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Security: iNeerajSihag/WPUserFinder


WPUserFinder Security Policy

Supporting Versions

We aim to keep WPUserFinder secure and free from vulnerabilities. This policy applies to the latest version of WPUserFinder, which is currently being actively maintained.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you believe you've found a security vulnerability in WPUserFinder, we highly appreciate your help in disclosing it to us responsibly. Here's how you can report a vulnerability:

Steps to Report

  1. Do Not Publicize: Do not disclose the vulnerability publicly. Please give us a chance to assess and fix it.

  2. Contact Maintainers: Send an email detailing the vulnerability to [Your Contact Email]. Include steps to reproduce, impact assessment, and any other information that could help understand the issue.

  3. Acknowledgment: We aim to acknowledge your report within 48 hours of receiving it.

  4. Progress Update: We'll keep you in the loop as we work to fix the vulnerability. We'll share updates as we assess, fix, and roll out security patches.

  5. Disclosure: After the vulnerability has been fixed, we'll update this policy and give credit to the reporter unless anonymity is requested.

Responsible Usage

WPUserFinder is an Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool created for educational purposes. Users are responsible for using the tool legally and ethically, in compliance with this Security Policy and the Code of Conduct.


While we aim to keep WPUserFinder secure, no system can be 100% secure. Use this tool at your own risk, and make sure you adhere to legal guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

Changes to This Policy

This Security Policy can be updated periodically. We'll post announcements about updates, but it's your responsibility to stay updated with the latest policy.

There aren’t any published security advisories