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You can manage your user withdraw and deposit in your website with this package

How can I install this package?

composer require iamamirsalehi/laravel-balance

after installation publish needed files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Iamamirsalehi\LaravelBalance\LaravelBalanceServiceProvider"

and run the migrations

php artisan migrate

note: all methods are called statically

Tasks to do

  • Deposit
  • Withdraw unconfirmed yet
  • Withdraw confirmed
  • Rejected withdraw
  • pend order
  • execute order
  • cancel order

How to deposit for user?

use Iamamirsalehi\LaravelBalance\Services\Balance\BalanceService;

    'user_id' => 1,
    'coin_id' => 1,
    'price' => 300000

as you can see you have three parameters to pass, the second one is might be confusing, coin_id is actually the coin to deposit and withdraw.

How to withdraw?

When actually user wants to withdraw, the user must ask his withdraw then admin can confirm or reject the request. So when user wants to have a withdraw, user should send the request like below with withdrawUnconfirmedyet method.

use Iamamirsalehi\LaravelBalance\Services\Balance\BalanceService;

     'user_id' => 1,
     'coin_id' => 1,
     'price' => 500000

How to confirm the requested withdraw?

You can confirm withdraw with withdrawconfirmed method

use Iamamirsalehi\LaravelBalance\Services\Balance\BalanceService;

    'user_id' => 1,
    'coin_id' => 1,
    'withdraw_id' => 1

What if we wanted to reject the requested withdraw?

Easily with rejectedWithdraw method

use Iamamirsalehi\LaravelBalance\Services\Balance\BalanceService;

     'user_id' => 1,
     'coin_id' => 1,
     'withdraw_id' => 1

What's actually the formula for every action?

Coin code The coin that is selected to done the action
Action code Type of transaction
Action 1 (C) Has direct effect on Asset (D)
Asset (D) The amount of money that user has, the formula to calculate is D(n)=C(n)+D(n-1)
Action 2 (E) Has direct effect on Liability (F)
Liability (F) The amount of user blocked money, the formula to calculate is F(n)=E(n)+F(n-1)
Free balance The free balance that user can deposit and withdraw, the formula to calculate G(n)=D(n)-F(n)

Coin code (A) Action code (B) Action 1 (C) Asset (D) Action 2 (E) Liability (F) Free balance (G)
7(TRX) Deposit 10 10 0 0 10
7(TRX) Withdraw unconfirmed yet 0 10 5 5 5
7(TRX) Withdraw confirmed -5 5 -5 0 5
7(TRX) Withdraw unconfirmed yet 0 5 2 2 3
7(TRX) Rejected withdraw 0 5 -2 0 5
7(TRX) pend order 0 5 2 2 3
7(TRX) execute order -2 3 -2 0 3
7(TRX) pend order 0 3 2 2 1
7(TRX) cancel order 0 3 -2 0 3

What happen when we call the actions?

Action code Action 1 Action 2
Deposit (+x) null
Withdraw unconfirmed yet null (+x)
Withdraw confirmed (-x) (-x)
Rejected withdraw null (-x)
pend order null (+x)
execute order (-x) (-x)
cancel order null (-x)