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Pokevault API Documentation


Pokevault is an API for managing a collection of Pokemon, allowing players to buy, sell, and view details about their Pokemon. This documentation provides details on the available endpoints and how to use them.

Getting Started

To get started with the Pokevault API, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up the database by running migrations with npm run migrate.
  4. Start the server with npm start.
  5. Explore the API endpoints detailed below.

Endpoint List

Player Endpoint:
  • POST /players/register
  • POST /players/login
  • POST /players/profile
Pokemon Endpoint:
  • GET /pokemons
  • GET /pokemons/:id
My Pokemon Endpoint:
  • GET /mypokemons
  • POST /mypokemons/gacha
  • DELETE /mypokemons/:id
Order Endpoint:
  • POST /orders/topup
  • POST /orders/pay

Player Endpoint

Get /players/profile

Profile information of the authenticated player.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token


Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)

    "id": 1,
    "username": "Example",
    "email": "",
    "balance": 0,
    "createdAt": "2024-01-18T14:08:21.561Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-01-19T05:33:04.735Z"

Error Response:

Response: (404 - Not Found)

  "message": "NotFoundError",
POST /players/register

Register new player for player authentication.


    "username": "Example",
    "email": "",
    "password": "12345"

Success Response:

Response: (201 - Created)

    "message": "Register Successful",
    "username": "example",
    "email": ""

Error Response:

Response: (400 - Bad Request)

  "message": "Username is required"
  "message": "Email is required"
  "message": "Invalid email format"
  "message": "Password is required"

Response: (401 - Unauthorized)

  "message": "Email already registered"
POST /players/login

Player authentication.


    "email": "",
    "password": "12345"

Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)


Error Response:

Response: (400 - Bad Request)

  "message": "Email is required"
  "message": "Password is required"

Response: (401 - Unauthorized)

  "message": "Authentication failed"

Pokemon Endpoint

GET /pokemons

Get a list of all Pokemon.

Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)

            "id": 1,
            "name": "bulbasaur",
            "image": "",
            "attack": 49,
            "defense": 49,
            "hp": 45,
            "speed": 45,
            "level": 1,
            "type": "grass, poison",
            "rarity": "Uncommon",
            "createdAt": "2024-01-18T04:26:01.787Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-01-18T04:26:01.787Z"
GET /pokemons/:id

Display Pokemon details based id.


    "id": integer

Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)

    "id": 1,
    "name": "bulbasaur",
    "image": "",
    "attack": 49,
    "defense": 49,
    "hp": 45,
    "speed": 45,
    "level": 1,
    "type": "grass, poison",
    "rarity": "Uncommon",
    "createdAt": "2024-01-18T04:26:01.787Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-01-18T04:26:01.787Z"

Error Response:

Response: (404 - Not found)

  "message": "Not found"

MyPokemon Endpoint

GET /mypokemons

Get the Pokemon that the player has.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token


Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)

  • If Don't have any Pokemon
  • If Have any Pokemon
        "PlayerId": 2,
        "PokemonId": 49,
        "Pokemon": {
            "name": "venomoth",
            "image": "",
            "attack": 65,
            "defense": 60,
            "hp": 70,
            "speed": 90,
            "level": 1,
            "type": "bug, poison",
            "rarity": "Rare"
        "PlayerId": 2,
        "PokemonId": 52,
        "Pokemon": {
            "name": "meowth",
            "image": "",
            "attack": 45,
            "defense": 35,
            "hp": 40,
            "speed": 90,
            "level": 1,
            "type": "normal",
            "rarity": "Uncommon"
POST /mypokemons/gacha

Gacha to get Pokemon randomly.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token


Success Response:

Response: (201 - Created)

    "message": "Gacha successful.",
    "newBalance": 0,
    "acquiredPokemon": {
        "id": 648,
        "name": "meloetta-aria",
        "attack": 77,
        "defense": 77,
        "hp": 100,
        "speed": 90,
        "type": "normal, psychic",
        "rarity": "Legendary"

Error Response:

Response: (400 - Bad Request)

  "message": "InsufficientBalanceError"

Response: (404 - Not found)

  "message": "Not found"
DELETE /mypokemons/:id

Delete owned pokemon based on id.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token



  "id": integer

Success Response:

Response: (201 - Created)

    "message": "Deleted"

Error Response:

Response: (404 - Not found)

  "message": "Not found"

Order Endpoint

POST /orders/topup

Do an initial Midtrans to make an order for how much balance want to add to the player.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token



  "amount": integer

Success Response:

Response: (200 - OK)

    "token": "example_token_order",
    "redirect_url": "example_midtrans_url"

Error Response:

Response: (400 - Bad Request)

  "message": "Amount is required"
POST /orders/pay

Make status and balance changes after Midtrans payments based on token.

Headers: Authorization: Bearer token



  "token": "example_token_order",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept"

Success Response:

Response: (201 - Created)

    "message": "Payment status updated"

Global Error

Response: (500 - Internal Server Error)

  "message": "Internal Server Error"


The project uses the following dependencies:

  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • Bcrypt
  • Jsonwebtoken
  • Jest & Supertest (for testing)
  • Axios (for Poke API integration)

Install them using npm install.

External APIs

Poke API

The Poke API is used to fetch details about Pokemon, including names, images, stats, and more. Visit the Poke API documentation for more information.


Midtrans is integrated to handle payment transactions for player balance top-up. Visit the Midtrans documentation for more information on integrating Midtrans into your application.


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