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The standalone all-in-one iDempiere-micro microservice containing all the modules from CRM to Invoicing.


Have iDempiere-micro PosgreSQL Docker 6.2 running on port 5433 to have the tests succeed.

IDEMPIERE_MICRO_VERSION=0.29.0 mvn clean install -P minify-runnable-package



Prepare the configuration

sudo cp ./src/main/resources/ /etc/

Then edit /etc/ and setup accordingly.

Start the microservice

(cd target; java -jar idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone.jar)

mvn liberty:run-server

Try with cURL

Note instead of cURL you can also install Postman and import the iDempiere micro Postman collection.


You need jq to parse the JSON returned by login.


Get the JWT token for GardenUser

token=$( curl http://localhost:9080/idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone/session/GardenUser/login/GardenUser | jq -r ".token")


Get the current user

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --request POST --data 'query { me { id description } }' http://localhost:9080/idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone/graphql

Get the list of the users

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --request POST --data 'query { users { id description } }' http://localhost:9080/idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone/graphql

Get the list of the business partners with contacts and locations

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --request POST --data 'query { businessPartners { id name searchKey DUNS contacts {id description} locations {location {address1} } } }' http://localhost:9080/idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone/graphql


Create a business partners

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --request POST --data 'mutation { createBusinessPartner(businessPartner: { legalName: "TEST1", searchKey: "TEST1" } ) { id name } }' http://localhost:9080/idempiere-micro-liberty-standalone/graphql

Check the logs

Since OpenLiberty is used, the logs can be found according to the Open Liberty server logs documentation at ./target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/idempiere-micro-liberty-standaloneServer/logs under the source code root.