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Scania Test

1. Containerize an Application Using Docker:

The application has been written in Python with Flask framework. The Dockerfile is written as a multi-stage build to reduce the image size and enhance security.


2. Set Up Backstage:


3. Integrate Docker with Backstage:

  • Created backend API to trigger GitHub actions (in Node.js)

    yarn add @octokit/rest
  • Creating a Deploy Component: This component will include a form where users can specify the necessary details for triggering a GitHub Actions workflow (e.g., repository name, workflow ID).

    • DeployComponent.ts
  • Created a Custom API Ref: Defined a custom API in the Scania plugin to abstract the communication with the backend.

    • api.ts
  • Added an API in the backend to list the deployed images:

    • router.ts
  • The backend component in Backstage to list all images:

    • DockerHubImagesComponent.tsx
  • Component to run the image locally:

    • RunDockerComponent.tsx
  • Backend part part of run image locally:

    • server.js

4. Create a “CI/CD Pipeline”:

Used GitHub Actions to build the docker image and push it to Docker Hub.

Deploy the Container:

Used Azure DevOps pipeline to build and push it to Azure Container Registry and deploy it to Kubernetes cluster. Manifest files and Azure DevOps pipeline script are added.

  • DeploytoAzureK8s.yml
  • deployment.yml
  • service.yml


This repository is for Scania assignment






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