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Setup Documentation for Administrators

Alan Dixon edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 1 revision

To use this extension you must have an iATS Payments Account and have configured it to accept payment though WebServices.

Talk to iATS Customer Care Customer Care to set up subaccounts for you and to check what kind of payments your account is currently set up for.

iATS Customer Care:

Our recommended configuration would look something like this:

  • 2ABC01 account: configured to access via only (no WebServices) - full refund/journal capability - the works. Password is unique to the 01 account.

  • 2ABC80 account: subaccount configured to connected with iATS WebServices - can also access - but journal functionality only (no refund capability). The 80 account has a different password than the 01 account - use the 80(+) accounts to configure your Payment Processor(s) in CiviCRM.

  • 2ABC81 etc - same as 2ABC80. If this was a school; a payment processor connecting to subaccount 80 could be cafeteria monies; 81 could be tuition deposits; 82 could be special event tickets, etc. Passwords for the 80, 81, 82 etc accounts can all be the same.

ACH/EFT - if you want to be able to process ACH/EFT (Direct Debit) transactions you must also get your iATS account configured for that.

NOTE: when selecting your Passwords - please note that special characters can cause issues in PHP applications, like this extension.

This com.iatspayments.civicrm transaction currently supports 25 different types of transactions in CiviCRM + 1 additional one in beta status (UK Direct Debit). Below is a summary of the test matrix results:

iats150a iats150b

1.0 iATS Payments Credit Card

Create and set your Payment Processor of type iATS Payments Credit Card: Payment Processors

2.0 iATS Payments ACH/EFT

3.0 iATS Payments SWIPE

3.1 SWIPE on backend:

  • Create and set your Payment Processor of type iATSpayments SWIPE to default (Administer -> System Settings -> Payment Processors)
  • Search for a Contact (or add a new one) and in their Contact Summary screen hit the Contributions Tab -> then hit: + Submit Credit Card Contribution
  • Click in Encrypted -> SWIPE card -> add Expiration Date -> Save [transaction completed - confirmed monies are in]

3.2 SWIPE on public contribution pages:

  • To get SWIPE working on public contribution pages a small patch must be applied to your CiviCRM core. Please let your system administrator know - patches for 4.4.x and 4.5.x can be found in this extension's repository.

4.0 iATS Payments UK Direct Debit (as of 1.3.1)