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This is a Discord bot frontend to the associated bcoin backend API. It lets Discord users join and participant in a super serious, highly secure, definetely real crypto economy, trading in the hottest new coin, BCOIN. The B could stand for literally anything and definitely isn't one of my friends.

Note: This project is definitely not secure, well-tested, etc. It was hacked together quickly and probably won't ever be maintained. You have been warned.


This project uses the awesome to accept user interaction and is set up to run inside a Docker image.


Configuration values are loaded into env vars from a .env file. See .env.template for an example. The configuration values are as follows:

Config Description
DISCORD_TOKEN You need to register your Discord bot, grab it's token, and put it here so it can talk to Discord
API_HOST The hostname where the API can be reached
API_PORT The port where the API can be reached
API_USERNAME The basicauth username used to authenticate with the API
API_PASSWORD The basicauth password used to authenticate with the API
CURRENCY_EMOJI The emoji to use as the currency symbol for your BCOIN. The default is just the letter B. This is just the name of the emoji you want to use, so if your emoji is usually written as :funny_emoji:, set this to funny_emoji
PERMITTED_CHANNELS Comma-separated list of channel ids that the bot will respond to. If users send the bot commands outside of one of these channels, the commands will be ignored.


Lol maybe someday


To run the bot, use the following commands:

docker build -t bcoin-trader:latest .
docker run --env-file .env --net="host" bcoin-trader

That option --net="host" makes it so your container sees localhost as the host's localhost, so you can connect to other services on the host directly. This is probably not secure and there's almost definitely a better way to do this, but yolo.


Discord bot that lets users trade in bcoin






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