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This project contains the code for the Erzmobil Passenger App.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What you need to install the app and how to install the app

Run the project

In Visual Studio Code, open the project, go to the Terminal and type flutter run



The cognito configuration (user pool, region, etc) can be edited in the lib/Amazon file.

Backend URLs, Text Styles, Constants

The base url for the backend communication is defined at lib/Amazon.baseUrl, the custom endpoints for the communication are defined in the lib/Constants class. This class also contains various constants like urls, phone numbers, text styles and custom colors.


The texts files can be found here: lib/l10n

How to build a release


  1. Make sure you have an existing keystore and the file set up. If not follow the steps described here
  2. Afterwards you can run flutter build apk or flutter build appbundle.
  3. Grab the artifacts from build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-release.apk/ or build\app\outputs\bundle\release\app-release.aab


  1. You must install the needed signing certificates and provisining profiles.
  2. Afterwards you can run flutter build ipa to produce an Xcode build archive (.xcarchive file) in the project's build/ios/archive/ directory and an App Store app bundle (.ipa file) in build/ios/ipa.


  1. Run flutter build web in the Terminal.
  2. Afterwards you can run
  3. Grab the artifacts from build\web\

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