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Demo M3ters

A simple webpage to demonstrate them m3ters.js project.

Table of Contents


  • Automatic generation of avatars patterns and alias using m3ters.js.
  • User-controlled seed generation with start/pause button.
  • Audio playback of "The Magic Bomb (Extended Mix)" from YouTube,
  • synchronized with seed generation.

API Documentation

M3ter Head SVG API

This project includes a flexible API for generating SVG images based on user input. The SVG generation API supports both query parameters and path parameters, providing flexibility for different use cases.


GET /api/m3ter-head


  1. Using Query Parameters: This endpoint generates an SVG based on the provided seed.

    GET /api/m3ter-head?seed=device_DID_string

  2. Using Path Parameters: This alternative endpoint also generates an SVG based on the provided seed.

    GET /api/m3ter-head/device_DID_string

Key Technologies

  • React
  • Next.js
  • m3ters.js
  • ReactPlayer
