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##Sewing Machine pipeline: iteratively super scaffold genome FASTA files with BioNano genome maps using

The sewing machine pipeline iteratively super scaffolds genome FASTA files with BioNano genome maps using and the BioNano tool RefAligner until no new super scaffolds can be produced. The pipeline runs alignments with both default and relaxed parameters. These alignments are then used by to superscaffold a fragmented genome FASTA. See tutorial lab to run the sewing machine pipeline with sample data

SCRIPT - a package of scripts that analyze IrysView output (i.e. XMAPs). The script filters XMAPs by confidence and the percent of the maximum potential length of the alignment and generates summary stats of the more stringent alignments. The first settings for confidence and the minimum percent of the full potential length of the alignment should be set to include the range that the researcher decides represent high quality alignments after viewing raw XMAPs. Some alignments have lower than optimal confidence scores because of low label density or short sequence-based scaffold length. The second set of filters should have a user-defined lower minimum confidence score, but a much higher percent of the maximum potential length of the alignment in order to capture these alignments. Resultant XMAPs should be examined in IrysView to see that the alignments agree with what the user would manually select.

Alt text

Steps of the algorithm. Consensus genome maps (blue) are shown aligned to in silico maps (green). Alignments are indicated with grey lines. CMAP orientation for in silico maps is indicated with a ”+” or ”-” for positive or negative orientation respectively. (A) The in silico maps are used as the reference. (B) The alignment is inverted and used as input for (C) The alignments are filtered based on alignment length (purple) relative to total possible alignment length (black) and confidence. Here assuming all alignments have high confidence scores and the minimum percent aligned is 40% two alignments fail for aligning over less than 40% of the potential alignment length for that alignment. (D) Filtering produces an XMAP of high quality alignments with short (local) alignments removed. (E) High quality scaffolding alignments are filtered for longest and highest confidence alignment for each in silico map. The third alignment (unshaded) is filtered because the second alignment is the longest alignment for in silico map 2. (F) Passing alignments are used to super scaffold (captured gaps indicated in dark green). (G) Stitch is iterated and additional super scaffolding alignments are found using second best scaffolding alignments. (H) Iteration takes advantage of cases where in silico maps scaffold consensus genome maps as in silico map 2 does. Stitch is run iteratively until all super scaffolding alignments are found.


   git - see for instructions
   BioPerl - see 
   Requires BNGCompare from in your home
   directory. Also requires RefAligner. Install BioNano scripts and
   executables in `~/scripts` and `~/tools` directories respectively. Follow the Linux installation
   instructions in the "2.5.1 IrysSolve server RefAligner and Assembler" section of to install


Usage: perl [options]

Documentation options:

    -help    brief help message
    -man            full documentation

Required options:

    -o       output directory
    -g       genome map CMAP file
    -p       project
    -e       enzyme
    -f       scaffold (reference) FASTA
    -r       reference (in silico map) CMAP file

Required options (for assemble_XeonPhi pipeline):

    -b       best assembly directory (replaces -o and -g)

Filtering options:

    --f_con      first minimum confidence score (default = 20)
    --f_algn     first minimum % of possible alignment (default = 40)
    --s_con      second minimum confidence score (default = 15)
    --s_algn     second minimum % of possible alignment (default = 90)
    --n          minimum negative gap length allowed (default = 20000 bp)
    -T           RefAligner p-value threshold (default = 1e-8)


-help   Print a brief help message and exits.

-man    Prints the more detailed manual page with output details and
        examples and exits.

-o, --out_dir
        Path of the user selected output directory without trailing
        slash (e.g. -o ~/stitch_out ).

-g, --genome_maps
        Path of the CMAP file containing genome maps assembled from
        single molecule maps (e.g. -g
        .cmap ).

-p, --project
        The project name with no spaces, slashes or characters other
        than underscore (e.g. -p Esch_coli_1_2015_000).

-e, --enzyme
        A space separated list of the enzymes used to label the
        molecules and to in silico nick the sequence-based FASTA file.
        They can include BspQI BbvCI BsrDI bseCI (e.g. -e BspQI). If
        multiple enzymes were used enclose the list with quotes (e.g. -e
        "BspQI BbvCI").

-f, --fasta
        Path of the FASTA file that will be super-scaffolded based on
        alignment to the assembled genome maps. It is preferable to use
        the scaffold FASTA rather than the contigs. Many contigs will
        not be long enough to align.

-r, --r_cmap
        The reference CMAP produced from your sequence FASTA file.

-b, --best_dir
        Path of the user selected directory of the "best" assembly
        without trailing slash (e.g.
        ~/Esch_coli_1_2015_000/default_t_100 ). This parameter replaces
        -o and -g when using the assemble_XeonPhi pipeline.

--f_con, --fc
        The minimum confidence score for alignments for the first round
        of filtering. This should be the most stringent, highest, of the
        two scores (default = 20).

--f_algn, --fa
        The minimum PAT, or minimum percent of the full potential length
        of the alignment allowed, for the first round of filtering. This
        should be lower than the setting for the second round of
        filtering (default = 40).

--s_con, --sc
        The minimum confidence score for alignments for the second round
        of filtering. This should be the less stringent, lowest, of the
        two scores (default = 15).

--s_algn, --sa
        The minimum PAT, or percent of the full potential length of the
        alignment allowed, for the second round of filtering. This
        should be higher than the setting for the first round of
        filtering (default = 90).

-n, --neg_gap
        Allows user to adjust minimum negative gap length allowed
        (default = 20000 bp).

-t, --p-value_T
        The RefAligner p-value threshold (default = 1e-8). Can use -T as
        low as 1e-6 for small bacterial genomes or up to 1e-9 or 1e-10
        for large genomes (> 1G).



   The script outputs an XMAP with only molecule maps that scaffold in 
   silico maps and an XMAP of all high quality alignments. Both XMAPs can 
   be imported and viewed in the IrysView "comparisons" window if the 
   original r.cmap and q.cmap are in the same folder when you import.

   The script also lists summary metrics in a csv file.

   In the same csv file, in silico maps that have alignments passing the user-
   defined length and confidence thresholds that align over less than 60%
   of the total length possible are listed. These may represent mis-
   assembled scaffolds.

   In the same csv file, high quality but overlaping alignments in a csv
   file are listed. These may be candidates for further assembly using the
   overlaping contigs and paired end reads.

   The script also creates a non-redundant (i.e. no in silico map is used
   twice) super-scaffold from a user-provided fasta file and a filtered       
   XMAP. If two in silico maps overlap on the superscaffold then a 30 "n" gap
   is used as a spacer between them. If adjacent in silico map do not overlap
   on the super-scaffold than the distance between the begining and end of
   each in silico map is reported in the XMAP is used as the gap length. If 
   a scaffold has two high quality alignments the longest alignment is
   selected. If both alignments are equally long the alignment with the
   highest confidence is selected. 
   No in silico map's sequence is added to the final fasta twice; however, 
   if the first and second best alignment for an in silico map align to the 
   ends of two molecule maps that each super-scaffold > 1 in silico map than 
   these alignments are listed and can be used to "stitch" together the final 
   super-scaffold in a subsequent iteration.

Test with sample datasets

See tutorial lab to run the sewing machine pipeline with sample data

UPDATES to Version 1.4.7

Fixed bug in halting if no super scaffolds are created and in handling of filenames (to delete intermediate fasta files) Version 1.4.6

Automatically skips creating contigs if no super scaffolds were created. Version 1.4.5

rejects scaffolding alignments if overlap is longer than the "-n, --neg_gap" argument (default = 20000 bp). This allows user to adjust minimum negative gap length allowed. Version 1.4.4

correctly sort new xmaps to correct output order Version 1.4.3

changed unknown gap lengths to 100 and set AGP indentity to U from N. Fixed bug in alignments that are not the best or second best. Version 1.4.2

fixed bug in splitting sequence at gaps longer than 10 bp into contigs in KSU_bioinfo_lab/stitch/ Version 1.4.1

produces AGP files of super-scaffolds Version 1.4.

Speed up KSU_bioinfo_lab/stitch/ Modified KSU_bioinfo_lab/stitch/ to only split at gaps longer than ten bases.

####Update to v.1.3

Die and report when no super scaffolds can be found. Give generic names to contigs. Check for IUPAC ambiguous bases other than n when making AGP. Version 1.2 Version 1.2 : Check fasta file for redundant super-scaffold names (this step only effects iterative assemblies), create new AGP, create a BNG compatible Bed file. Version 1.1

Separated stitch map from best alignment map. Also generalized