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Exporting schemes

Giorgio Garofalo edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 7 revisions

If you have successfully set Pikt up as explained before, you may want to write your first program. However, copy-pasting hex values back and forth from the .properties scheme to the image editor is a very slow process. Pikt helps you by generating an image out of a specific color scheme so that you can easily pick the colors you need and insert them into your code.

All you need to do is running Pikt with the exportscheme command with -Dcolors=<your_scheme> set. A message will be printed out if the process is successfully executed, and an image called <your_scheme>.png that looks like this will be generated:


In case a property has two or more colors (e.g. whitespace=FFFFFF,D6B4B4) a sequence of slightly overlapping circles will be displayed before the property name.

The downloadable zip file already comes with an exported palette of the default scheme.