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/ registro Public

WebApp to manage people registration, consumption, payments to an event.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings



Rubocop Ruby Rails PostgreSQL NodeJS Conventional Commits

This webapp was developed using the following tools, those are not required but can be a good baseline to start working in this project

Run Locally

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Prerequisites

sudo apt-get install -y ruby build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev #PostgreSQL

Fedora 32 Prerequisites

sudo dnf install -y ruby ruby-devel gcc openssl-devel zlib-devel rpm-build libpq-devel g++
sudo dnf group install -y "C Development Tools and Libraries"
  1. Ensure you have Ruby and NodeJS installed.

  2. Install bundler gem: sudo gem install bundler

  3. Install all gem dependencies: bundle install

  4. Edit the secrets variables

    • If you are starting over:

      # 1. create .env file
      cp .env.template .env
      # 2. create a key
      rake secret | tail -1 | cut -c1-32 > config/master.key
    • Then create a Credentials file using rails credentials:edit and add the following content:

      secret_key_base: xxxxxxxx
      google_key: xxxxxxxx
      api_user: xxxxxxxx
      api_pass: xxxxxxxx
        password: xxxxxxxx
  5. Start PostgreSQL DB (with docker)

    docker run --name reg -p 5432:5432 \
           -v ~/dev/data/reg:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
           -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123456 -d postgres:13
    1. Initialize the db:
    rails db:create
    rails db:schema:load
    rails db:seed
    # Optional - If you want to generate random data
    rails db:populate
  6. Install yarn dependencies:

    yarn install --check-files
  7. You should be ready to go. Run the project.

    rails server
  8. You can login using admin account that was previously seed: / changeme


This project used RSPEC to run test. Set your environment first:

rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

Run tests using: rspec

Run in Heroku

For more information please visit the official heroku page

  • Set the Buildpacks:

    heroku buildpacks:clear
    heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
    heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
  • Set environmental Variables (for PROD):

    heroku config:set RAILS_MAX_THREADS=1
    heroku config:set RAILS_MIN_THREADS=1
    heroku config:set RAILS_ENV=production
    heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=$(cat config/master.key)
    heroku config:set RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true
  • Create the DB

    heroku rake db:schema:load
    heroku rake db:seed
  • You will have an administrator account already configured. Login using the following credentials:


Update Gems

bundle update
