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Car List 🚙🚗

This is the first sceen you will see when you use the app.

This app contains a fake API REST (JSON Server) that allow us to simulate a API and fetch the car data and display them on the screen.

The data from the API you find in "./src/services/server.json".

To make all requests I have used Axios.

Car details📜

After you take a look in the cars and choose your favorite, you can click on it to see some informations about it and start the scheduling process

Calendar 📆

Here you must choose the days that you will get the car choosed car.

The button will be unclickable if don't fill the calendar.

To make this calendar I have used react-native-calendars version: 1.505.0.


Rent Resume✔️

This screen the app will calculate how much will you spend the rent the car and the days you choosed

Just take it and drive away 😎

That's it! :D

Rental cars

If you click on the button bellow, you will be moved to the screen where you will see all your rental cars

Main Tecnologies, libs and them versions 🛠

✅ React Native: 0.64.3

✅ Expo: "~44.0.2"

✅ Styled Componentes: ^5.3.3

✅ React Navigation: ^6.0.6

✅ React-native-calendars: 1.505.0

✅ Typescript: "~4.3.5"

✅ Axios: "^0.26.0"

Status App: Devoloping ⚠️

What is missing to be done?

  • Tests using Jest 🧪
  • Animations using Reanimated2