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261 lines (191 loc) · 11.6 KB

Reddit Widget for Scriptable App

This widget shows your Karma, Cakeday and Profile Image on your home and lockscreen

1.4.1 Update Notes (January 17th 2024)

  • Added a second Circular-Lockscreen-Widget, which shows upvotes and comments of your recent post/comment
  • Added also Rectangular-Lockscree-Widget with the same functions
    -> Jump To Lockscreen Widgets

1.4 Update Notes (December 27th 2023)

  • Added Circular-Lockscreen-Widget. It shows your total karma
  • Small improvements of the Large-Widget

1.3.1 Update Notes (December 19th 2023)

  • Removed 'Open Profile' dialog
  • Added basics for lockscreen widgets

1.3 Update Notes (December 15th 2023)

  • Removed the most 3rd party app icons due to recent api changes from reddit
  • Added alternative reddit icons, like alienblue, classic & black
  • Coin balance is replaced with your cakeday/account age
  • The formatting of the karma values has been adjusted slightly
  • Small Code improvements
  • Added the option to set the widget background gradient into reddit-orange (You have to move the comment brackets (/*...*/) to the default value)

1.2 Update Notes (July 20th 2022)

  • Script Saves and pulls reddit login datas on device (~ iCloud/Scriptable/Reddit-Widget/LoginDatas.json)
  • Downloads once profile image & app icons to iCloud for less mobile data usage
  • Added 'Delete Menu ⌦' for Downloaded Files
  • added first / error widget for all sizes
  • Added unread messages badge for large widget, too!
  • Added the reddit web-favicon and ReSurfer (amazing reddit client, check it out) as icon option.
  • Added the option to use the web-browser instead of reddit, apollo or ReSurfer app (If you also have the reddit app installed, iOS will first open the reddit app instead of the browser)
  • Fixed bug where long karma numbers may displayed cutted off in the small-widget
  • Small design and functionality improvements

1.1 Update Notes (May 05th 2022)

  • Updated Function for calculating karma numbers (e.g. 1494 = 1.494K; 20567 = 20.57K; 1000000 = 1M etc.)
  • Added Feature notification Badge also for Medium Widget
  • Added selfupdate function1

Known Issues

  • Long usernames (up to 13 symbols) may not display correctly (Small-Widget)
  • Long usertitles may not be displayed correctly in conjunction with username (Medium-Widget)
  • and some small other bugs...

Next Update Includes (...maybe)

  • Push-Notifications when today is your Cakeday and new reached Karma score (25 point steps)

Widget Overview


The Widget has a Dynamic Gradient Background

Change the background gradient to always Reddit Styled

You only have to change the position of the comment brackets


//Standard dynamic colors for background gradient
let top = Color.dynamic(new Color('#ffffff'), new Color('#0F2D60'))
let middle = Color.dynamic(new Color('#EDEDED'), new Color('#000427'))
let bottom = Color.dynamic(new Color('#D4D4D4'), new Color('#000000'))

//Orange background gradient like the official reddit app icon
let top = new Color('#FF8420')
let middle = new Color('#FD3F12')
let bottom = new Color('#EA2128')


//Standard dynamic colors for background gradient
let top = Color.dynamic(new Color('#ffffff'), new Color('#0F2D60'))
let middle = Color.dynamic(new Color('#EDEDED'), new Color('#000427'))
let bottom = Color.dynamic(new Color('#D4D4D4'), new Color('#000000'))

//Orange background gradient like the official reddit app icon
let top = new Color('#FF8420')
let middle = new Color('#FD3F12')
let bottom = new Color('#EA2128')

First Run

When you add the widget but also saved your login datas (via script) youll get the Error/First Run Widget.
Open the Script an Enter your Datas from Reddit.

Happy Cakeday

Today is your Cakeday!? The widget will tell you subtly.


Create Personal Reddit App/Script

  1. Login to your Account and go to

  2. Create new Personal Script

  1. Click Checkbox "script" and set a redirect uri (e.g. same as in the image)

  1. Create App

  2. Copy Client_ID & Client_Secret

  1. Config Script
const refreshInt = 90 //in minutes
const enableNotifications = true //beta
const showNotifyBadge = true //all widget sizes
const showUserTitle = true //medium- & large widget
const numberFormatting = 'de-DE' //For karma valuesen. e.g.: en-EN, en-IN etc.
const widgetIcon = 'orange' //small- & medium widget; available icons: alienblue, black, classic, orange, roundorange, oldReddit, reddit, apollo;

Official Reddit API Guidelines:

Helper-Shortcut for downloading App-Icon-URLs from the App-Store:

Widget Parameter

You can set Karma or Post in the Lockscreen-Widgets.
'Karma' is just for the circular available!

Run Script In App

By running the scirpt In App it will present a menu including Username, Total Karma, Coin Balance & Unread Inbox Count at the Top. You can choose one of the following three options in the sheet: Show small-, medium-, largewidget or open your profile in your standard Reddit-Client (Create Personal Reddit App/Script - 6. Config Script)

Delete Menu


Install Script

  1. Install Scriptable for iOS
  2. Copy each line of the Script or download this helper shortcut
  3. + Add new Script

  1. Paste it into the new Script
  2. Finish

Add Widget To Homescreen

  1. Go to your homescreen and long tab anywhere
  2. By tapping the + it will opens the gallery
  3. chose or search for scriptable
  4. Chose the widget-size and tap "Add Widget"
  5. Tap the widget and choose the script, then set "When Interacting" = "Run Script"
  6. Set the widget Parameters (Only Lockscreen-Widgets)
  7. Done

On First Run

It will Downloads and Save the Following Symbols at the directory "Reddit-Widget"

iCloud Drive/
├─ Scriptable/
│  ├─ Reddit-Widget/
│  │  ├─ karma.png
│  │  ├─ cakedayApollo.png
│  │  ├─ cakedayConfetti.png
│  │  ├─ profileIcon.png
│  │  ├─ classic.png
│  │  ├─ orange.png
│  │  ├─ roundorange.png
│  │  ├─ oldReddit.png
│  │  ├─ black.png
│  │  ├─ alienblue.png
│  │  ├─ arrowsLS.png
│  │  ├─ redditLS.png
---- alternative symbols ----
│  │  ├─ cakedayReddit.png
│  │  ├─ apollo.png
│  │  ├─ reddit.png


  1. Function is written by the amazing @mvan231 - Thx for your Support