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Restful service for running Spark SQL/Shark queries on top of Spark, with Mesos and Tachyon support (codenamed jaws) Curently Jaws supports Spark 0.9.1 with Shark and Spark 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.1.0 and 1.0.2 with SparkSQL as backend framework.


Highly scalable and resilient restful (http) interface on top of a managed Spark SQL/Shark session that can concurrently and asynchronously submit HiveQL queries, return persisted results (automatically limited in size or paged), execution logs and query history (Cassandra or hdfs persisted). Jaws supports query cancellation even when there are multiple load balanced instances for higher availability and scalability. Jaws exposes configuration options for fine-tuning Spark & Shark performance and running against a stand-alone Spark deployment, with or without Tachyon as in-memory distributed file system on top of HDFS, and with or without Mesos as resource manager. We are using this service for building a warehouse explorer GUI component, that provides data analysts and scientists with a view into the warehouse through a metadata explorer, provides a query editor with intelligent features like auto-complete, a results viewer, logs viewer and historical queries for asynchronously retrieving persisted results, logs and query information for both running and historical queries.

For Spark 0.9.x Jaws uses Shark against tables created through Hive, Shark or Tachyon. For Spark 1.0 and 1.1 it uses SparkSQL against Hive tables and Parquet files stored in hdfs or tachyon and it is not backward compatible with Shark tables created in 0.9.x.

Building Jaws

You need to have Maven installed. To build Jaws, follow the below steps:

cd jaws-spark-sql-rest
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd jaws-spark-sql-rest/target
tar -zxvf jaws-spark-sql-rest.tar.gz

Configure Jaws

In order configure Jaws the following files inside the "jaws-spark-sql-rest/jaws-spark-sql-rest/target/jaws-spark-sql-rest/conf/" need to be edited.

* application.conf: Contains all the application configurations.
* hive-site.xml : Used for setting values for the Hive configuration
* : Used for setting the environment variables
* : Used for configuring the logger
* sharkSettings.txt : Used to write all the shark commands that you need to be run before launching jaws. (One command per line. Example: set shark.column.compress=true)

For Spark 1.* don't forget to set the following property on false in hive-site.xml:


If you are running on top of mesos, don't forget to add in the file the path to the native mesos library.

If your tables are snappy compressed, don't forget to add in the the path to the hadoop native libs.

Run jaws

After editing all the configuration files Jaws can be run in the following manner:

1. go where you decompressed the tar.gz file:
   cd jaws-spark-sql-rest
2. run Jaws:
   nohup bin/ &

Queries examples

Below are some queries with example purpose:

Run api:

curl -d "select * from table" 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/run?limited=true&numberOfResults=99' -X POST


  • limited [required]: if set on true, the query will be limited to a fixed number of results. The number of results will be the one specified in the "numberOfResults" parameter, and they will be collected (in memory) and persisted in the configured backend database (cassandra or hdfs, no latency difference upon retrieval of small datasets). Otherwise, if not specified, the results number will be retrieved from the configuration file (nr.of.results field, default is 100). However, for large datasets that exceed the default number of results (100, configurable), results will not be persisted in memory and the configured database anymore, they will only be stored as an RDD on HDFS, and used for paginated retrieval (offset and limit parameters in the results api). If the limited parameter is set on false, then the query will return all the results and this time they will be stored in an RDD on HDFS, this is an indicator that a large dataset is about to be queried.
  • numberOfResults [not required]: The parameter is considered only if the "limited" parameter is set on true


The api returns an uuid representing the query that was submitted. The query is executed asynchronously and the expectation is that clients poll for logs and completion status.

Example: 1404998257416357bb29d-6801-41ca-82e4-7a265816b50c

Run parquet api:

curl -d "select * from testTable" 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/run?tablePath=tachyon://devbox.local:19998/user/jaws/parquetFolder&table=testTable&limited=true&numberOfResults=99&overwrite=false' -X POST


  • tablePath [required] : the path to the parquet folder which you want to query
  • table : the table name you want to give to your parquet forlder
  • limited [required]: if set on true, the query will be limited to a fixed number of results. The number of results will be the one specified in the "numberOfResults" parameter, and they will be collected (in memory) and persisted in the configured backend database (cassandra or hdfs, no latency difference upon retrieval of small datasets). Otherwise, if not specified, the results number will be retrieved from the configuration file (nr.of.results field, default is 100). However, for large datasets that exceed the default number of results (100, configurable), results will not be persisted in memory and the configured database anymore, they will only be stored as an RDD on HDFS, and used for paginated retrieval (offset and limit parameters in the results api). If the limited parameter is set on false, then the query will return all the results and this time they will be stored in an RDD on HDFS, this is an indicator that a large dataset is about to be queried.
  • numberOfResults [not required]: The parameter is considered only if the "limited" parameter is set on true
  • overwrite [not required, default false] : if set on false and the table already exists, an error message will be returned to the client saying that the table already exists. If set on true, the table will be overwritten


The api returns an uuid representing the query that was submitted. The query is executed asynchronously and the expectation is that clients poll for logs and completion status.

Example: 1404998257416357bb29d-6801-41ca-82e4-7a265816b50c

Register parquet table api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/registerTable?path=tachyon://devbox.local:19998/user/jaws/parquetFolder&name=testTable&overwrite=false' -X POST


  • path [required] : the path to the parquet folder you want to register as table
  • name [reqired] : the table name you want to give to your parquet folder
  • overwrite [not required, default false] : if set on false and the table already exists, an error message will be returned to the client saying that the table already exists. If set on true, the table will be overwritten


The api returns message confirming the table registration or an error message in case of failure

Exemple: Table testTable was registered

Unregister parquet table api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/table?name=testTable' -X DELETE


  • name [reqired] : the table name you want to give to unregister


The api returns message confirming that table was unregistered successfully, or an error message in case of failure

Exemple: Table testTable was unregistered

Get parquet tables api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/tables' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/tables?describe=false' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/parquet/tables?tables=table1&tables=table2' -X GET


  • describe [not required] : the default value is false. Flag that specifies if describe table should be performed
  • tables [not required] : lists the tables that will be described.


If no parameter is set, the api returns a JSON containing all the registered parquet tables without their schema. If the describe parameter is set on true, the api will return all the registered parquet tables with their schema. If a table list is provided, then those will be the tables that will be described.


    "None": {
        "numbers": {
            "schema": [
                    "name": "result",
                    "dataType": "StringType"
            "results": [

Logs api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/logs?queryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7&startTimestamp=0&limit=10' -X GET


  • queryID [required] : is the uuid returned by the run api.
  • startTimestamp [not required] : start timestamp from where the logs will be returned
  • limit [required] : number of log entries to be returned


The api returns a JSON with a list of log entries and the status of the submitted query.



    "logs": [
            "log": "There are 2 commands that need to be executed",
            "queryID": "hql",
            "timestamp": 1404998257430
            "log": "Command progress : There were executed 1 commands out of 2",
            "queryID": "hql",
            "timestamp": 1404998257501
            "log": "The job 16 has started. Executing command --1404998257416357bb29d-6801-41ca-82e4-7a265816b50c\nselect UPkmbVaZXr.* from ( select * from user_predictions limit 3) UPkmbVaZXr limit 100",
            "queryID": "16",
            "timestamp": 1404998258154
    "status": "DONE"

Results api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/results?queryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7&offset=0&limit=10' -X GET


  • queryID [required] : uuid returned by the run api. This uuid represents the submitted query
  • offset [required] : starting result entry that needs to be returned
  • limit [required] : number of results to be returned (page size)


The api returns a JSON containing the results schema and a list of result entries. The results are retrieved in pages, with the size specified by the limit parameter, starting with offset.


    "schema": [
            "name": "name",
            "dataType": "StringType"
            "name": "age",
            "dataType": "IntegerType"
            "name": "sex",
            "dataType": "StringType"
    "results": [

Queries api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/queries?startQueryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7&limit=50' -X GET


  • startQueryID [not required] : uuid of the first executed query in the list to be returned
  • limit [required] : number of queries to be returned


The api returns a JSON containing a list of queries and associated meta information, in chronological order (most recent at the top)


    "queries": [
            "state": "DONE",
            "queryID": "142962545249766b92481-f437-4ee2-9284-cf192fcc2769",
            "query": "drop database if exists sample cascade;\ncreate database sample;\nuse sample;\n\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS memrecno_raw;\n\ncreate external table memrecno_raw(line STRING) stored as textfile location 'hdfs://devbox.local:8020/user/ubuntu/tcomponent/restApiTest/';\n\nselect count(*) from memrecno_raw;",
            "runMetaInfo": {
                "nrOfResults": 1,
                "maxNrOfResults": 100,
                "resultsDestination": 0,
                "isLimited": true
            "state": "DONE",
            "queryID": "1429534537434ecf62272-1273-4b3a-8b27-efd68ab0fe04",
            "query": "USE ematest;\n\nselect count (*) from test",
            "runMetaInfo": {
                "nrOfResults": 1,
                "maxNrOfResults": 100,
                "resultsDestination": 0,
                "isLimited": true

queryInfo api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/queryInfo?queryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7' -X GET


  • queryID [required] : uuid returned by the run api.


The api returns the status and the query string (could be one statement or an entire HiveQL script)


    "state": "DONE",
    "queryID": "1429630175322f23cf070-42c1-4cde-80a3-5e2f74b98a0c",
    "query": "USE ematest;\n\nselect count (*) from test",
    "runMetaInfo": {
        "nrOfResults": 1,
        "maxNrOfResults": 100,
        "resultsDestination": 0,
        "isLimited": true

Databases api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/databases' -X GET


The api returns a JSON containing a list of existing databases.


"schema": [
        "name": "result",
        "dataType": "stringType"
"results": [

] }


Cancel api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/cancel?queryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7' -X POST


  • queryID [required] : uuid returned by the run api.

This api cancels a running query. Unless Jaws runs in fine-grained mode under Mesos, the underlying Spark job is also cancelled. Spark job cancellation in Mesos fine-grained mode is not implemented in Spark core yet! In this mode, if the query is still in the queue, it won't be executed, but we cannot stop it once it started.

Tables api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables?database=default' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables?database=default&describe=false' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables?database=default&tables=table1&tables=table2' -X GET


  • database [not required] : is the database for which you want to retrieve all the tables.
  • describe [not required] : the default value is true. Flag that specifies if describe table should be performed
  • tables [not required] : lists the tables that will be described.


If the database parameter is set, the api returns a JSON containing all the tables from the specified database, otherwise, it will return all the databases with all their tables. If the describe parameter is set on true, also the tables columns are returned. If a table list is provided, then those will be the tables that will be described. (The database is needed)



"test": {
    "user_predictions": {
        "schema": [
        "results": [
    "testsimple": {
        "schema": [
        "results": [


Tables extended api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables/extended?database=default&table=test' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables/extended?database=default' -X GET


  • database [required] : is the database for which you want to retrieve extended information about tables
  • table [not required]: is the table for which you want to retrieve extended information


If the table parameter is set, the api returns a JSON containing the extended information about it. Otherwise, the api will return the extended information about all the tables inside the specified database.



"test": {
         "user_predictions": {
        "schema": [
        "results": [
              " ",
             " "
            "Detailed Table Information",
            "Table(tableName:user_predictions, dbName:test, owner:root, createTime:1404128550, lastAccessTime:0, retention:0, sd:StorageDescriptor(cols:[FieldSchema(name:userid, type:int, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:moviename, type:string, comment:null)], location:hdfs://devBox.local:8020/user/hive/warehouse/test.db/user_predictions, inputFormat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat,, compressed:false, numBuckets:-1, serdeInfo:SerDeInfo(name:null, serializationLib:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, parameters:{serialization.format=1}), bucketCols:[], sortCols:[], parameters:{}, skewedInfo:SkewedInfo(skewedColNames:[], skewedColValues:[], skewedColValueLocationMaps:{}), storedAsSubDirectories:false), partitionKeys:[], parameters:{numPartitions=0, numFiles=1, transient_lastDdlTime=1405336104, totalSize=1194934, numRows=29665, rawDataSize=797502}, viewOriginalText:null, viewExpandedText:null, tableType:MANAGED_TABLE)"


Tables formatted api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables/formatted?database=default&table=test' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/tables/formatted?database=default' -X GET


  • database [required] : is the database for which you want to retrieve formatted information about tables
  • table [not required]: is the table for which you want to retrieve formatted information


If the table parameter is set, the api returns a JSON containing the formatted information about it. Otherwise, the api will return the formatted information about all the tables inside the specified database.



"test": {
         "user_predictions": {
        "schema": [
        "results": [
                        "# col_name",
                      " ",
                     " "
                     "# Detailed Table Information",
                     "Tue Jul 22 17:56:49 EEST 2014",
                     "Protect Mode:",
                     "Table Type:",
                     "Table Parameters:",
                     "# Storage Information",
                     "SerDe Library:",
                     "Num Buckets:",
                     "Bucket Columns:",
                     "Sort Columns:",
                     "Storage Desc Params:",

Schema api:

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/schema?path=databaseName.tableName&sourceType=hive' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/schema?path=/user/test/location&sourceType=parquet&storageType=tachyon' -X GET
curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/schema?path=/user/test/location&sourceType=parquet' -X GET


  • path [required] : represents the location of the data
  • sourceType [required]: represents the source you want to read the data from; supported values are HIVE and PARQUET
  • storageType [not required]: represents the persistence layer the PARQUET data is stored in; supported values are TACHYON and HDFS (default)


The api returns a JSON containing the schema (in AVRO format) of the specified data source.


"type": "record",
"name": "RECORD",
"fields": [
        "name": "id",
        "type": [
        "name": "owner",
        "type": [
        "name": "subject",
        "type": [
        "name": "from",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
        "name": "replyTo",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
        "name": "sentDate",
        "type": [
        "name": "toRecipients",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
        "name": "ccRecipients",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
        "name": "bccRecipients",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [
        "name": "receivedDate",
        "type": [
        "name": "content",
        "type": [
        "name": "messageId",
        "type": [
        "name": "contentId",
        "type": [
        "name": "isReplica",
        "type": "boolean"
        "name": "replicas",
        "type": [
                "type": "array",
                "items": [

Delete query api:

This is an API that deletes from the database all the information about a query: - query state - query details - query logs - query meta info - query results

curl 'http://devbox.local:9080/jaws/query?queryID=140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7' -X DELETE


  • queryID [required] : represents the query that needs to be deleted

If the query is in progress or it is not found, an explanatory error message will be thrown.


"Query 140413187977964cf5f85-0dd3-4484-84a3-7703b098c2e7 was deleted"


A restful (http) interface that can concurrently and asynchronously submit HiveQL queries on top of hive cli, the results (automatically limited in size), execution logs and query history are persisted and vizible through Jaws's apis rescribed above.

Building Jaws hive sql

You need to have maven installed. To build, follow the steps below:

cd jaws-hive-sql-rest/
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd target
tar -zxvf jaws-hive-sql-rest.tar.gz

Configure Jaws hive sql

To configure the jaws-hive-sql-rest you have to edit the following files inside the conf folder.

* application.conf: Contains all the application configurations. You will the details for each property inside the file
* : Used for configuring the logger

Run Jaws hive sql

After editing all the configuration files, run jaws-hive-sql-rest in the following manner:

1. go where you decompressed the tar.gz file:
   cd jaws-hive-sql-rest/
2. run:
   nohup bin/ &


Verify that Jaws hive sql is up

curl 'devbox.local:7080/jaws/hive/index' -X GET

Results: You will receive the following confirmation message that Jaws hive sql is up and running:

"Jaws hive sql rest is up and running!"

Run query

curl -d "show databases" 'http://devbox.local:7080/jaws/hive/run?limit=100' -X POST


  • limit [ not required] : limits the query's results


The api returns an uuid representing the query that was submitted. The query is executed asynchronously and the expectation is that clients poll for logs and completion status.

Example: 1404998257416357bb29d-6801-41ca-82e4-7a265816b50c


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