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Linux Kernel Structure

JaeMoo Han edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 4 revisions

#Linux Kernel Structure

리눅스 구조를 설명하기 위한 페이지
Understanding Linux Kernel의 목차를 참고


  1. Introduction
  2. Memory Addressing
  3. Processes
  4. Interrupts and Exceptions
  5. Kernel Synchronization
  6. Timing Measurements
  7. Process Scheduling
  8. Memory Management
  9. Process Address Space
  10. System Calls
  11. Signals
  12. The Virtual Filesystem
  13. I/O Architecture and Device Drivers
  14. Block Device Drivers
  15. The Page Cache
  16. Accessing Files
  17. Page Frame Reclaiming
  18. The Ext2 and Ext3 Filesystems
  19. Process Communication

Understanding Linux Kernel 목차 참고

##Memory Addressing
##Interrupts and Exceptions
##Kernel Synchronization
##Timing Measurements
##Process Scheduling
##Memory Management
##Process Address Space
##System Calls
##The Virtual Filesystem
##I/O Architecture and Device Drivers
##Block Device Drivers
##The Page Cache
##Accessing Files
##Page Frame Reclaiming
##The Ext2 and Ext3 Filesystems
##Process Communication