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subatom and a much better databinding
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Signed-off-by: Chris Granger <>
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ibdknox committed May 8, 2012
1 parent d6f8684 commit fd3508e
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 102 deletions.
219 changes: 117 additions & 102 deletions src/crate/binding.cljs
@@ -1,9 +1,82 @@
(ns crate.binding
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))

(let [id (atom 0)]
(defn watch-id []
(keyword (str "binding" (swap! id inc)))))
;; subatom

(deftype SubAtom [atm path prevhash watches]
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))

(-deref [_] (get-in @atm path))

(-pr-seq [a opts]
(concat ["#<SubAtom: "] (-pr-seq (get-in @atm path) opts) ">"))

(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]
(doseq [[key f] watches]
(f key this oldval newval)))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(set! (.-watches this) (assoc watches key f)))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(set! (.-watches this) (dissoc watches key)))

(-hash [this] (goog.getUid this)))

(defn subatom
([atm path]
(let [path (if (coll? path)
[atm path] (if (instance? SubAtom atm)
[(.-atm atm) (concat (.-path atm) path)]
[atm path])
k (gensym "subatom")
sa (SubAtom. atm path (hash (get-in @atm path)) nil)]
(add-watch atm k
(fn [_ _ ov nv]
(let [latest (get-in nv path)
latest-hash (hash latest)]
(when-not (= (.-prevhash sa) latest-hash)
(set! (.-prevhash sa) latest-hash)
(-notify-watches sa (get-in ov path) latest)))))

(defn sub-reset!
"Sets the value of atom to newval without regard for the
current value. Returns newval."
[sa new-value]
(swap! (.-atm sa) assoc-in (.-path sa) new-value)

(defn sub-swap!
"Atomically swaps the value of atom to be:
(apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called
multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns
the value that was swapped in."
([sa f]
(sub-reset! sa (f @sa)))
([sa f x]
(sub-reset! sa (f @sa x)))
([sa f x y]
(sub-reset! sa (f @sa x y)))
([sa f x y z]
(sub-reset! sa (f @sa x y z)))
([sa f x y z & more]
(sub-reset! sa (apply f @sa x y z more))))


(defn notify [w o v]
(-notify-watches w o v))

(defprotocol bindable-coll)

Expand All @@ -15,122 +88,82 @@
(-value [this] (value-func @atm))
(-on-change [this func]
(add-watch atm (watch-id) #(func (-value this)))))

(deftype notifier-binding [notif value-func]
(-value [this] nil)
(-on-change [this func]
(add-watch notif (watch-id) (fn [_ _ _ v] (func (value-func v))))))
(add-watch atm (gensym "atom-binding") #(func (-value this)))))

(deftype notifier [watches]
(-value [this] nil)
(-on-change [this func]
(add-watch this (watch-id) (fn [_ _ _ v] (func v))))

(-lookup [o k] (notifier. {}))
(-lookup [o k not-found] not-found)

(-hash [t] nil)

(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]
(doseq [[key f] watches]
(f key this nil newval)))
(f key this oldval newval)))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(set! (.-watches this) (assoc watches key f)))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(set! (.-watches this) (dissoc watches key))))

(deftype bound-collection [notif hash opts stuff]
(deftype bound-collection [atm notif opts stuff]
(-value [this] (map :elem (vals (.-stuff this))))
(-on-change [this func]
(add-watch notif (watch-id) (fn [_ _ _ [event el v]]
(func event el v)))))

(defn- bc-add [bc key {:keys [value hash]}]
(let [notif (notifier. nil)
elem ((opt bc :as) notif)]
(set! (.-stuff bc) (assoc (.-stuff bc) key {:hash hash
:elem elem
:notif notif}))
(notify notif value)
(notify (.-notif bc) [:add elem value])))
(add-watch notif
(gensym "bound-coll")
(fn [_ _ _ [event el v]]
(func event el v)))))

(defn- bc-add [bc path key]
(let [sa (subatom (.-atm bc) path)
elem ((opt bc :as) sa)]
(set! (.-stuff bc) (assoc (.-stuff bc) key {:elem elem
:subatom sa}))
(notify (.-notif bc) nil [:add elem @sa])))

(defn- bc-remove [bc key]
(let [notif (.-notif bc)
prev ((.-stuff bc) key)]
(set! (.-stuff bc) (dissoc (.-stuff bc) key))
(notify (.-notif bc) [:remove (:elem prev) nil])) )

(defn- bc-change [bc key {:keys [hash value]}]
(let [prev ((.-stuff bc) key)]
(set! (.-stuff bc) (assoc (.-stuff bc) key (assoc prev :hash hash)))
(notify (:notif prev) value)))
(notify (.-notif bc) nil [:remove (:elem prev) nil])) )

(defn opt [bc k]
((.-opts bc) k))

(defn ->indexed [coll]
(map? coll) (seq coll)
(set? coll) (map (juxt identity identity) coll)
:else (map-indexed vector coll)))

(defn ->keyed [coll keyfn]
(fn [res v]
(assoc res (keyfn v) {:value v
:hash (hash v)}))
(into #{} (map keyfn (->indexed coll))))

(defn ->path [bc & segs]
(concat (or (opt bc :path) []) segs))

(defn- bc-compare [bc neue keyfn]
(let [prev (.-stuff bc)
nkeyed (->keyed neue keyfn)
pset (into #{} (keys prev))
nset (into #{} (keys nkeyed))
nset (->keyed neue (opt bc :keyfn))
added (set/difference nset pset)
removed (set/difference pset nset)
changed? (set/intersection pset nset)]
removed (set/difference pset nset)]
(doseq [a added]
(bc-add bc a (nkeyed a)))
(bc-add bc (->path bc a) a))
(doseq [r removed]
(bc-remove bc r))
(doseq [c changed?]
(let [latest (nkeyed c)
old (prev c)]
(when-not (= (:hash latest) (:hash old))
(bc-change bc c latest))))
(set! (.-hash bc) (hash neue))))

(defn notify [notif v]
(-notify-watches notif nil v))

(defn from-path [atm path]
(let [v (cond
(satisfies? IDeref atm) @atm
:else atm)]
(if-not path
(path v))))

(defn notifier? [n]
(instance? crate.binding.notifier n))
(bc-remove bc r))))

(defn bound-coll [atm & [path opts]]
(let [[path opts] (if opts
[path opts]
[nil path])
keyfn (or (:keyfn opts) hash)
bc (bound-collection. (notifier. nil) nil (or opts {}) {})]
(add-watch atm (watch-id) (fn [_ _ _ v]
(let [neue (from-path v path)
neue-hash (hash neue)]
(when-not (= neue-hash (.-hash bc))
(set! (.-hash bc) neue-hash)
(bc-compare bc neue keyfn)))))
(when-not (notifier? atm)
(bc-compare bc (from-path atm path) keyfn))
atm (if-not path
(subatom atm path))
opts (assoc opts :path path)
opts (if-not (:keyfn opts)
(assoc opts :keyfn first)
(assoc opts :keyfn (comp (:keyfn opts) second)))
bc (bound-collection. atm (notifier. nil) opts {})]
(add-watch atm (gensym "bound-coll") (fn [_ _ _ neue]
(bc-compare bc neue)))
(bc-compare bc @atm keyfn)

Expand All @@ -148,22 +181,4 @@

(defn bound [atm & [func]]
(let [func (or func identity)]
(if-not (binding? atm)
(atom-binding. atm func {})
(notifier-binding. atm func))))


stuff {:elem el
:hash h
:notif n}

(def x (atom [{:name "chris"}
{:name "john"}]))

(defpartial named [n]
[:li [:p (bound n :name)]])

[:ul (bound-collection x {:as named})]

(atom-binding. atm func {})))

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