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This Bot was build to enable a group chat to consume content from a specific website.
The Website this bot is grabbing from blocks a lot of content for invited users.
As some of our group didn't had accounts, we needed a way to share it with them and it also enables everyone to consume the content without visiting the website itself.


Right now I dont provide much Documentation about how to set up the bot. But here are the basics:

Get your telegram token

You will need an API Token for Telegram. You will have to find @BotFather on Telegram and do the following:

  • press start
  • click new bot
  • enter a name
  • enter a username (shown to others, ending in `bot`)
  • copy the yaml.config.example as yaml.configand past your tokens in there.
  • if you want to use the bot in a group use /setprivacy (disabled) and /setjoingroups before adding it

Get your pr0 token

You will need a normal user account on the platform for this. I dont have a bot account myself (yet).

  • paste your username and password into the config.yaml created above
  • start the bot with an connected CLI or in an IDE
  • When you first try to download a picture (send it as PN to the bot) you will need to fill in a captacha
  • the CLI will prompt for the context of your new captcha.png file
  • If you enter the right captcha it will generate a cookie.json for further usage INFO: you can probably just grab the cookie.json from your browser and use that one (only tested for same hardware, might or might not be an issue with different hardware)

Running it as a background service on your server with systemd

Once you have your cookie, you might want to run it with the provided service. You will need to make adjustments to it. Quick guide (errors are to be expected at every step):

  • useradd shitt0lk_bot
  • %yourmachine%/Pr0stagram/* /home/shitt0lk_bot/
  • mv Shitt0lk.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • chmod 700 /etc/systemd/system/Shitt0lk.service
  • chmod 700 /home/shitt0lk_bot/
  • chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/Shitt0lk.service
  • su shitt0lk_bot
  • cd /home/shitt0lk_bot
  • python3 -m venv /home/shitt0lk_bot/venv/
  • source /home/shitt0lk_bot/venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • chmod 700 /home/shitt0lk_bot/
  • python3 /home/shitt0lk_bot/
  • send a link to your bot via PM
  • /home/shitt0lk_botcaptcha.png
  • type captcha in the comand line
  • Ctrl+C
  • Ctrl+D
  • systemctl daemon-relaod
  • systemctl enable Shitt0lk.service
  • systemctl start Shitt0lk.service done

Be aware!

I provide this code and documentation without any warranty. If you face any sort of negative effects for using this bot (like being banned or worse) it's your fault.
You may want to adjust the flags for the image_grabber to provide an unsafer environment.

Licences of used Libraries