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This repository implements an extension of the Allegro, Allegro-Legato, which provides a neural-network molecular dynamics (MD) simulator with enhanced robustness. Allegro-Legato realizes the MD simulation for a long time without failure. This legato extension is developed by Hikaru Ibayashi.

When you use Allegro-Legato in your paper, please use the following BibTeX to cite.

  title={Allegro-Legato: Scalable, Fast, and Robust Neural-Network Quantum Molecular Dynamics via Sharpness-Aware Minimization},
  author={Ibayashi, Hikaru and Razakh, Taufeq Mohammed and Yang, Liqiu and Linker, Thomas and Olguin, Marco and Hattori, Shinnosuke and Luo, Ye and Kalia, Rajiv K and Nakano, Aiichiro and Nomura, Ken-ichi and others},
  booktitle={International Conference on High Performance Computing},

If you have questions about this repository, feel free to contact me (ibayashi[at]


Note: This implementation assumes an HPC environment. Required environment (with versions confirmed to work.)

  • gcc: 8.3.0
  • git: 2.25.0
  • cmake: 3.16.2
  • cuda: 11.3.0
  • Python: 3.10.8
  • wandb: 0.13.5

With those external modules and libraries installed, run the following commands to install the nequip library and allegro library with the legato extension.

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
cd nequip && pip install .
cd allegro &&  pip install .

Then, you run the following to compile the LAMMPS environment.


Please refer Allegro installation instructions to see the detailed dependencies.


We provide the following three features. Simply execute the Python scripts and you can enjoy each feature parallelized on HPC.

  • Training: python
  • Measuring sharpness: python
  • Measuring $t_\text{failure}$: python

Note: $t_\text{failure}$ means the number of steps until the simulation breaks. Allegro-Legato has larger $t_\text{failure}$ than the original Allegro, i.e., more robust.

Start Minimally

To check if those three features work on your environment, first, run the following command as a sanity check.

python --sanity-check;
python --sanity-check;
python --sanity-check;

Long term simulation

Since this code is intended for the short-term simulation to tune the hyper-parameter, $\rho$, (Sec. 2.3), simulations terminate after the system temperature deviates by more than 100 degree.

However, if you want to continue running your simulation as long as possible, please comment out this line and recompile LAMMPS.