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This is a demo that, given a defined Auth0 application, will pull the identity for a given social provider, based on the Auth0 user ID, which have the name of the provider as the first part of the user ID. (E.g., Google OAuth user IDs start with google-oauth2. The user's config is saved in a local gob-encoded file, since the intent is to capture the refresh token app immediately after the user consents to allow the application access.

It's okay if none of that really makes sense: at this point, this is not specifically intended to be useful to anyone else, since this is the byproduct of research being done to add additional authn/authz options to another project. This is just a demo right now and doesn't do anything useful. You probably shouldn't store refresh tokens of any value in a file that's readable by anyone other than the owner. You probably ought not to store refresh tokens on the filesystem anyway. The point is, this is just a demo, and a work in progress at that.


Use .env.sample to create .env populated with the appropriate values, as described in the sample file, if you want to run the server with make.

To Do

  • Hook the webserver back up.
  • Serve a login page that allows the user to authenticate and authorize.
  • Have the callback page make a request to the server with the user ID that the server will use to pull the config from Auth0.