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SolarPunk Lens in the Web3 Space

Hardhat Project for SolarLens Coin

This project marks an exciting milestone for SolarPunk Lens as it ventures into the realm of Web3. Here, we present a Hardhat project that showcases a practical use case for SolarLens Coin. The repository includes a sample contract, a corresponding test for that contract, and a deployment script.

To get started, try running some of the following tasks using the command line:

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

The "solar-client" Folder: Building the SolarPunk dApp with Lens Protocol

The "solar-client" folder within this repository contains the SolarPunk dApp that harnesses the power of the Lens protocol. By integrating with Lens, the dApp gains access to valuable functionalities and capabilities.

To set up the necessary dependencies, use the following command:


By executing this command, all the required dependencies will be installed, allowing you to start exploring and developing with the SolarPunk dApp. Embrace the power of the Web3 space and immerse yourself in the SolarPunk Lens experience.

Setting Up Your Private Keys in the .env File

To ensure the security and privacy of your private keys, it is recommended to store them in a separate file called .env. This file is not included in version control, providing an extra layer of protection for your sensitive information.

Follow the steps below to set up your private keys in the .env file:

Create a new file in the root directory of the project and name it .env.

Open the .env file in a text editor and add the following line:


Replace with your actual private key. Make sure to keep the angle brackets (<>) removed.

Save the .env file.

By setting up your private keys in the .env file, you can access them securely within your code without exposing them to potential risks. Remember to keep the .env file confidential and never share it publicly or commit it to a version control repository.

With your private keys properly configured, you can now interact with the SolarPunk Lens project and the SolarPunk dApp, leveraging the power of Web3 technology while ensuring the privacy and security of your keys.

Smart contract addresses






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