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docs: basic starburst galaxy tutorial
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/data-platforms/starburst-galaxy/0_setup.qmd
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# Requirements and setup

In this tutorial, we will connect to Starburst Galaxy and verify our connection. Following tutorials will go through the basics of Ibis on Starburst Galaxy's demo data.

## Prerequisites

You need a Python environment with [Ibis installed](/install.qmd) and a [Starburst Galaxy account](

## Connect to Starburst Galaxy

First, connect to Starburst Galaxy. We'll use a `.env` in this example for secrets that are loaded as environment variables. This requires installing the `python-dotenv` package -- alternatively, you can set the environment variables for your system.

::: {.callout-tip}
Hover over (or click on mobile) the numbers in the code blocks to see tips and explanations.

import os # <1>
import ibis # <1>
from dotenv import load_dotenv # <1>
ibis.options.interactive = True # <2>
load_dotenv() # <3>
user = os.getenv("USERNAME") # <4>
password = os.getenv("PASSWORD") # <4>
host = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") # <4>
port = os.getenv("PORTNUMBER") # <4>
catalog = "sample" # <5>
schema = "demo" # <5>
con = ibis.trino.connect( # <6>
user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=catalog, schema=schema # <6>
) # <6>
con # <7>

1. Import necessary libraries.
2. Use Ibis in interactive mode.
3. Load environment variables.
4. Load secrets from environment variables.
5. Use the sample demo data.
6. Connect to Starburst Galaxy.
7. Display the connection object.

## Verify connection

List the tables your connection has:


Run a SQL query:

con.sql("select 1 as a")

If you have any issues, check your connection details above. If you are still having issues, [open an issue on Ibis]( and we'll do our best to help you!

## Next steps

Now that you're connected to Starburst Galaxy, you can [continue this tutorial to learn the basics of Ibis](1_basics.qmd) or query your own data. See the rest of the Ibis documentation or [Starburst Galaxy documentation]( You can [open an issue]( if you run into one!
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/data-platforms/starburst-galaxy/1_basics.qmd
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# Basic operations

In this tutorial, we will perform basic operations on demo data in Starburst Galaxy.

## Prerequisites

This tutorial assumes you have [completed the setup and connected to a database with the `astronauts` and `missions` demo data](0_setup.qmd), including setup of a Python environment with Ibis and the Trino backend installed.

# | code-fold: true
import os # <1>
import ibis # <1>
from dotenv import load_dotenv # <1>
ibis.options.interactive = True # <2>
load_dotenv() # <3>
user = os.getenv("USERNAME") # <4>
password = os.getenv("PASSWORD") # <4>
host = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") # <4>
port = os.getenv("PORTNUMBER") # <4>
catalog = "sample" # <5>
schema = "demo" # <5>
con = ibis.trino.connect( # <6>
user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=catalog, schema=schema # <6>
) # <6>
con # <7>

1. Import necessary libraries.
2. Use Ibis in interactive mode.
3. Load environment variables.
4. Load secrets from environment variables.
5. Use the sample demo data.
6. Connect to Starburst Galaxy.
7. Display the connection object.

## Load tables

Once you have a connection, you can assign tables to variables.

astronauts = con.table("astronauts") # <1>
missions = con.table("missions") # <2>

1. Create `astonauts` variable.
2. Create `missions` variable.

You can display slices of data:

t = astronauts[0:5] # <1>

1. Display the first 5 rows of the `astronauts` table.

missions[0:5] # <1>

1. Display the first 5 rows of the `missions` table.

## Table schemas

You can view the schemas of the tables:

astronauts.schema() # <1>

1. Display the schema of the `astronauts` table.

missions.schema() # <1>

1. Display the schema of the `missions` table.

## Selecting columns

With Ibis, you can run SQL-like queries on your tables. For example, you can select specific columns from a table:

t ="name", "nationality", "mission_title", "mission_number", "hours_mission") # <1>
t.head(3) # <2>

1. Select specific columns from the `astronauts` table.
2. Display the results.

And from the `missions` table:

t ="company_name", "status_rocket", "cost", "status_mission") # <1>
t.head(3) # <2>

1. Select specific columns from the `missions` table.
2. Display the results.

You can also apply filters to your queries:

t = astronauts.filter(~astronauts["nationality"].like("U.S.%")) # <1>
t.head(3) # <2>

1. Filter `astronauts` table by nationality.
2. Display the results.

And in the `missions` table:

t = missions.filter(missions["status_mission"] == "Failure") # <1>
t.head(3) # <2>

1. Filter `missions` table by mission status.
2. Display the results.

## Mutating columns

t = missions.mutate(date=ibis.coalesce(ibis._["date"], None)) # <1>
t = t.order_by(t["date"].asc()) # <2>
t.head(3) # <3>

1. Mutate the `date` column.
2. Order the results by the `date` column.
3. Display the results.

## Aggregating and grouping results

Ibis also supports aggregate functions and grouping. For example, you can count the number of rows in a table and group the results by a specific column:

t = astronauts.filter(~astronauts["nationality"].like("U.S.%")).agg( # <1>
ibis._.count().name("number_trips"), # <2>
ibis._["hours_mission"].max().name("longest_time"), # <2>
ibis._["hours_mission"].min().name("shortest_time"), # <2>
t.head(3) # <3>

1. Filter the `astronauts` table.
2. Aggregate the results.
3. Display the results.

You can add a group by:

t = (
astronauts.filter(~astronauts["nationality"].like("U.S.%")) # <1>
.group_by("nationality") # <2>
.agg( # <3>
[ # <3>
ibis._.count().name("number_trips"), # <3>
ibis._["hours_mission"].max().name("longest_time"), # <3>
ibis._["hours_mission"].min().name("shortest_time"), # <3>
] # <3>
) # <3>
t.head(3) # <4>

1. Filter the `astronauts` table.
2. Group by `nationality`.
3. Aggregate the results.
4. Display the results.

And order the results by 'number_trips' and 'longest_time' in descending order:

t = (
astronauts.filter(~astronauts["nationality"].like("U.S.%")) # <1>
.group_by("nationality") # <2>
.agg( # <3>
[ # <3>
ibis._.count().name("number_trips"), # <3>
ibis._["hours_mission"].max().name("longest_time"), # <3>
ibis._["hours_mission"].min().name("shortest_time"), # <3>
] # <3>
) # <3>
.order_by([ibis.desc("number_trips"), ibis.desc("longest_time")]) # <4>
t.head(3) # <5>

1. Filter the `astronauts` table.
2. Group by `nationality`.
3. Aggregate the results.
4. Order the result.
5. Display the results.

For the `missions` table, you can group by 'company_name' and 'status_rocket', and then sum the 'cost':

t = (
missions.filter(missions["status_mission"] == "Failure") # <1>
.group_by(["company_name", "status_rocket"]) # <2>
.agg(ibis._["cost"].sum().name("cost")) # <3>
.order_by(ibis.desc("cost")) # <4>
t.head(3) # <5>

1. Filter the `missions` table.
2. Group by `company_name` and `status_rocket`.
3. Aggregate the results.
4. Order the results.
5. Display the results.

## Writing tables

Finally, let's write a table back to Starburst Galaxy.

::: {.callout-warning}
You cannot write to the sample catalog; uncomment the code and write to a catalog you have write access to.

#con.create_table("t", t, overwrite=True)

## Next steps

Now that you've connected to Starburst Galaxy and learned the basics, you can query your own data. See the rest of the Ibis documentation or [Starburst Galaxy documentation]( You can [open an issue]( if you run into one!
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/data-platforms/starburst-galaxy/_metadata.yml
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# options specified here will apply to all tutorials in this folder

# freeze computational output
# (see
freeze: true

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