chrome for iOS

= V 1.0.7 =
IP database version 2012.05.06
New support to:
- Kindle/Kindle Fire
- Mac OS X Mountain Lion
- WordPress for iOS
- WordPress for Android
- WordPress for BlackBerry
- WordPress for Windows Phone 7
- WordPress for Nokia
- Fedora
- IE10/BaiDu Browser/QQ Browser for Mac/

New banner for the plugin realse page

= V 1.0.6 =
IP database version 2011.10.08
New support to:
- IE9/Chrome
- OS/Windows 8
- Mac OS X Lion

= V 1.0.5 =
IP database version 2011.03.29
Add new icos of IE9
New support to IE 9 iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

= V 1.0.4 =
IP database version 2010.12.14
Fix some bugs of "SAMSUNG" browser

= V 1.0.3 =
Support Android/Windows Phone 7 OS
Add new icos of Ucweb

= V 1.0.2 =
IP database version 2010.09.07

= V 1.0.1 =
IP database version 2010.06.22
Support IE 9/iPad.
Fix the support to FireFox 4 beta X pre.

= V 1.0.0 =
Release the first version.
IP database version 2010.05.10


WordPress Plugin: Show-UserAgent






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