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Slurp up products through the BigC API and push them right back up to Elastic Search.

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A lightweight CLI utility designed to pull product and category data from BigCommerce stores and push that data back up to an elasticsearch instance.

What it does

Running this utility will:

  • Query BigCommerce for categories
  • Check returned categories for is_visible
  • Attempt to delete any hidden categories from elasticsearch (if they exist)
  • POST the remaining categories to elasticsearch, updating them if changed
  • Query BigCommerce for brands
  • POST brands to elasticsearch, updating them if changed
  • Query BigCommerce for products
  • Check returned products for is_visible
  • Map categories and brands to products
  • Attempt to delete any hidden products from elasticsearch (if they exist)
  • POST the remaining products to elasticsearch, updating them if changed
  • Output all steps and processes colorfully to the terminal

CLI Flags

Optional flags include:

Flag Example Effect
init bigc2elastic --init CLI to set necessary ENV variables
drop bigc2elastic --drop Drops existing documents first (reset)
products-only bigc2elastic --products-only Syncs products only
no-categories bigc2elastic --no-categories Skips category sync
no-brands bigc2elastic --no-brands Skips brand sync

If ENV variables are missing or not configured, bigc2elastic runs bigc2elastic --init whether or not the --init flag is included.

Running the CLI with the --products-only flag still queries BigCommerce for categories and brands to decorate product documents with their category and brand names, but it will not drop or update category or brand documents within elasticsearch.

Optionally, just the brand documents or just the category documents may be omitted with the appropriate flags (ie: --no-categories, --no-brands).

Running the CLI with the --drop flag will drop all existing documents from elasticsearch before beginning the updates (effectively starting clean).

Flags may be combined if necessary (ie: bigc2elastic --drop --no-categories).

Document Schema

Field Type Product Category Brand
brand <string>
bucket <string> 'product' 'category' 'brand'
calculated_price <number>
categories [<string>,...]
date_created <string>
date_modified <string>
description <string>
id <string> bc2eP<id> bc2eC<id> bc2eB<id>
mpn <string>
name <string>
page_title <string>
price <number>
search_keywords <string>
sort_order <number>
total_sold <number>
upc <string>
view_count <number>
url <string>


  1. First install nvm with curl | bash on Debian-based systems, update your environment settings with source ~/.profile, and install node with nvm install latest (alternatively, check out for other installation options).
  2. Install globally via npm with npm install -g @goodnight_ian/bigc2elastic.
  3. Setup ENV variables by running bigc2elastic --init.
  4. Run the utility with bigc2elastic.

Alternatively, if you want to pull the entire package down for development or other specific use-cases:

  1. First install nvm with curl | bash on Debian-based systems, update your environment settings with source ~/.profile, and install node with nvm install latest (alternatively, check out for other installation options).
  2. Pull the repository down to your local machine by cloning the repository.
  • By installing git and running: cd ~ && git clone
  • Or using cUrl with: curl -L > \ bigc2elastic.tar.gz && tar -zxvf bigc2elastic.tar.gz
  1. Install dependencies with cd bigc2elastic/ && npm install for the entire package, or with cd bigc2elastic/ && npm install --production to install the package without development dependencies.
  2. Set your secret keys using .env.example and filling in the missing values and rename the resulting file from .env.example to .env with mv .env.example .env.
    • Or, run ./index --init to set the ENV through the CLI.
  3. If you have installed the entire package (with devDependencies) you can test your installation with npm test.
  4. If everything looks right, you can run the application with npm start.

Creating a cronjob

  1. Setup your crontab with the command: crontab -e
  2. Crontab uses the syntax m h dom mon dow command referring to minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week respectively with * actiing as a wildcard for 'any'. Occasionally, the relative paths called from node programs don't play nice with cronjobs, so we are going to start our by changing directories to the root of bigc2elastic. So, if we wanted to run our script once a week our crontab entry might look like: 0 5 * * 1 cd /home/<user>/bigc2elastic/ && ./index.js

By default, the output from cronjobs goes to /var/mail/, but you can override this by redirecting the output as part of the command. So the crontab entry: 0 5 * * 1 cd /home/<user>/bigc2elastic/ && ./index.js > ../run.log Runs the program and saves the output from that last job to the file /opt/bigc2elastic/run.log for review.