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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 22, 2024. It is now read-only.
/ Chronium-BOT Public archive

An advanced multi-purpose discord bot built in discord.js v13 by iRed. Please do not remove credits πŸ˜‰


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Yeah, this is important I have stopped the support of this repository... As I don't have time to manage this code...

Chronium Bot

An Multi-purpose Discord bot with many features!

Creators of this bot iRed


  • Discord.js v13 (npm install discord.js@latest)
  • applications.commands scope enabled for your bot in Developer Portal (For Slash Cmds).
  • NodeJS v16.6 or higher
  • Basic knowledge of JS or Discord.JS

Have suggestions on what could be added?

  • Leave your suggestions right here and create a pull request there and tell us your suggesstion

What features does Chronium Include?

Available Features
Features Availability
Anti-Link βœ…
Autorole βœ…
Auto-Mod βœ…
Custom Prefix βœ…
Permanent Database βœ…
Welcomer βœ…
Logging βœ…
Menu(s) βœ…
Slash Commands βœ…
Rep System βœ…
Command Categories
Commands Category Availability
Configuration βœ…
Fun βœ…
Image βœ…
Info βœ…
Moderation βœ…
Economy Coming soon
Utilities βœ…

Versions and Support Info

Detailed Versions Info
Chronium Versions Support Status
v1.0.2 (Added,Removed,Modified and Fixed many things) (Current) Available
v1.0.1 (added slash commands) Unavailable
v1.0.0-stable (added buttons system) Unavailable
  • Keep checking the Releases Section to get the latest info relating new updates, bug fixes etc about the repository.
  • The Information above includes Versions with only Major Updates and not Versions with Bug fixes
  • v1.0.2 is included in the List because this version includes the fixing of every error in the repository.
  • Support is provided only for Stable and Beta Versions and not for Alpha Versions.

Getting started

Creating a fork:

Installing all necessary packages

  • npm install

Setting up env files

  • $ ./

Starting the bot

  • node . or node index

Run the project

Run on Remix on glitch Deploy to Heroku


  • Edit the config.json file and enter the required values
  "YT_COOKIE": "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=U2QATraBYBM; PREF=tz=Asia.Katmandu&f6=40000000&f5=30000; LOGIN_INFO=AFmmF2swRQIgEFFHkukzOWBQMxoP1rJtpfcQcUrg1jgrGcE4GwAB-vkCIQD7-3xgs7ZVPFhxWYNCru-5am54qoN-Vmcia59iWygRGA:QUQ3MjNmeENNS2FSR2M1MjBXUlZGak5KbTZaUUlYRWRzRm5BT0M0YmloS3ZKZEYwOUtGZHZnQTdPYk5RSmkwbGVqWmhuSC1ON1ZTVFA5OFBsdGxJZHJucF9xRkV5Z054UkxfY1cxSWpLZmFQY1F5RXpDRFlGNEstSzRKYkR0ZXdfSkl3cHhFVnBpZ0s1dHdqaGJwQldic3FuUHlQLUlGWXln; SID=-wcVqRro67GFifmdlftZFeS5JEAl9jaWZyPVQCfw_7Q3Nsu7B0dr1r3seFK264Db58EsSA.; Secure-3PSID=-wcVqRro67GFifmdlftZFeS5JEAl9jaWZyPVQCfw_7Q3Nsu7pdxvk9qVm_kdi3E6inElYg.; HSID=AMOR6MIKosSG0sOAA; SSID=AEGlFwlmYV5AB3cC-; APISID=Y7Yo2SAxnIz4U1sl/A-3SZjry6vhyBgBQ8; SAPISID=vk9gOgIs4QfiInwL/A4hfXNFmDNi3PpWTA; Secure-3PAPISID=vk9gOgIs4QfiInwL/A4hfXNFmDNi3PpWTA; YSC=P0ojBQS_SMk; SIDCC=AJi4QfEVrKq60m8YEQ8qhRfoK0NMsi6FJkTAfn8F8VGc7hyLZvvbmW5py2eBSKk_1jKQgZ25X84; __Secure-3PSIDCC=AJi4QfH3aHjcC94EYd_hlT3GK6hJKuj7n6WFa-kGfynJm1WWEIbYtuIu9BiFBMcb9Hec6dvfY6Q",
  • Watch this video to know how to get a valid Youtube Cookie
  • You may use any channel id for ERROR_LOGS_CHANNEL, but the bot must be present in the server you are choosing the ID from.
  • All the errors your bot faces, will be logged in the ERROR_LOGS_CHANNEL
  • The mongoPass must be a url
  • Visit Official MongoDB Website to get your mongoPass
  • Watch this video to know how to get your mongoPass: MongoDb Tutorial
  • Don't change the tenorAPI else the gif command won't work!



PCG's Empire - Our partner

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  • Having bugs in the code? Refer to solving bugs file for help it have common errors and how to solve them! If you still need some helps then don't be shy join idk-devs server and dm me or open a ticket to get helped!
  • If you find any bugs or issues in the code report them in this page!
  • For free vps hosting use clohost! check advertising summary there you will find it!
  • For an better support join these servers

ICX org.

Tech Boy Development

Abrotix Development

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