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Understanding CMake

CMake is a build system generator. That means that CMake is used in the build process, but it doesn't actually run the compiler. Instead CMake generates project files suitable for the current platform. It may be a set of Makefiles, a Visual Studio project, or the corresponding files for XCode. The flow is summarized below:

Source files → CMake → Build system → Build toolchain → Binary files.

Targets and its properties

The main building block in CMake is a build target. A build target represents one strand through the flow above. It (often) starts with a set of source files and (often) ends with a compiled binary. The binary can be an executable or a library. A single CMake project typically contains several build targets, often with dependencies between them. To create a build target we need to supply at least three pieces of information: the source files, whether the target is an executable or a library, and the name of the binary. So we have this:

│ Target  │
| Name    | To reference the target in CMake and filename of the final file.
| Type    | Executable or library.
| Sources | List of .cpp files.

The name will be used not only to name the compiled file on disk, but also to refer to the target itself in CMake.

In addition to the source files, a compilation often require header files. The source files already specify which header file they need through #include directives so we don't need to specify them again. However, the compiler needs to be told where to look for the include files. In other words it needs to know the include directories. So we add this information to the build target.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| Include directories | List of directories.

There are several version of the C++ standard, such as C++11 and C++17, and the difference is sometimes important. We call the standard that a compiler supports a feature of the compiler. There are other features as well, but the language standard seems to cover most cases. Regardless, for correctness let's call the target entry Compiler features.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   | Feature requirements on the compiler, such as the C++ standard.

Sometimes we need to pass additional compile options. These are platform/compiler specific switches that CMake passes unchanged through the build system to the compiler. Here we can include things such as warning level, preprocessor defines, and architecture selectors such as -mavx.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    | Compiler options passed unchanged to the compiler

This is enough to build basic project that only consist of a single build target. Or rather, projects that consist of independent build targets. But in the real world we often let one build target use functionality provided by another. For example a library target and an executable target that links against the library. This adds a bit of complexity since some, but not all, of the properties we assign to the library should also apply to any target that link with it. For example, a library may have include directories that are part of the interface and that user code must be able to include, but also have private include directories containing internal headers that only the library source itself needs to see. CMake models this separation by marking some properties as INTERFACE properties, meaning that they should apply to users of the build target instead of the target itself, while the opposite is called PRIVATE properties. Of the properties we've seen so far, this applies to the include directories, compile features, and compile options. It is common that a property is included in both the INTERFACE and PRIVATE sets. CMake calls such properties PUBLIC properties.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           | Include directories, compile features, and compile
| Include directories | options that should be applied when building targets
| Compiler features   | linking with this target.
| Compiler options    |
| PRIVATE             | Include directories, compile features, and compile
| Include directories | options that should be applied when building the target
| Compiler features   | itself.
| Compiler options    |

When linking with a library the INTERFACE properties of that library become INTERFACE properties of the linking target as well. Thus they will also be included in a third target that link against the middle target in the chain. We say that the INTERFACE properties are applied transitively.

The link target itself is also a property and is by default included in both the INTERFACE and PRIVATE parts. This means that linking against a library that in turn links against another library will cause the linker command for the first target to also include the other library.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      | Extra libraries that users of this target link against.
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      | Libraries that this target link against.

The above is all the information we need to supply in order to build most projects.

File locations

When using CMake we need to keep track of a number of different directories, or directory trees rather. Three important directory trees are the source three, the binary tree, and the install tree. The source tree is our code repository. This is where we make our changes and it is this directory tree that is shared with other people. CMake should only look at, but never touch, this directory. When building a target the result of the build is stored in the binary tree. CMake may store other files it needs here as well, such as generated project files and intermediate build artifacts. When a build has been completed we may chose to make an installation. An installation picks files from both the source tree and the binary tree and copies them into the install tree. The install tree is a self-contained version of the software we've built and is the directory that is distributed to the end-user.

Header files are commonly included in both the source and the install directory trees, but not always with the same layout. This means that the include directories listed in the INTERFACE part of a target may need to be different depending on if the target is being used from the source tree or the install tree. We say that a particular include directory is either part of the BUILD_INTERFACE or the INSTALL_INTERFACE. I'm not sure if this applies to PRIVATE include directories as well, but for now I'm only adding it to the INTERFACE box below

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories |
|   build             | Include directories when building from the source tree.
|   install           | Include directories when building from the install tree.
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |


There are various things that can be installed. Two already mentioned are header files and compiled binaries, such as executable programs and libraries. Where to install the binaries is part of the target, but headers files aren't really part of a target so they are handled separately. One way to do this is to request a simple directory copy. We may, for example, say that the directory "include" should be copied from the source tree to a directory with the same name in the install tree.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories |
|   build             |
|   install           |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| Install directory   | Directory where the binaries this target generates will be installed.

│ Installs           │
| DIRECTORIES        |
| include → include  | Directory to copy from the source tree to the install tree.

CMake generates the fileinstall_manifest.txt which lists the files installed.

Binaries and headers are usually enough to use a library in another project, but we would like our clients to be able to use all the meta data we packed into our targets. The compiler flags, include paths, compile options, etc. We even made the effort to setup the INSTALL_INTERFACE for the include paths for this exact purpose. To do this we need to export this information so that it can be imported in the client project. Whether or not a particular target should be exported is a property on that target. The export property is not just a true/false flag, but a name of a group of related targets that are installed and imported together. I'm not sure if this property is in the INTERFACE or PRIVATE section of the target, but I placed it in the PRIVATE part since users of this target doesn't automatically become part of the same export group.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories |
|   build             |
|   install           |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| Install directory   |
| Export group        | Export group that this target should be part of.

When we have a collection of targets that should be exported together the next step is to do the actual exporting. This is a mapping from an export group to a file name and a directory in the install tree. This information goes along with the rest of the non-target specific install information. CMake will allow you to give any name to the export group, but it seems it must end with Config. Otherwise the user project won't find it.

│ Installs                     │
| DIRECTORIES                  |
| include → include            |
| Export group → Config file   | Export all targets of this export group to this CMake configuration file in the install tree.


Before we get into writing all of this as a CMake project let's summarize the information we need.

│ Target              │
| Name                |
| Type                |
| Sources             |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories |
|   build             |
|   install           |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories |
| Compiler features   |
| Compiler options    |
| Link libraries      |
| Install directory   |
| Export group        |

│ Installs                     │
| DIRECTORIES                  |
| include → include            |
| Export group → Config file   |

We control CMake using one or more files named CMakeLists.txt which contains CMake commands written in the CMake scripting language. We define a target using either the add_executable command or the add_library command:

add_executable(<target_name> <source_file> [<source_file>]...)
add_library(<target_name> [<link_type>] <source_file> [<source_file>]...)

The link type, either STATIC, SHARED, or MODULE, is optional and not specifying it allows the builder, i.e., the developer running CMake, to chose by either setting or not setting the global BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag.

Lets make an example library. The my_ prefix will be used for all user-supplied names.

add_library(my_math my_add.cpp my_sub.cpp)

After this call we have the following information in our target, given along with a note on which CMake command was used to provide the information.

│ Target              │
| Name                | add_library
|  my_math            |
| Type                | add_library
|  Library            |   Either Shared or Static depending on `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`.
| Sources             | add_library
|  my_add.cpp         |
|  my_sub.cpp         |

The next piece of information on the list is the include directories. Naturally, we add include directories to a target using the target_include_directories command.

target_include_directories(<target> INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC <directory> [<directory>]...)

For example:


Here we say that when building my_math itself we should look for headers in both my_source and my_include. When building other targets that are part of the same project, i.e., when using the BUILD_INTERFACE, we should look for headers in my_include, and lastly, when building other targets using an installed version of my_math we should look for headers in my_math/include.

│ Target              │
| Name                | add_library
|   my_math           |
| Type                | add_library
|   Library           |
| Sources             | add_library
|   my_add.cpp        |
|   my_sub.cpp        |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   build             |
|     my_include      |
|   install           |
|  my_math/my_include |
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   my_include        |
|   my_source         |

Next up is compiler features, which we add to a target using target_compile_features.

target_compile_feature(<target> INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE <feature> [<feature> ...])
target_compile_feature(my_math PRIVATE cxx_std_11)

The example above state that to build the my_math target the compiler must support the C++ 11 standard. There is no such requirement on users of the my_math library since the PRIVATE scope keyword was used.

The compiler options are handle in a very similar way.

target_compile_options(<target> INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE <option> [<option> ...])

Here we add some warning related compiler options:

target_compile_options(my_math PRIVATE -Wall -Werror)
│ Target              │
| Name                | add_library
|   my_math           |
| Type                | add_library
|   Library           |
| Sources             | add_library
|   my_add.cpp        |
|   my_sub.cpp        |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   build             |
|     my_include      |
|   install           |
|  my_math/my_include |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   my_include        |
|   my_source         |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options

To link with a library we use target_link_libraries.

target_link_libraries(<target> PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE <library> [<library> ...])

Here will link the my_calculator target (Which isn't part of this tutorial, adding it is left as an exercise to the reader.) to our my_math library.

target_link_libraries(my_calculator PUBLIC my_math)
│ Target              │
| Name                | add_library
|   my_math           |
| Type                | add_library
|   Shared library    |
| Sources             | add_library
|   my_add.cpp        |
|   my_sub.cpp        |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   build             |
|     my_include      |
|   install           |
|  my_math/my_include |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options
| Link libraries      | target_link_libraries
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   my_include        |
|   my_source         |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options
| Link libraries      | target_link_libraries

A pattern is emerging. After having created a target, adding properties to this target often follows the the following template:

target_<property>(<target> PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE <item> [<item> ...])

where <property> is one of include_directories, compile_features, compile_options, or link_libraries, and <item> is the include directory, compiler feature, compiler option, or link library we wish to add to the target.

Unfortunately, the install configuration doesn't follow this template and is a bit more complicated. There are four pieces of information we must provide. The first is the directory that the binaries that the target produces should be installed to. The second is the export group that the target should be part of. The third is the my_Config.cmake file that the export group should be written to, and lastly is any other files or directories that should be installed.

The first two, binaries directory and export group, are specified using the same CMake command.

    TARGETS <target>
    EXPORT <export group>
    TARGETS my_math
    EXPORT my_mathConfig

Here we say that the target my_math is part of the my_mathConfig export group and we list a bunch of install destinations. There is a "correct" way to set these and the defaults for the current platform is used when install is given as follows.

    TARGETS <target>

Don't read too much into the GNU part of GNUInstallDirs. It says more about the history of the file that what it actually does.

This has become so common that starting with CMake 3.14 the above has become the default when simply giving install(TARGETS <target>). Just don't forget to also include the EXPORT part, which isn't defaulted:

    TARGETS my_math
    EXPORT my_mathConfig

(I haven't tested the above but I think it should work as described.)

The last two, the my_Config.cmake file and other files and directories, are not related to the target. We specify that a my_Config.cmake file should be generated with the following.

    EXPORT <export group>
    NAMESPACE <name>::
    DESTINATION <path>
    EXPORT my_mathConfig
    NAMESPACE my_::

The NAMESPACE part is a prefix that is added to all targets in the export group when they are imported into another project. The purpose is to avoid name conflicts. The DESTINATION is the directory that the my_Config.cmake files should be installed to. We can use GNUInstallDirs here as well by setting DESTINATION to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/my_math.

Files and directories are installed with

install(DIRECTORY <source directory> DESTINATION <destination directory>)
install(DIRECTORY "include/" DESTINATION "include")

There is some trickery going on with the ending / in the source directory. If we include the /, then contents of the directory is copied to the destination, while if we don't include it then the directory itself is copied.

The install is now complete and we have the following.

│ Target              │
| Name                | add_library
|   my_math           |
| Type                | add_library
|   Shared library    |
| Sources             | add_library
|   my_add.cpp        |
|   my_sub.cpp        |
| INTERFACE           |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   build             |
|     my_include      |
|   install           |
|  my_math/my_include |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options
| Link libraries      | target_link_libraries
| PRIVATE             |
| Include directories | target_include_directories
|   my_include        |
|   my_source         |
| Compiler features   | target_compile_features
| Compiler options    | target_compile_options
| Link libraries      | target_link_libraries
| Install directory   | install(TARGETS <target> DESTINATION)
| Export group        | install(TARGETS <target> EXPORT)

│ Installs                     │
| DIRECTORIES                  |
| include → include            | install(DIRECTORY)
| Export group → Config file   | install(EXPORT)


This section describe how to use installed and exported targets and files in another project. Since we aren't building the the target in question we're only interested in the INTERFACE part of the properties. This is exactly the information that is made available in the my_Config.cmake file. We just need a way to make the new CMake context aware of it. I have yet to find a way to do this in a way that doesn't require hard coding search paths. The my_Config.cmake file is a CMake module and we use the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable tell CMake where to look for modules. We simply append the directory containing my_Config.cmake to it.

Note to self. I'm not sure if it should be CMAKE_MODULE_PATH or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. Yesterday it worked with CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, but today I must use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. I wonder what it will be tomorrow.


The difficult part is to know what to put in place of <path>. It seems we need to know this ourselves somehow and either hard-coding it into the client CMakeLists.txt or by letting the user specify in on the command line when invoking CMake. I typically follow the convention that all projects have the same ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}, and CMake modules, such as the my_Config.cmake files, are placed in the lib/cmake subdirectory. Then we can use the following update to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in any projects.


To use the installed library the only thing we need to do is

find_package(<package> REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<target> <namespace>::<target>)

This will handle everything. Include paths will be added, compiler features and options will be enforced, and the linker command line will be updated to include the new library and all its dependencies. Well, that's the intention at least. Doesn't seem to work though. The problem is that

install(EXPORT my_Cofig.cmake)

generates a broken my_Config.cmake that doesn't list the dependencies of the my_ library. There are two workarounds for this. We can either send the my_ build group to another .cmake file, manually write the my_Config.cmake file by adding find_package lines for the missing transitive dependencies and in include of the generated .cmake, or we can add the same find_package lines to the client's CMakeLists.txt. I don't like either approach.

The hand-coded my_Config.cmake would look something like the following.


and the CMakeLists.txt for the my_ target should contain the following install(EXPORT instead of what we had above.

install(TARGETS my_ EXPORT my_Targets)
install(FILES CMake/my_Config.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake)
    EXPORT my_Targets
    FILE my_Targets.cmake
    NAMESPACE my_::
    DESTINATION lib/cmake)
    TARGETS my_
    NAMESPACE my_::
    FILE my_Targets.cmake)

I found one example that created the my_Config.cmake file from CMakeLists.txt.

file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/my_Config.cmake
  "find_dependency(my_dependency REQUIRED)\n"


A bunch of notes and code snippets that I write while figuring out how to use CMake.






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