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Container inventory legacy app

This project illustrates the integration of a legacy application with MQ and Kafka or with a change data capture implementation. The application manages the current container inventory for the shipment company, introduced in the end to end solution here..

The JEE application is a 3 tiers architecture, used to manage container inventory. As part of those containers are the Reefer ones. So the approach is to use the legacy application to keep manage the inventory but use MQ or CDC to propagate the inventory updates to the microservice world.

We recommend readding the content from the book view.

Build and Run the JEE app

Building this booklet locally

The content of this repository is written with markdown files, packaged with MkDocs and can be built into a book-readable format by MkDocs build processes.

  1. Install MkDocs locally following the official documentation instructions.
  2. git clone (or your forked repository if you plan to edit)
  3. cd refarch-container-inventory
  4. mkdocs serve
  5. Go to in your browser.

Pushing the book to GitHub Pages

  1. Ensure that all your local changes to the master branch have been committed and pushed to the remote repository.
    1. git push origin master
  2. Ensure that you have the latest commits to the gh-pages branch, so you can get others' updates.
    git checkout gh-pages
    git pull origin gh-pages
    git checkout master
  3. Run mkdocs gh-deploy from the root refarch-kc directory.


As this implementation solution is part of the Event Driven architeture reference architecture, the contribution policies apply the same way here.


Please contact me for any questions.