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sk98lin.txt created 22-Aug-2012

Readme File for sk98lin v10.93.3.3 Marvell Yukon/SysKonnect SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Adapter driver for Linux Installation Instructions for sk98lin Driver

This file contains 1 Overview 2 Required Files and Tools 3 Prerequisites 4 Preparing the Driver Installation Package 5 Driver Installation 5.1 Installation Mode 5.2 Patch Generation Mode 5.3 Generate Makefile Mode 6 Patch Generation and Recompilation of the Kernel 6.1 Downloading and Unpacking the Linux Kernel 6.2 Generating the Driver Patch 6.3 Applying the Driver Patch 6.4 Configuring the Linux Kernel 6.5 Compiling and Installing the Linux Kernel 7 Generate Makefile Mode 8 Manual Module Loading 9 Unloading the Module 10 Driver Parameters 11 Ethtool Commands 12 Troubleshooting

1 Overview

This document describes the installation of the sk98lin driver on your Linux system. It describes how the installation script works and how it can be used to either install the sk98lin driver or to create a Linux kernel patch. The installation script can be used on Linux kernel versions 2.6 and higher.

Applying the Linux kernel patch requires an installed Linux kernel which can be compiled and which is used along with the applied sk98lin driver. Therefore, unpacking, patching, configuring, and compiling a Linux kernel is also explained in this document.

This document does not describe the sk98lin driver and its parameters. For more information refer to 'sk98lin.txt' or the sk98lin.4 man page.

2 Required Files and Tools

To install the sk98lin driver the following files and tools on your Linux system are required:

  • Linux kernel source available in directory /usr/src/linux

  • Compiler tools (e.g. gcc)

3 Prerequisites

The prerequisites for compilation, loading, and patch creation of the sk98lin driver are:

  • Any device using the sk98lin kernel module needs to be closed.

  • The old sk98lin kernel module needs to be unloaded. Per default the installation script will do this automatically (if "installation" mode is selected).

  • Your system has to be equipped with a supported network controller. Without a network controller the full driver functionality cannot be checked.

  • The kernel source used for compilation and the running kernel have to be consistent (same version and same configuration).

4 Preparing the Driver Installation Package

Before the sk98lin driver installation script can be invoked, the installation package needs to be unpacked:

  1. Login as 'root'.

  2. To unpack the driver installation package, execute the command

    tar xfvj install_A.B.C.D.tar.bz2


    bunzip2 -c install_A.B.C.D.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -

5 Driver Installation

  1. After the driver installation package is unpacked, execute the following commands to start the sk98lin driver build process:

    cd DriverInstall


  2. Select the driver installation mode (see following sections).

NOTE: In case you have installed another driver module than the original Marvell driver you will be asked how to further proceed. You can ignore the fact, you can rename the other driver, or you can erase the driver. We recommend to erase the driver to avoid unwanted side effects and interdependencies.

  1. Wait for the driver build process to finish. Depending on the installation mode you selected, the driver is either compiled and installed, or a kernel patch is generated.

NOTE: Depending on your Linux distribution, the name of your device may have changed after successful installation. In order to restore your old device, start the appropriate network configuration utility and rename the device.

5.1 Installation Mode

When selecting the installation mode, the driver sources shipped with the install package are compiled and the resulting driver module object file is installed to a suitable location (usually somewhere below directory /lib/modules/...).

No source files of the driver are installed into a kernel directory. Only the driver module object file and the man page of the driver are installed onto your system permanently.

Installation mode means that the build process runs automatically without any user interaction. In case of installation problems, the driver installation script autonomously tries to solve the problem (if possible).

After the compilation has finished, the initial system state and configuration is recovered and all (possibly) backed-up system files are restored from the initial configuration.

5.2 Patch Generation Mode

When selecting the patch generation mode, a driver patch is created which can be applied to your Linux kernel (instead of compiling and installing the driver on your system).

Usually, a patch is applied when a recompilation of the Linux kernel is intended and the latest driver sources need to be installed permanently in the appropriate driver directory of the Linux kernel.

NOTE: You still have to compile your patched Linux kernel in order to effectively use the latest driver sources shipped with this installation package!

5.3 Generate Makefile Mode

When selecting the generate makefile mode, all of the driver sources including a makefile will be copied into a new "src" directory.

Usually, the generate makefile mode is used by experienced users to compile the driver sources for development purposes without compiling the whole linux kernel.

6 Patch Generation and Recompilation of the Kernel

If a new patch has been created using the sk98lin driver installation script,

  • it needs to be applied to the Linux kernel sources and
  • the Linux kernel has to be recompiled in order to use the sk98lin driver.

6.1 Downloading and Unpacking the Linux Kernel

Before the sk98lin driver installation script is used to generate a driver patch, a Linux kernel needs to be installed. If you already have installed a Linux kernel in the directory /usr/src, you can skip this section and continue with the section "Applying the Driver Patch".

To patch the Linux Kernel:

  1. Login as 'root'.

  2. Download the original Linux source code named linux-a.b.c.tar.bz2 from into the directory /usr/src

  3. Go to the directory /usr/src and remove all symbolic links to old Linux sources executing the commands:

    cd /usr/src

    rm linux

  4. Unpack the original Linux source code executing the command:

    tar xvjf linux-a.b.c.tar.bz2

    After the sources have been installed, they can be found in a directory named /usr/src/linux-a.b.c or /usr/src/linux.

  5. If the symbolic link to the target kernel source directory (/usr/src/linux) does not exist, create it manually with the following commands:

    cd /usr/src

    ln -s linux-a.b.c linux

6.2 Generating the Driver Patch

To generate the driver patch:

  1. Start the sk98lin driver installation script.

  2. Select "generate patch".

  3. Follow the instructions of the installation script.

6.3 Applying the Driver Patch

To apply the generated patch into the kernel, execute the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux

cat /patch-location/sk98lin__vA.B.C.D_a.b.c_patch | patch -p1

6.4 Configuring the Linux Kernel

To configure the Linux Kernel:

  1. Go to the directory /usr/src/linux:

    cd /usr/src/linux

  2. Depending on your current environment mode (console or graphical), you have to invoke different Kernel configuration commands:

    In the console mode, execute the command:

    make menuconfig

    In the graphical mode, execute the command:

    make xconfig


    make gconfig

    This builds a few programs and displays the kernel configuration menu.

  3. Select the menu "device drivers".

  4. Select the menu "Network Device Support".

  5. Select "Ethernet (1000 Mbit)".

  6. To compile the driver as a module, mark "Marvell Yukon Chipset/SysKonnect SK-98xx Support" with (M).

    To integrate the driver permanently into the kernel, mark "Marvell Yukon Chipset/SysKonnect SK-98xx Support" with (*).

  7. To enable Rx polling of the driver, mark "Use Rx polling (NAPI)" with (*).

  8. Select "Exit".

  9. Select the menu "Loadable module support".

  10. Select "Enable loadable module support".

  11. Select "Kernel module loader".

  12. Configure other options, e.g., SCSI, file systems, etc.

  13. To quit the configuration, select "Exit".

  14. When the message "Do you wish to save your new kernel configuration" is displayed, select "Yes".

6.5 Compiling and Installing the Linux Kernel

To compile and install the Linux kernel:

  1. Build the Linux kernel binary. Build all modules and install them below /lib/modules by executing the commands:


    make modules_install

    make install

  2. Reboot your system with the new kernel.

7 Generate Makefile Mode

If generate makefile mode has been selected using the sk98lin driver installation script, the sk98lin driver sources will be compiled using the running kernel and the driver binary will be generated in the "src" directory. In this case the Linux kernel will not be recompiled.

To use generate makefile mode:

  1. Start the sk98lin driver installation script.

  2. Select "generate makefile".

  3. Follow the instructions of the installation script.

8 Manual Module Loading

After booting the Linux kernel and compiling the driver as a loadable kernel module (LKM), the driver needs to be loaded:

  1. Enter "modprobe sk98lin".

  2. Execute the command "ifconfig ethX <IP_Adr.>":

ifconfig eth0

ifconfig eth1

NOTE: For further information (e.g. the driver parameters) refer to the sk98lin.txt file.

9 Unloading the Module

Unloading of the sk98lin driver is only possible if it has been compiled as a loadable kernel module. Before the driver module can be unloaded, all interfaces of the driver module must to be stopped with the following sequence of commands:

  1. Execute the command "ifconfig YOUR_DEVICE down":

ifconfig eth0 down

ifconfig eth1 down

ifconfig ... down

  1. Execute the command "rmmod sk98lin".

10 Driver Parameters

When loading the driver as a kernel module, additional parameters can be passed to the driver for configuration.

The parameters can be passed in two ways:

State them on the modprobe command line. or Set them in the file /etc/modprobe.conf (old name: /etc/modules.conf), in order to force the kernel module loader to pass them to the driver at load-time.

NOTE: For further information about the driver parameters and their possible values refer to the sk98lin.txt file.

11 Ethtool Commands

The sk98lin driver provides built-in ethtool support. The ethtool can be used to display or modify interface specific configurations.

NOTE: For further information about the ethtool commands and their possible values refer to the sk98lin.txt file.

12 Troubleshooting

If any problems occur during the installation process, check the following list of known problems. If you cannot find your problem in the list below, contact Marvell technical support for help ( When contacting our technical support, ensure that the following information is available:

  • The 'install.log' file created by the install script ''
  • System Manufacturer and HW Informations (CPU, Memory... )
  • PCI-Boards in your system
  • Distribution
  • Kernel version
  • Driver version

Problem: Programs such as 'ifconfig' or 'route' cannot be found or the error message 'Operation not permitted' is displayed. Reason: You are not logged in as user 'root'. Solution: Logout and login as 'root' or change to 'root' via 'su'.

Problem: The driver can be started, but if an ip address is assigned to a network controller no link up indication is displayed although it is connected to the network. It is also not possible to receive or transmit any packets, i.e., 'ping' does not work. Reason: The network controller does not receive any interrupts from the Linux system. This can happen when using the APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) of an SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processor) compiled kernel in a UP (Uni-Processor) environment. Solution: Use the Linux kernel parameters 'noapic' or 'nolapic' when booting the kernel. To do this, add these kernel parameters to the boot manager kernel selection menu (either /boot/grub/menu.lst for GRUB or /etc/lilo.conf for LILO). When you build a kernel, deselect the option CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC.

Problem: The driver can be started, the network controller is connected to the network and a link up indication is displayed, but you cannot receive or transmit any packets, e.g., 'ping' does not work. Reason: There is an incorrect route in your routing table or the remote host is unreachable. Solution: Check the routing table with the command 'route' and read the man pages dealing with routes (enter 'man route'). Check the connection to the remote host system.

Problem: After running the "" script the error message './functions: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected' is displayed. Reason: Your Linux sytem uses a Debian Almquist shell (dash) which is a Unix shell and much smaller than bash but still aiming at POSIX-compliancy. It requires less disk space but is also less feature-rich. Solution: Use the following command: 'sudo bash ./'.

End of Readme File


sk98lin for Linux 4.x kernels






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