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OCS10 (C++) FYP

This is my final year project for Programming in C++ (OCS10), taken in 2019-2020. The project consists of two parts: a post-fix expression evaluator, and an unbeatable tic-tac-toe game. As an additional side challenge I built a custom GUI for both parts using SDL2 and my amateurish photoshop skills.

Postfix Expression Evaluator

This app evaluates post-fix expressions by means of a stack. The program iterates through each character in the expression, delimited by a space. Operands are pushed onto the stack. Operators are applied to the top-most two items on the stack (and the result is pushed onto the stack).

The stack is implemented as a dynamically allocated array whose length adjusts throughout runtime for memory efficiency.

All GUI components are custom-built. SDL2 provides low-level access to I/O and graphics hardware; it is not a GUI library per se, so it doesn't have built-in UI components. Building buttons with a hover effect was fairly simple. More notably, I built my own textbox component that calculates substring render widths (using elementary arithmetic) in order to handle cursor positioning and support text wrapping and selection.


  • Verbose mode (see bottom right screenshot). Provides error printouts when expression evaluation fails
  • Works with decimal values (but not negative numbers... yet)
  • Clipboard integration. Textbox input supports select-all, cut, copy, and paste operations. Output display supports select-all and copy


Build/Installation Instructions:

You must have g++ installed. This can be done through a package manager on *NIX systems. Windows users can use MinGW.

*NIX Users:
  • You must have SDL2, SDL2_image, and SDL2_ttf installed. This can be done through a package manager on *NIX systems.
  • From the PostFixProj directory, run g++ main.cpp -SDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf
Windows Users:
  • I have included all the necessary SDL2 files within the directory, so there is no further action needed
  • From the PostFixProj directory, run g++ src\main.cpp -I.\SDL2\include -L.\SDL2\lib -w -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -o main.exe
  • There is a pre-compiled main.exe executable

Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe

This app allows the user to play tic-tac-toe against a computer. The computer uses a minimax algorithm to calculate the best move against the player, and never loses.

About Minimax

  • The minimax algorithm works by recursively calculating all possible event paths (to a certain number of moves ahead). 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe is simple enough such that all possible event paths until the end of the game are computed.
  • A score is assigned to each event path depending on whether the computer wins/loses/draws, as well as how long it takes for this outcome to be achieved.
  • The first event on the highest-scoring event path is the move that will be played by the computer.

Alpha-Beta Pruning

  • Minimax tends to be very computationally intensive since it brute-forces every possible outcome. To optimise things a little, I implemented alpha-beta pruning on the recursive tree of minimax calls.
  • We do not need to compute every singular possible leaf on this tree
  • Given a choice of moves, if we know that a move will be definitely worse than a previously considered move, then we need not consider this move (and any possible succeeding moves) at all
  • Alpha-beta pruning allows us to "prune" away some parts of the recursive tree, so we avoid computing event paths that cannot influence the final decision of what move to play.


Build/Installation Instructions:

You must have g++ installed. This can be done through a package manager on *NIX systems. Windows users can use MinGW.

*NIX Users:
  • You must have SDL2, SDL2_image, and SDL2_ttf installed. This can be done through a package manager on *NIX systems.
  • From the TicTacToe directory, run g++ main.cpp -SDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf
Windows Users:
  • I have included all the necessary SDL2 files within the directory, so there is no further action needed
  • From the TicTacToe directory, run g++ src\main.cpp -I.\SDL2\include -L.\SDL2\lib -w -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -o main.exe
  • There is a pre-compiled main.exe executable


OCS05 (C++) Final Year Project






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