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Repository files navigation site

This is our repository for our public website. The intent of this site is to give us a public space for showcasing our work, news about the team, upcoming jobs and interesting commercial partnerships.

Please note that this is a continuous work-in-progress and we will continue to improve the website.

Getting Started

To get started with the site, use the below commands to build and run the site. This assumes that you already have node installed.

Create a .env file based on the .env_example.

To deploy the site, only the _site folder is needed.

  1. npm install
  2. npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
  3. Or to build css and run the app locally use npm run dev
  4. You can also use npm run build to build the _site folder

Cached stylesheets and JavaScript

To prevent browser caching issues (which can otherwise occur even after invalidating the cache), the Eleventy build renames CSS and JS files that change regularly. Additional files can be added to this within .eleventy.js.


To run the tests, use the below commands from the root of this project.

  1. cd tests
  2. npx playwright test

When building new pages, please add to tests/accessibility.spec.ts.

Content Management System (CMS)

Contentful is used as the CMS. Content is gradually being moved over to this. You will need to add the required values to your .env.

Backing up CMS data

  1. Install Contentful using npm install -g contentful-cli
  2. Login using npx contentful-cli login
  3. Run cd contentful-backups followed by npx contentful-cli space export --space-id [space-id]


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