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ilert-kube-agent is a service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates incidents about the health state of the pods and the nodes.

Node alert example: Node alert example

Pod alert example: Pod alert example


Simply build and run ilert-kube-agent to get Kubernetes cluster alarms.

Flag Description
--alarms.cluster.enabled Enables cluster alarms. Triggers an alarm if any cluster problem occurred e.g. API server not available [Default: true]
--alarms.pods.terminate.enabled Enables terminate pod alarms. Triggers an alarm if any pod terminated e.g. Terminated, OOMKilled, Error, ContainerCannotRun, DeadlineExceeded, Evicted [Default: true]
--alarms.pods.waiting.enabled Enables waiting pod alarms. Triggers an alarm if any pod in waiting status e.g. CrashLoopBackOff, ErrImagePull, ImagePullBackOff, CreateContainerConfigError, InvalidImageName, CreateContainerError [Default: true]
--alarms.pods.restarts.enabled Enables restarts pod alarms. Triggers an alarm if any pod restarts count reached threshold [Default: true]
--alarms.pods.resources.cpu.enabled Enables pod CPU resource alarms. Triggers an alarm if any pod reaches CPU limit [Default: true]
--alarms.pods.resources.memory.enabled Enables pod CPU resource alarms. Triggers an alarm if any pod reaches memory limit [Default: true]
--alarms.nodes.terminate.enabled Enables terminate node alarms. Triggers an alarm if any node terminated. [Default: true]
--alarms.nodes.resources.cpu.enabled Enables node CPU resource alarms. Triggers an alarm if any node reaches CPU limit [Default: true]
--alarms.nodes.resources.memory.enabled Enables node CPU resource alarms. Triggers an alarm if any node reaches memory limit [Default: true]


Note: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Users - GKE has strict role permissions that will prevent the kube-state-metrics roles and role bindings from being created. To work around this, you can give your GCP identity the cluster-admin role by running the following one-liner:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.account)')

Helm Deployment (recommended)

helm repo add ilert
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install --namespace kube-systems \
    ilert-kube-agent ilert/ilert-kube-agent \
    --set config.settings.apiKey="<YOUR KEY HERE>"

Terraform Deployment (recommended)

  • Define module:
module "ilert-kube-agent" {
  source  = "iLert/ilert-kube-agent/kubernetes"
  replicas = 2
  api_key = "<YOUR KEY HERE>"
  • Apply changes
terraform init
terraform apply

Lambda Deployment

Follow this guide please.

Raw YAML Deployment

To deploy this project, you can simply run kubectl apply -f deployment/standard and a Kubernetes service and deployment will be created.

Getting help

We are happy to respond to GitHub issues as well.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in ilert-kube-agent by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.