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Wheel Monitor

The Wheel Monitor is a TypeScript class that creates a visual representation of scroll activity for debugging purposes..

It provides an easy way to monitor and visualize wheel events on a webpage.


You can install the Wheel Monitor using your preferred package manager:

yarn add -D wheel-monitor


npm install --save-dev wheel-monitor


import { WheelMonitor } from '';


To use the Wheel Monitor, you need to import the WheelMonitor class and create an instance:

import { WheelMonitor } from 'wheel-monitor';

// Create an instance of WheelMonitor with custom settings
const monitor = new WheelMonitor({
  axis: 'y',
  height: 100,
  width: 200,
  barColor '#0000cc',
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  className: 'custom-classname'

// To destroy the monitor and remove event listeners and canvas

Manual mode

Ability to programmatically trigger a wheel event. For example, if you handle events by yourself.

import { WheelMonitor } from 'wheel-monitor';

const monitor = new WheelMonitor({
  manual: true,

window.addEventListener('wheel', (e) => {

Scale mode

You can enable scaling mode so that the values on the chart are scaled like on the demo.

import { WheelMonitor } from 'wheel-monitor';

const monitor = new WheelMonitor({
  scale: true,

Overriding styles

You can add custom className with desired styles.

NOTE: If a custom className is specified, the default styles will not be applied.


.wheel-monitor {
  position: absolute !important;
import { WheelMonitor } from 'wheel-monitor';

const monitor = new WheelMonitor({
  className: 'wheel-monitor',


The WheelMonitorSettings interface provides several options to customize the appearance and behavior of the monitor:

Option Description Default Value
manual manual mode flag false
scale scale mode flag false
axis Scroll axis x or y
height Canvas height 100
width Canvas width 200
zIndex Canvas z-index 999999
barColor Chart bar color #0000cc
className Custom className


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.