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Here you find the new productpage-v2 service. This service has only one change compared to productpage-v1:

  • Changes to include coverattribute from details-v2 service


To build the container image locally:

docker build -t bookinfo-productpage-v2:1 .

To push the image to IBM Container Registry Frankfurt ensure you have done these commands:

ibmcloud login
ibmcloud cr region-set eu-central
ibmcloud cr login

Once logged in to the container registry tag the local image and push it up to the docker registry in Frankfurt:

docker tag bookinfo-productpage-v2:1 
docker push 

Deploy manually

First deply the new deployment productpage-v2, this will not impact the existing running productpage-v1.

oc apply -f openshift/deployment.yaml

And add the new service named productpage-v2 notice how it has a selector that only sends traffic to pods with version: v2:

oc apply -f openshift/service.yaml

We also want to make Istio aware of the new services for productpage. We do this by updating the destination rule:

oc apply -f openshift/destination-rule-productpage-v1+.yaml

And the virtual service.

oc apply -f openshift/virtual-services-productpage-v1+.yaml

Notice how we are not sending any traffic to productpage-v2 yet.

Check port forwarding for

By using portforwarding have a look at how the two services productpage and productpage-v2 gives consistenly different results.

productpage-v2 does contain the cover image:

oc port-forward svc/productpage-v2 9080:9080

Open http://localhost:9080/productpage and see the cover page.

Then afterwards check productpage and see how it does not container cover image:

oc port-forward svc/productpage 9080:9080

Open http://localhost:9080/productpage to see no cover image.

Enable 20% traffic to new release

As a deployment option we can now start to send some traffic to the new productpage-v2. Lets start by routing 20% of the traffic to this version:

oc apply -f openshift/virtual-services-productpage-v2+.yaml

Reload your bookinfo page 10 times and see 1-3 times the new page with he cover should be displayed.


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