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The zcrypto NodeJS module provides APIs to RACF key rings and KDB (key databases) in z/OS.


This module leverages the Certificate Management Services (CMS) API. The APIs in this module can be used to create/manage your own key database files, and extract certificates stored in the key database file or RACF key ring.


Before installing, download and install IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js 16 or higher. zcrypto v1.4.0 or higher is required for Node.js 18 or higher.

Simple to use


npm install zcrypto

Using zcrypto with RACF Keyrings

This assumes that a RACF Keyring was created and connected to a RACF private/public certificate and certificate authority.

const zcrypto = require('zcrypto');

// Create an object of a zcrypto
var crypt = new zcrypto.ZCrypto();

// Open RACF Keyring labelled MYRING1

// Export RACF private/public keys labeled "ServerCert" to PKCS1 format
var pem = zcrypto.exportKeysToPKCS1(crypt, "ServerCert");

// Or export RACF private/public keys labeled "ServerCert" to PKCS8 format
pem = zcrypto.exportKeysToPKCS8(crypt, "ServerCert");

// pem object contains pem.key, pem.cert and pem.publickey

// Export RACF ca certificate labeled "CaCert" to PEM format
var cacert = zcrypto.exportCertToPEM(crypt, "CaCert");

// Launch a HTTPS web server with private key and certificate authority
const https = require('https'); 

// Configuration for the HTTPS web server.
const options = {
  key: pem.key,
  cert: pem.cert

// Create the https server and begin listening for requests.
https.createServer(options, (req, res) => {
  res.end('hello world\n'); 
}).listen(3000); // Listen for requests on port 3000.

Using zcrypto with KDB (Key Databases)

const zcrypto = require('zcrypto');

// Create an object of a zcrypto
var crypt = new zcrypto.ZCrypto();

// Example: Create a KDB file with a password, length and expiry time
crypt.createKDB("my.kdb", "root", 10024, 0);

// Example: Open kdb file if it exists
crypt.openKDB("my.kdb", "root");

// Import a P12 file as Cert.p12 using password and label
// Update only allowed for KDB
crypt.importKey("Cert.p12", "root", "MYCERT3");

// Export to P12 using password and label
var pem = crypt.exportKeyToFile("Cert.p12.nodedup", "root", "MYCERT3");

// Or export directly from a P12 File to PEM
pem = zcrypto.exportP12FileToPEM("Cert.p12", "root");

// Launch a HTTPS web server
const https = require('https'); 

// Configuration for the HTTPS web server.
const options = {
  key: pem.key,
  cert: pem.cert,

// Create the https server and begin listening for requests.
https.createServer(options, (req, res) => {
  res.end('hello world\n'); 
}).listen(3000); // Listen for requests on port 3000.


See examples

How to generate a RACF private/public certificate and RACF keyring

Ensure that your z/OS Userid has CONTROL access to RACF facility classes IRR.DIGTCERT.GENCERT, IRR.DIGTCERT.CERTAUTH, and IRR.DIGTCERT.ADD

Modify and submit job cert.jcl: submit cert.jcl

How to generate a pkcs12 for import into KDB

# Must be performed on a non-z/OS machine and then transferred to z/OS as binary
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024 
openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out certrequest.csr
openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out Cert.p12 -in certificate.pem -inkey privatekey.pem -passin pass:password -passout pass:password