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Connect to the ceph cluster through the go-ceph and implement the I/O between redos and bytes(RAM)

Compile the go scripts to dynamic library(.so) by the Cgo in Goland.

go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ./ rados.go

In python3

Due to the encoding in C(.so) is ascii(1 character - 1 byte) and in python3 is unicode(1 character - 2 bytes), we use the utf-8(1 character - 1 byte in English, 1 character - 3 bytes in Chinese) encoding for compatibly

  • Push bytes to the rados object
import ctypes

# Return type for ToObj. 
class RetType(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_bool),('y', ctypes.c_void_p),('z', ctypes.c_int)]

rados = ctypes.CDLL('./')
ToObj = rados.ToObj # CDLL
ToObj.restype = RetType # declare the expected type returned
# parameters
cluster_name = "ceph".encode('utf-8') # cluster name. Type:bytes
user_name    = "client.objstore".encode('utf-8') # user name. Type:bytes
conf_file    = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf".encode('utf-8') # config file path. Type:bytes
pool_name    = "objstore".encode('utf-8') # pool名称. Type:bytes
oid          = "oid".encode('utf-8') # object id. Type:bytes
data         = "content".encode('utf-8') # data to be written. Type:bytes
len          = ctypes.c_int(len(data)) # length of data to be written. Type:ctypes.c_int
offset       = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) # write strat from where. Type:ctypes.c_ulonglong

# execute
result = ToObj(cluster_name, user_name, conf_file, pool_name, oid, data, len, offset) # return. Type:RetType
stat = result.x # Whether the write operation executed successfully. Type:bool
data = ctypes.string_at(result.y,result.z) # The error(a string which can be convertd to a list, list[0]:code; list[1]:description) or success description. Type:bytes

  • Get bytes from the rados object
import ctypes

# Return type for ToObj. 
class RetType(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_bool),('y', ctypes.c_void_p),('z', ctypes.c_int)]

rados = ctypes.CDLL('./')
FromObj = rados.FromObj # CDLL
FromObj.restype = RetType # declare the expected type returned

# parameters
cluster_name = "ceph".encode('utf-8') # cluster name. Type:bytes
user_name    = "client.objstore".encode('utf-8') # user name. Type:bytes
conf_file    = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf".encode('utf-8') # config file path. Type:bytes
pool_name    = "objstore".encode('utf-8') # pool名称. Type:bytes
block_size   = ctypes.c_int(2147483647) # Maximum number of bytes you want to read(less than 2GB). Type:ctypes.c_int
oid          = "oid".encode('utf-8') # object id. Type:bytes
offset       = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) # where read strat from. Type:ctypes.c_ulonglong

# execute
result = FromObj(cluster_name, user_name, conf_file, pool_name, block_size, oid, offset) # return. Type:RetType
stat = result.x # Whether the read operation executed successfully. Type:bool
data = ctypes.string_at(result.y,result.z) # The error(a string which can be convertd to a list, list[0]:code; list[1]:description) or the bytes read out. Type:bytes
  • Delete an object in pool
import ctypes

# Return type for ToObj. 
class RetType(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_bool),('y', ctypes.c_void_p),('z', ctypes.c_int)]

rados = ctypes.CDLL('./')
DelObj = rados.DelObj # CDLL
DelObj.restype = RetType # declare the expected type returned

# parameters
cluster_name = "ceph".encode('utf-8') # cluster name. Type:bytes
user_name    = "client.objstore".encode('utf-8') # user name. Type:bytes
conf_file    = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf".encode('utf-8') # config file path. Type:bytes
pool_name    = "objstore".encode('utf-8') # pool名称. Type:bytes
oid          = "oid".encode('utf-8') # object id. Type:bytes
osize        = ctypes.c_ulonglong(100000) # object size. Type:ctypes.c_ulonglong

# execute
result = DelObj(cluster_name, user_name, conf_file, pool_name, oid, osize) # return. Type:RetType
stat = result.x # Whether the delete operation executed successfully. Type:bool
data = ctypes.string_at(result.y,result.z) # The error(a string which can be convertd to a list, list[0]:code; list[1]:description) or success description. Type:bytes
  • List the objects in pool
import ctypes

# Return type for ListObj. 
class RetType(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_bool),('y', ctypes.c_void_p),('z', ctypes.c_int)]

rados = ctypes.CDLL('./')
ListObj = rados.ListObj # CDLL
ListObj.restype = RetType # declare the expected type returned

# parameters
cluster_name = "ceph".encode('utf-8') # cluster name. Type:bytes
user_name    = "client.objstore".encode('utf-8') # user name. Type:bytes
conf_file    = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf".encode('utf-8') # config file path. Type:bytes
pool_name    = "objstore".encode('utf-8') # pool名称. Type:bytes

# execute
result = ListObj(cluster_name, user_name, conf_file, pool_name) # return. Type:RetType
stat = result.x # Whether the list operation executed successfully. Type:bool
data = ctypes.string_at(result.y,result.z) # The error(a string which can be convertd to a list, list[0]:code; list[1]:description) or object list bytes. Type:bytes
objects_list = data.decode().split(',') # The list of the objects list. Type:list
# print(objects_list)
  • Whether an object is existed in pool
import ctypes

# Return type for ToObj. 
class RetType(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_bool),('y', ctypes.c_void_p),('z', ctypes.c_int)]

rados = ctypes.CDLL('./')
ExistObj = rados.ExistObj # CDLL
ExistObj.restype = RetType # declare the expected type returned

# parameters
cluster_name = "ceph".encode('utf-8') # cluster name. Type:bytes
user_name    = "client.objstore".encode('utf-8') # user name. Type:bytes
conf_file    = "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf".encode('utf-8') # config file path. Type:bytes
pool_name    = "objstore".encode('utf-8') # pool名称. Type:bytes
oid          = "oid".encode('utf-8') # object id. Type:bytes

# execute
result = ExistObj(cluster_name, user_name, conf_file, pool_name, oid) # return. Type:RetType
stat = result.x # Whether the object is existed in pool. Type:bool
data = ctypes.string_at(result.y,result.z) # The error(a string which can be convertd to a list, list[0]:code; list[1]:description) or success description. Type:bytes


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